After Dark. New team, brand new schedule.

92 Tauren Druid
After Dark is building a new progression raiding team with a new schedule.

Days: Wednesday, Sunday, Monday
Time: 6PM – 9PM (servertime)

Our previous team group, Team Tentacle, Finished its progression at 4/16 HM. Schedule ended up being a boss we could not defeat hehe.

Raid wise,

We are providing:
- Flasks
- Constant guild repairs for raiders
- Feast
- Lively (believe me) mumble server.

My expectations are:
- Reliability
- Focus
- Knowledge of your class
- Performances on par with expectations of your gear and spec
- Ability to follow directions
- Ability to take constructive criticism.

** Also important to mention that we are not recruiting anyone under 18yo. **

We are recruiting for full time spots, not just short time replacements. We usually do very little recruitment because we keep our core for a long time.

We are interested in getting 4 or 5 players to fill our team. Every application will be considered but we obviously will need to balance the raid around tokens.

In specifics, the following classes/spec would be great but any applicant will be thoroughly evaluated.

Shaman - Resto
Monk - Mist
Paladin - Holy

We are a serious 10 man (when required) that likes to progress at a decent pace w/o losing our life’s over it.

If after reading this you feel that you would be a good addition for our new group, you can contact me in gave via
Btag: Ahvanar#1455
or apply directly via our forums at

I will contact you ASAP.


Edited by Ahvfurion on 2/19/2013 5:48 PM PST
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92 Tauren Druid
Getting close to have a functional team. a warrior would be pretty amazing.
Edited by Ahvfurion on 2/15/2013 6:52 PM PST
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92 Tauren Druid
updated with healing needs.
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