<Warcraftier> wants YOU! (again >_>)

90 Night Elf Druid
Hail CC!

We are seeking to fill a few holes in our roster and just round it out a bit in general (there's a boomkins are fat joke I could make here, but I'll refrain from doing so XD).

For those that are not familiar with who we are, <Warcraftier> is a 25-man guild that has been around since the start of BC. We've always been 25-man, and have no intentions to ever go 10-man, so if you're a 25-man heroic raiding enthusiast like us, consider applying! ;)

We're currently 5/12N and 8/16H last tier. Progression is fun and all, but we're more interested in individuals who do not abuse internet anonymity.

We are currently actively looking for:
- 1 Mage. Again. xD

Although other exceptional candidates are more than welcome to apply.

Our website: http://warcraftier.guildlaunch.com

Questions? Whisper me in game! :D
Edited by Lerrielin on 3/17/2013 7:35 AM PDT
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100 Undead Warrior
Join Warcraftier and Die, yesss!
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100 Pandaren Monk
Awesome. Awesome people.
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100 Draenei Mage
I giggle at fat owlbear joke. They rolly pollie. If I see the approved mages, I send to you.
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90 Night Elf Druid
Oh I forgot to mention, even though our website says No Gnomes, we do like gnomes! It's just an inside joke. >_>
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100 Night Elf Priest
Always space inside of errant moonkin tummies for a gnome or two? <.<
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38 Gnome Priest
Eep! Stay away, owlbeast. *Runs in horror from her hidey hole where she was checking out all the pretty robes and watching to see if anyone used her KickStep invention.*
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100 Draenei Shaman
Poor Sizy.
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90 Night Elf Druid
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38 Gnome Priest
Hey that's me!

I'll come help out if you guys will have a lowly little 24 run with you. I created a heal bomb that I can toss that can heal for like 100s of life.

*tosses the bomb in demonstration*
+112 hp

See! *stands with hands on hips and chest puffed out, proud*

I'm too hot for the Thunder King. Especially after surviving Troggs and Owlbeasts.

((In all seriousness, I'd love to bring Izby along but I'm not exactly at raiding health but I highly recommend everyone else swing their way for some exciting times. They are super sweet people. Especially, Lerrielin. She once called my name out on a public forum in a gesture of friendship. None of the other popular kids do that.))
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90 Night Elf Druid
Pop-u-lar? What is this popular you speak of? :o
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100 Night Elf Priest
Must be a gnomish invention.

It sounds horrible and painful.
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53 Gnome Mage
Abon read over the notices on the board. There was no room for her sales flyer. Hmmm which notice should she get rid of to make space? Warcraftier was looking for more people? What were they doing, eating them? Didn't they already have like three kazillion people? This mystery needed to be investigated immediately, but first she needed to post the mid-February sale flyer. Then she would infiltrate Warcraftier, discover their secrets and probably sell 300,000 gold worth of beauty products before exposing their scandal.

She then dropped her application in the mail.

Dear Miss Lerrielin,

My name is Abon and I'm the mage you've been looking for. No need to search further.

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38 Gnome Priest
A Pop-U-Lar? You never heard of a Pop-U-Lar? Oh it's the coolest thing ever. Say you and your friends are out adventuring and it's about to rain. You just push the button and BOMF! Pop-U-Lar is up and ready for everyone to go inside out of the rain. They even have working fireplaces. Man I wish I had come up with that invention although I would have called it the Pop-Up-Lair, but that probably wouldn't have sold as well. *shrugs*

To be a mage for Warcraftier, do you have to have mage spells? My devices, they're all medical in nature. Like my InstaSafeZoneShield or my Bandaid Bomb with Pine Fresh Lemon Zest scents and a heroic victory tune so people know that your wounds came from defeating your foe. Now in six colors for only 5.99.

And if that doesn't work, can I be your mascot? I'll ride around on the front of your dragons waving a big pretty banner screaming and tossing confetti.
Edited by Sizy on 2/19/2013 9:48 PM PST
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90 Night Elf Druid
A medium-sized, nondescript bear waddles leisurely to a mailbox. She unloads the parcels, which comprise of the usual random bear parts gathered by her guildmates. Apparently, sending this particular pseudo-bear parts from real bears is a joke that never gets old. Lerrielin lets the bear parts fall to the ground around her as she sorts through her other mail. "Expired auctions, crafting requests, paid raid services... yep, the usual stuff." She nods to herself.

"Wait, what's this?" She read the one sentence from Abon. "Mmm, Abon. Abon. I remember that name. A gnome, I believe. And self-confirmed to be a mage." She cocks her head to one side. "However, as I recall, this particular gnome is lacking in a few seasons, although she certainly makes up for it in confidence! Well, I suppose that makes sense; gnomes do seem to have an over-abundance of everything."

The bear lifts her haunch from the ground and when she fully rose, she stood in her full height of her elven form. Taking out a quill and parchment from her pack, she writes:

"Dear Abon,

While your conviction and enthusiasm is commendable, I'm afraid that you'll require more seasons before we can take you to the front line.

- Lerrielin"

In a fluid motion, she deposits the letter into the mailbox and returns to her bear form. Leisurely again she waddles away, leaving behind the pile of assorted bear parts.
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90 Night Elf Druid
A Pop-U-Lar? You never heard of a Pop-U-Lar? Oh it's the coolest thing ever. Say you and your friends are out adventuring and it's about to rain. You just push the button and BOMF! Pop-U-Lar is up and ready for everyone to go inside out of the rain. They even have working fireplaces. Man I wish I had come up with that invention although I would have called it the Pop-Up-Lair, but that probably wouldn't have sold as well. *shrugs*

To be a mage for Warcraftier, do you have to have mage spells? My devices, they're all medical in nature. Like my InstaSafeZoneShield or my Bandaid Bomb with Pine Fresh Lemon Zest scents and a heroic victory tune so people know that your wounds came from defeating your foe. Now in six colors for only 5.99.

And if that doesn't work, can I be your mascot? I'll ride around on the front of your dragons waving a big pretty banner screaming and tossing confetti.

I dunno Sizy, I personally like "Pop-Up-Lair" more than "Pop-U-Lar", although maybe a combination of the two would work better. "Pop-U-Liar"? Hm, I suppose that sounds like one of those folks that work with the laws of the Alliance or something like that.

I am afraid that you would indeed need to be a mage to fulfill our mage needs, and moreover a mage with the appropriate seasons. As for a mascot position, I think you should rethink the appealingness of the role. If you were to in fact adopt the position that you suggested - riding on the front of our dragons (or other steeds) waving a banner and throwing confetti - well, the best case scenario I could see for you would be similar to what I see happening to those shinny lights at the end of tentacles on those fish I saw once in the depths of Vashj'ir. And I don't think that's very fun.
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38 Gnome Priest
Oh good point. They might try to nibble on my cool shiny goggles. What if I stood behind you? I'm small, they won't see me. It'll just look like confetti and streamers shooting from your back like wings. OH I could build you a pair of wings as well.

((Serious note, if I have Izby ready in time, I'll PUG for you until you find someone permanent. Oh, you may want to check out the post by the couple transferring. I think one was a mage and the other a hunter. They may be a good test fit.))
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90 Night Elf Druid
Weeeeeeeelll, as I tend to run about on all fours, it'll look more like a bear farting out streamers and confetti. Which might be an effective tactic.

((Yeah we've already met those two. Great people. :D))
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90 Night Elf Druid
Still looking for a mage and a warlock, and it would also be nice to finally have a DPS warrior. :D
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100 Human Warlock
I can talk to Lunaeis see if he wouldn't mind putting in for a warrior if the spot is permanent.
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