Classic Content

87 Human Paladin
I have a lvl 60 DK on Cenarion Circle, looking for people that want to raid level 60 raids, or anybody going thru, im a RP'er, and im doing old content before I hit BC, I capped my xp at lvl 60 until I complete everything. If anybody out there that is on this server going thru classic raids either solo or group. Send me a message on my toon, the name is Nèvé. it is alt 138 for the first è and alt 130 for the 2nd é.. would really like to tag along, Thank you..

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100 Night Elf Druid
Hello there.
I can't tell if what you're interested in is getting level 60s together to enjoy old raids with one another, or if you'd rather have higher level people just quickly run you through them.

I have interest in making a character and staggering off their level at old level caps, then going through the appropriate raids, however I can't find enough people on this server with a similar interest (whoaren'tdouches).

Let me know which one of the two you're interested in. If it's just to run you through, I might be able to do so sometimes. If it's to form a proper level 60 group, I'd be willing to make an alt and work towards that if other people show interest.
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100 Human Paladin
I would absolutely love to join you. I'm new to this realm and started this toon in hopes of doing something like this, since I have taken many breaks and missed experiencing a lot of the older content at the appropriate level.
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87 Human Paladin
Im interested in getting a group of 60's togather, I think it would be fun, I capped my lvl 60 dk for xp right now, I would love to get another toon to 60 like a warrior or pali tank, and tank the classics. So yeah I would be interested in making a group, its hard to find other players to do that. I have an 85 pali on named Ñeveah on Cenarion circle, my dk is on another acct, I can always run him thru myself, but its no fun. Ill send you both a message in game, and if u see me on, hit me, Im into RP, and leveling up togather. Hope to meet u both..
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100 Night Elf Druid
Awesome! I have a baby night elf warrior I made last night whose name is Bomie. I hope to learn how to tank and make her Protection, as tanking is something I haven't fully experienced and why not add some extra thrill to all this?
My leveling will be slightly slow though, since I plan on doing professions while leveling. <_<

See you in-game!
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87 Human Paladin
Hey Aloom, That's totally fine to slow level. Im doing the same thing aswell. I want to find a group that is willing to stick around, Let people learn and enjoy the game more, I think it would be great tanking classic raids. So im sticking around the entire time. Also, I can take you thru with my Tank, but heal you while you learn to tank the raid if your interested in that aswell..just let me know
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90 Human Warlock
This is something I've been interesting in for some time. any idea on the projected time of when you are going to start to run the raids? I'm in no hurry, just curious as to when you think you would be able to start. It could take me a little while to lvl a new toon to 60, but i'll be making a character on that realm as soon as i can. I do however have a lvl 60 mage xp capped on my current realm, and with cross realm groups I could in theory run with that. Sadly I don't have the money for a transfer.
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100 Worgen Death Knight
This could be neat; I could probably power-level someone to 60 and then see what can be done; it's been ages since I've done Molten Core, much less in a 40-man raid, and it would be neat.
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90 Human Warlock
Ok, it didn't take as long to be able to make the toon as i thought. I have a lock name Mordun on your server now. Seems a bit redundant to do the same class again, but I've missed ALOT of raiding with this class and would like to do it. Besides, no matter what I play I always come back to this class. LOL
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Sounds fun would be willing to start a new toon for this great if we can start at lvl 60 stuff and work up to 90 over time. I have done low lvl 30-40ish warrior tanking some wrath pally tanking and cata bear tanking and have healed fronm low lvl to max lvl on druid, priest and shammy, have yet to do a full dps class from 1 to 90 yet but would be willing to lvl any thing what ever you guys think you will need let me know and i'll start a toon.
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Ended up wanted to try a dps class all the way so went gnome mage named wabajack, also we should make a guild.
Edited by Orathos on 3/14/2013 7:09 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
... I think somewhere, Essaurn just said "Forsooth, there passeth a Molten Giant."
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