((Absolutely, and please do. We'll be anchoring our raids with Fmoonies to keep us all on the same server.))
[Event] Spring 2013 Kosh'harg (Horde-RP)
We are scheduled from 9p-12a EST (6p-9p PST) so as to maximize attendance on both coasts and across all the fruited plains in between.
Will even thoe I'm allie im come not on allie but a horde to see how your clans act..
Hail to my brothers and sisters on Feathermoon! I am so happy and grateful to see someone holding such a grand event! I am going to try to be there and bring those in my guild who would also enjoy the spectacle. Thank you so much for hosting this celebration of the HORDE! :)
Hail to my brothers and sisters on Feathermoon! I am so happy and grateful to see someone holding such a grand event! I am going to try to be there and bring those in my guild who would also enjoy the spectacle. Thank you so much for hosting this celebration of the HORDE! :)
Awesome! Looking forward to seeing you there. Talk to your Guild Master and get them to sign up for the guild so we can include you in the Procession of the Clans!
This sounds like a great event! A friend of mine in my guild saw the post on Joystiq and informed me about it. What time does the event actually start? I work late and don't get home till around 8:00 PST.
Representing Silver Hand, a server where the RP has been dead for a long time.
Representing Silver Hand, a server where the RP has been dead for a long time.
Kazgrol tugged at the reins of the hulking Wyvern he sat upon, forcing it to a halt as his attention snapped to the nailed message. His brow furrowed as he read the message, eyes lingering on the word 'Kosh’harg' for a moment longer than the rest. It had been some time since he had even heard the word uttered. Several decades in fact, the last time it had be called a mere memory of days past.
The older Orc finished reading the message and grunted, his teeth grinding slowly as he thought.
'A Kosh’harg? In these times?'
The more he thought on it, the more the message made sense. Perhaps a gathering was necessary. Perhaps a visit to the Land of the Ancestors was what the Horde needed, in their path of domination and conquest.
Kazgrol grunted again, as if reaffirming his decision to his Wyvern.
"It seems we're heading home, Ashkra."
((Cross-Realmer here! I saw the post on Wowinsider and knew I'd be attending just by reading the title! Have yet to see a proper gathering of the clans done before, so this looks extremely promising.
The involvement of other races should provide some...awesome encounters!
Can't wait! I'll pass the message on to my server, if it hasn't been passed on already!))
The older Orc finished reading the message and grunted, his teeth grinding slowly as he thought.
'A Kosh’harg? In these times?'
The more he thought on it, the more the message made sense. Perhaps a gathering was necessary. Perhaps a visit to the Land of the Ancestors was what the Horde needed, in their path of domination and conquest.
Kazgrol grunted again, as if reaffirming his decision to his Wyvern.
"It seems we're heading home, Ashkra."
((Cross-Realmer here! I saw the post on Wowinsider and knew I'd be attending just by reading the title! Have yet to see a proper gathering of the clans done before, so this looks extremely promising.
The involvement of other races should provide some...awesome encounters!
Can't wait! I'll pass the message on to my server, if it hasn't been passed on already!))
Edited by Kazgrol on 3/16/2013 9:43 PM PDT
As the light grew this morning over the green and rolling fields of Nagrand I thought back to the last Kosh'harg.
I came here with my family riding astride my new companion, Blackclaw. How proud we were that day, basking in the glow of fresh victories against the Draenei. The sable banner of the Thunderlord Clan was held high at the front of our procession, with Fenris towering over all on the back of his enormous worg mount. We had brought honor to our Clan, and our brothers of the Blackrock cheered our arrival on the fields beneath Oshu'gun's shadow. I felt as though we were riding to a great destiny.
I did not know it at the time of course, but the destiny we were riding to was far more dreadful and chaotic than we could have imagined. The betrayer had already subverted the leadership of Ner'zhul and the Spirits had already abandoned us. I did not understand the sad looks on the faces of our elder shaman that day. I cheered with all the rest when we acclaimed Blackhand as Warchief and the plans to assault Karabor were announced. We would have a great victory to celebrate at the next Kosh'harg. So we cheered.
If I had known I was cheering our own enslavement and near destruction, perhaps I would have worn the same expression as those elders who returned bewildered from the mountain's heart. I did not - could not - understand it though.
Decades have passed in the interim, and the skies above the holy mountain are now rent. The stars of my youth are now obscured by the terrible beauty of the twisting nether. The story of our world's destruction is written there on the canvas of the heavens, visible even in the growing light of this new day. For a generation it has been a reminder of all that was lost.
Today however we write a new chapter in that tale.
Today Kosh'harg is renewed.
I came here with my family riding astride my new companion, Blackclaw. How proud we were that day, basking in the glow of fresh victories against the Draenei. The sable banner of the Thunderlord Clan was held high at the front of our procession, with Fenris towering over all on the back of his enormous worg mount. We had brought honor to our Clan, and our brothers of the Blackrock cheered our arrival on the fields beneath Oshu'gun's shadow. I felt as though we were riding to a great destiny.
I did not know it at the time of course, but the destiny we were riding to was far more dreadful and chaotic than we could have imagined. The betrayer had already subverted the leadership of Ner'zhul and the Spirits had already abandoned us. I did not understand the sad looks on the faces of our elder shaman that day. I cheered with all the rest when we acclaimed Blackhand as Warchief and the plans to assault Karabor were announced. We would have a great victory to celebrate at the next Kosh'harg. So we cheered.
If I had known I was cheering our own enslavement and near destruction, perhaps I would have worn the same expression as those elders who returned bewildered from the mountain's heart. I did not - could not - understand it though.
Decades have passed in the interim, and the skies above the holy mountain are now rent. The stars of my youth are now obscured by the terrible beauty of the twisting nether. The story of our world's destruction is written there on the canvas of the heavens, visible even in the growing light of this new day. For a generation it has been a reminder of all that was lost.
Today however we write a new chapter in that tale.
Today Kosh'harg is renewed.
(( Hey there! I'd love to attend, and I've signed up, but I haven't gotten an invite or friend request yet! Is it at a specific time today, or has it already begun...? I'm finishing up dailies and flying to Outland as soon as I can, though. :)
Ah, nevermind! I just re-read through the post and found what I was looking for. ))
Ah, nevermind! I just re-read through the post and found what I was looking for. ))
Edited by Jaythen on 3/20/2013 12:26 PM PDT
The bright sun gleamed off the cleaned steel of his sword. As he walked toward the inn, Trophis Skullsunder took note of a hide with a burned ink inscription nailed to a nearby post. He stared at the tanned hide and read it quickly. Thinking it only another war update from the Isle of Thunder, his heart stopped at the word 'Kosh'harg'. The orc's thick jaw lowered, exposing yellowed teeth to the harsh Durotar sun. He removed his helm with his free hand and re-read the message to ensure it said what he thought it said.
Securing the massive two-hander to his back alongside its twin, the veteran warrior turned and faced his wolf. He replaced his helm and began walking toward his faithful companion. A proud grin spread across his hardened features as he mounted. He ran a plated hand across the wolf's thick white fur as he spoke to it.
"Nagrand is some travel from here, but the portal in Orgrimmar will cut the time down a great deal. If you carry me there quickly," Trophis laughed as he took up the reigns, "There will be a big Talbuk steak with your name on it."
The wolf howled and Trophis roared.
"To Orgrimmar!"
Securing the massive two-hander to his back alongside its twin, the veteran warrior turned and faced his wolf. He replaced his helm and began walking toward his faithful companion. A proud grin spread across his hardened features as he mounted. He ran a plated hand across the wolf's thick white fur as he spoke to it.
"Nagrand is some travel from here, but the portal in Orgrimmar will cut the time down a great deal. If you carry me there quickly," Trophis laughed as he took up the reigns, "There will be a big Talbuk steak with your name on it."
The wolf howled and Trophis roared.
"To Orgrimmar!"
Well done Thundering Hammer and all who participated! This was truly an epic event - RP or otherwise!!!
I look forward to participating in many Kosh'harg in the years to come!
I look forward to participating in many Kosh'harg in the years to come!
It was so tempting to go scuffle at Ha'laa.
Thank you thank you thank you... this was by far one of the funnest events I have attended. My husband and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Really look forward to more in the future. Thanks again so much for the effort and planning that went into such a large event across realms and with different guilds. Bravo to everyone who made this event possible and such an enjoyable evening!
I was just telling Thorgrun that I come and go from WoW pretty often, but this is something that could keep me playing. I mean, I've done the raiding thing, and I've done the PvP, and that's all okay, but I came back for the role-playing. I came back to tell stories, and to help create the kind of atmosphere that I would want to play in. Kosh'harg is a tremendous creative outlet for me, and its just the thing that could keep me playing for a long, long time.
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