[A, RP] The Wellspring School LF hugs :)

100 Draenei Mage
Okay, what's all this, then?
The Wellspring School is an RP/PvE guild on Cenarion Circle (US-Alliance). Our membership is currently made up of people who favor a 50/50 balance of RP to PvE, and are active at a variety of hours of the day (but not quite all hours). We're also feminism and LGBT friendly and would prefer to play with people who understand how to not be jerks.

We hold a weekly Guild Assembly on Tuesday nights at 6pm server, and a casual 10 man raid on Thursdays from 6-9pm and Sundays from 4-7pm server. Other events are usually scheduled during server peak time (5pm-10pm) weekdays, depending on availability and attendance.

Why are you looking for hugs?
Because we realize that, as a primarily-RP guild on a smaller RP server, recruitment isn't going to be spectacularly busy. So while we're definitely welcoming people who want to join us as members, we're also looking for a few other things. Here's some of them:
  • People who'd like a little bit of help or advice getting used to roleplaying. /join RPNewbies or whisper a guild member to get in contact with someone who can help you. (Experienced RPers are welcome to hang out in the channel too - but keep it on topic. ;D )
  • People who want to teach newbies, one-on-one or in small groups.
  • Lore nuts! Mmm, delicious nuts.
  • Collaborations on events with other roleplaying guilds. We can provide you with experts or consultants, and you can guest teach just about any topic, any way you like. We also maintain a list of characters who are willing to mentor other characters - but you have to RP with us to get on it!
  • Friends. :) Cross-realm zones open up lots of opportunities to share roleplaying experiences, and so does getting to know your neighbors on Cenarion Circle. To this end, we explicitly support the use of the CenarionCircle.org community website, as it provides a fuller and more up-to-date guild directory and event listing than here on the official forums. (Edit: nearly a month and a half after being hacked, CC.org still isn't back up. :c Which makes getting to know everyone even more important!)

Well, what if I do actually want to become a member?
Fantastic! Let yourself get to know us, and us you. Visit wellspring.enjin.com and have a look at the charter and the forums to see what's going on. /join Lotus to chat with us and join in on RP and PvE activities. We'll gladly ginvite anyone who agrees not to spew bigotry or be a smart-!@# in our in-guild OOC chat so that you can get a feel for things - anyone from rank 2 (Faculty & Staff) on up has guild invite capability. You'll start out as an Applicant; when you're feeling okay with us and we're feeling okay with you, you can sign the charter on the website to officially join.

How to contact us
Fill out the information form at wellspring.enjin.com/recruitment, or you can /join lotus for out-of-guild OOC chat, or whisper these folks: Alniyat (battletag azetidine#1404), Cavrin, Zaium, or Aquamerine.
Edited by Alniyat on 5/2/2013 2:50 AM PDT
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100 Night Elf Druid
*pulls her voodoo mask down over her face*

Join us!

We'll talk in OOC chat about how Blizz needs to fire Metzen and hire a team of female writers to take his place!
Then we'll affirm our new friendship by slitting open our palms and pressing them toge--

Wait. *frantically shuffles papers in hands* I MEAN...
*takes out one specific sheet from near the back and places it in front* Anyway.

My take on it as a simple member: the atmosphere here is generally relaxed with little pressure yet lots of opportunity to grow. This is a guild with good intentions and friendly people.
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Ah, I seem to find you everywhere I go, Aloom. Perhaps it is fate, or just the luck of the draw, I care not.

I'll be honest, I joined a guild that is not into RP as much as I like.

I will check out the website, and look at what you have to offer, but please, tell me you have RP events regularly.

Also, I have been RPing Horde side, but I feel like a fish out of water Alliance side.

Adieu, for now, fair lady of Azeroth, perhaps we shall meet again.
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100 Draenei Mage
Wellspring School host science fair tomorrow. It part Spring Event all guilds join this weekend. Science fair tomorrow. You check flyer. Find more information there.

You fish on dried land? How that happen? You get polymorphed by Naga witch? I change you back. Or improve to turtle.

(( But this weekend's activities should be a good way to meet a lot of different guilds. I'd take a gander. Aloom is a sweetheart too though. So are many of their members that I've bumped into on various alts. How do you feel out of place though? ))
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((Fish out of water? On Horde side I regularly RP in the guild I am in and occassionally outside of the guild.

As Alliance I'm not sure where to start. I suppose I could try to pick up RP in SW.))

And yes, Aloom is a sweetheart.
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100 Draenei Mage
Blue Recluse have people many night. You find people there.

Or there tavern in Booty Bay Tuesday and clinic Monday. Campfire Thursday. Check directory and ask allies.

(( AllianceOOC is usually a good place to ask what's going on.))
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100 Draenei Mage
Jorym - We've had three RP events in the last week, with another to come tomorrow night for the Spring Festival. If you want to stop by the Spring to Life Plant and Animal Husbandry Seminar and visit with us, that's Friday March 15th at 7pm server time, at the Wollerton Stead in Stormwind. Our next planned event after that is helping out with the Clinic on Monday the 18th, which starts at 5pm server, and is a regular event that happens in the Mystic Ward of Ironforge every other week.

In fact, if anyone wants an invite to any of our RP events, just let me know - I'm usually moderator on most of them, so I can add people. If you want to be able to add your guildmates and friends, I can make you a moderator too! :)
Edited by Alniyat on 3/14/2013 9:46 PM PDT
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I usually have something scheduled on Friday evenings, but I will try to be there this Friday. I feel this could be important for me, and the joy I will feel on this server. Thank you for the invitation, Alniyat, your grace and manners are only exceeded by your soft voice and beauty.
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100 Draenei Mage
Sir, I don't know which Alniyat you've come across, but I'm actually loud, brash, and of average looks :P
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It comes from breeding, and being raised to be polite. My mother said if you can not say anything nice, do not say anything at all.

And even an average looking Draeni, Sin'dorei, or Kal'dorei can be seen as beautiful by human standards. But then, that's just me. And what I have observed.

((Brashness, and loudness may not be as well represented in forum postings. Forgive me, I meant no offense or rudeness. *bows gracious*))
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100 Night Elf Druid
*looks at Izby's post* Someone likes me!!

Alniyat, *motions to Jorym*, isn't he great? I found him in the world's end tavern forum. I then discovered where he sleeps and put a gnomish chip into his brain that would ma--

Oh, wait.
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100 Draenei Mage
*leans in to whisper to Aloom*

Ssshh... You no tell anyone I say that. Never hear end it. They all say Izby and Aloom in tree. I not know what mean, but gnome singing that song annoying.
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100 Draenei Mage
No offense at all, just amused. :D We didn't catch you at the Spring to Life event, Jorym, but if you're still wanting to meet with us, let someone know. :) It's been a little quieter on the RP front this week for us because we just started a second raid night! (We're 6/6 Mogu'shan Vaults 10 normal and 2/6 Heart of Fear 10 normal as of this evening!)
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80 Troll Hunter
Last thing this realm needs is more small RP guilds. Thanks for further dilluting a community that's already measured in parts per million.
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100 Human Mage
Good luck with the recruitment, Alniyat! It's not easy recruiting for a new or smaller RP guild. Stick with it though and it's very rewarding in the long run. CC can always use another active RP guild.
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100 Worgen Death Knight

I also want to steal all of their pants.

Just sayin'.
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100 Night Elf Druid
*leans in to whisper to Aloom*

Ssshh... You no tell anyone I say that. Never hear end it. They all say Izby and Aloom in tree. I not know what mean, but gnome singing that song annoying.
Who was singing that?! Was it that splotchy gnome? Zlatta?

Blessings from Imperon and Ragefang. :o
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100 Draenei Mage
You know Splotchy? I not know her. Only read book reviews in Stranglethorn Ledger. She write them. No, she not sing though. Khromie would. She always look for blue tall one romance she say.

((These guys had great RP going during festival. Check them out.))
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I finally pulled myself away from Pandaria and sat in on a guild meeting. And I found myself enchanted by a pretty Pandaren shaman named Fi. And I look forward to our date for dinner in Ironforge. She has the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen.

((Talk about nice folks! I only met a handful of people there, but I liked how friendly and wonderful they were to me. I felt like one of the guild almost immediately. I look forward to a long relationship with this guild, and its many charming people who make it what it is. Now to meet the ever charming Aloom, and the brash, loud, and average looking Alniyat. Why do I suddenly feel afraid, very afraid?))
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I found some strawberry ice cream, some chocolate cookies (they help make your mood better), several cakes from Dalaran, and glasses of ice cold milk. Oh, and some pies! Yes, there must be pies!

A nice ice cream social to sit down, enjoy a cool sweet treat, and discuss the joys of being Alliance, or what-ever.

What do you think? Already done to death? Not interested? The cookies are fresh, still warm even!
Edited by Jorym on 4/12/2013 8:09 AM PDT
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