90 Blood Elf Paladin
It's that time again my fellow server buddies.

Official Blizzcon Forums:

Official "Unofficial" Blizzcon Survival Guide:

Chatcon (AKA AIMCON):
[For those unknowing of Chatcon, it is a group of people who live all over the place (Though a lot of them live in Cali), who chat in an IRC chat (used to be an AOL Chatroom), about all things Blizzard, gaming, cosplay, life, sex, drugs, rock and roll! We are very nice people, mostly, and were one of the groups highlighted on WoW Insider in 2011 at Blizzcon for group meetups. [].
We have Bonfires throughout the year in Cali, and sometimes other shindigs that take part in other states. Feel free to join us if you are flying solo and looking for some people to chill with, or if you just wanna chat. :-)

If you have any questions about Blizzcon, whether it be hotels (go go Marriott!), airports, rules of the Con Center, Disney, or simply "What's the weather like?" questions, feel free to ask here, go over to the official forums, hop in Chatcon, or just message me on WoW! [Other toons include Armaya & Kiesha Horde-side, and Vanasse and Isä alliance side.] If I don't have the answer, I will be able to find someone who does. :-)

And without further ado, the list of Server Goers! I'll update as time goes on and people let me know if they are going. >.>

Official Cenarion Circle Blizzcon 2013 Goers: [Updated 3/1/2013]

Araceli / Armaya / Kiesha - <Eternal Sorrow> / <Modas il Toralar] [Alliance side: <Terra Incognito> & <Phoenix From the Ashes>
Nanfeng / Tripagatu - <Conclave>
Vampiric / Noctem - <Cairn of Kings>
Aislinana - <Northrend Commonwealth>
Mithaniel - <Blood Of Ro>
Orwyn - <Stormwind Union>
Genevra - <Conclave>
Hexster - <Furious Ascension>
Edited by Araceli on 11/3/2013 10:50 AM PST
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100 Night Elf Rogue
Eh, count me out. I'm still rather angry with Blizzard, and after the devs flat-out lies regarding Tyrande and the Night Elves and their place in lore, I don't see what value I'd be able to derive from the event anyway.
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100 Worgen Death Knight
I shan't be making it in person this year, Araceli; I went in 2010 (which wound up being kind of a bust year for announcements; they were still working on Cataclysm, were in early-mid stages of Diablo 3, and largely didn't have any major announcements that I couldn't have saved the ticket/gas (from Seattle!)/hotel costs on and just gotten from a third party site at home), and wasn't overwhelmed. I'm not personally a fan of standing in lines, or having to spend larger amounts of time staking out good seating for the panels.

I'll be ordering the online stream. At least then I get a pet. :D
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100 Night Elf Druid
Edited by Aloom on 7/17/2013 8:09 PM PDT
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100 Human Paladin
I am going. See you there.
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90 Tauren Druid
Attempting to get a "Netherforged" guild meetup put together. Got some tentative interest but it might not pan out as the day gets closer. We'll see (I'm not going unless I can get at least 2-3 friends to go with me!)
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
If only. I couldn't go when I lived an hour away; now I live three time zones away. *chuckles*
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Attempting to get a "Netherforged" guild meetup put together. Got some tentative interest but it might not pan out as the day gets closer. We'll see (I'm not going unless I can get at least 2-3 friends to go with me!)

You should def. attend! I went in 09 without anyone, hooked up with some server people. It was alright. 2010 was better, in which I hooked up with actual RP people, and 2011 was best in which I did a mix of server people + ChatCon.

I def. suggest joining Chatcon if you really want to go but are looking for people to hang out with. I know we are having a Bonfire the Wednesday before BC at Huntington Beach.
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87 Pandaren Rogue
I'll be going!

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I will be going yet again, hopefully but I usually swing most years! Looking forward to dragging more guildmates with me this year so we can form some sort of misandry squad.
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90 Dwarf Death Knight
Misandry Gnome... Misandry Gnome...

Tentatively planning to attend.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Tickets go on sell tomorrow guys. :-)
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92 Human Paladin
If luck be on my side then I'll be attending once again this year. However, it looks like this year I'll be attending all by my lonesome so I decided to swing by the forums and see what CC had planned. Hope to see some of you cool cats around the grounds!
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100 Pandaren Monk


I'll be there. With bows on, and ribbons in my hair and...

Nevermind, I'll just be there.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin


I'll be there. With bows on, and ribbons in my hair and...

Nevermind, I'll just be there.

I will pay to see that sir. But wait, if you have ribbons in your hair, how will your cowboy hat fit?
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
So just me and Trip going? Come on CC'erssss where's your sense of ADVENTURE.
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92 Human Paladin
Got lucky with the Store Q and got a ticket, looks I'll be attending this year. Hope they have some interesting things planned.
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I got a ticket as well so I will be attending in some fashion.

also I'm doing badge art to raise funds for going:
Edited by Aislinana on 4/30/2013 9:09 PM PDT
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100 Human Warrior
I'll be going. Looks like a sparse crowd.
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90 Tauren Shaman
I'll be there
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