[New to Horde RP] Undead RP

71 Undead Warlock
So I'm fairly familiar with RP and how it functions on the Alliance side. I've recently delved into seriously developing an RP persona on the Horde side.

I'm curious if there is anything Horde side that is "undead centric". A guild, a group, some event possibly that I can attend IC or OOC that can help me develop my character.
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100 Undead Warrior
Currently we have no group or event that isss Forsssaken centric, yesss. We certainly have individual RPersss who have flessshed out Forsssaken charactersss fairly well, yesss. If we are on, asssk usss any quessstionsss you feel like, yesss. Alssso, lurk in Hordeooc or hearthssstone chat channelsss, and asssk in there, too, yesss.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
There are a couple of nuances that have worked themselves into and out of my guild's sessions.

If you'd like to join in, or throw around some ideas, give one of us a skinless, bone-laiden prod.
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90 Undead Warlock
It was nice to meet you the other night at the Midnight Market on Klaria. I've personally loved undead for the pure mutability they have in regards to how to develop them, all the way back to my beloved teen years playing necromancers in Dungeons and Dragons.

The bit with the book and critical amnesia was a nice touch. I look forward to seeing how it plays out. If ever I can give some insight to my take on undeath and all that it brings, just gimme a shout in game. My availability isn't all that great right now with other commitments, but if ever I'm about, I'd be happy to help.
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71 Undead Warlock
Thank you all very much for your help and support. I hope to see you all in game, at some point I'm sure I will, and that we have a chance to interact IC.

It was nice to meet you the other night at the Midnight Market on Klaria. I've personally loved undead for the pure mutability they have in regards to how to develop them, all the way back to my beloved teen years playing necromancers in Dungeons and Dragons.

The bit with the book and critical amnesia was a nice touch. I look forward to seeing how it plays out. If ever I can give some insight to my take on undeath and all that it brings, just gimme a shout in game. My availability isn't all that great right now with other commitments, but if ever I'm about, I'd be happy to help.

Thank you for your feed back :D If anything ever comes up I'll try and look you up in-game.
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