RP Event Interest

100 Undead Warrior
I wasss talking in hordeooc with Wynndsssong about how the Tiller'sss have not allowed Abominusss to plant ssshrieking human headsss in my farm now that I own it outright, yesss. I thought maybe the Tiller'sss Council wasss being dissscriminatory, yesss. After a bit of talk, we decided it would be amusssing to RP thisss out, kind of like a Town Hall event, yesss.

We need about 3-5 Pandaren to form the council, it would be nice if you had the farmer title, but not necesssssary, yesss. The ressst who ssshow up would be from all the racesss, and lissst their complaintsss and petitionsss, yesss.

I sssee thisss asss a Horde/Alliance event, ssso we would need transsslation ssservicesss, yesss.

If you have any interessst in helping, contact me or wynndsssong, yesss.

If we get enough interessst, we can run it next week sssometime, yesss.
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90 Human Death Knight
What?! That's ridiculous! If you own the farm you should be able to plant whatever you want! It's jealousy that they didn't think to plant them first Abominus!
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90 Gnome Death Knight
(extremely overworked tone)

Oh Abominus! You're timing is so awful.

(1) Here it is the beginning of planting season on my own farm. (2) I assume you will be needing translation services for this. (3) I am still trying to find the right geometry for the desk skis.

Whenever will I find time to knit hats for and print out jingle sheet music for . . . how many did you say you were going to plant? Plus I'll have to run out to Northshire Abbey to see if Conclave has a primer on teaching undead to sing . . . or at least shriek . . . in harmony.

I mean, really, what ever were you thinking?

((love this idea & be glad to help out where I can))
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100 Goblin Shaman
Oh, cripes. Halfhill ya say? I just know who the bossgnome's gonna make attend ta handle Horde stuff. Too bad Landon's orcish is worse than an orc's accounting, else I could send HIM.

((Sounds fun.))
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Let me see if I understand this correctly: You're trying to form a rival Tillers' Council so you can...have the right to plant human heads on your property? What, is the Sludge Fields you people created not enough for your vile experiments?

((Devilishly clever. Not surprised this is YOUR idea, Abom. :P And I have a gnome of questionable morals who'd also find this entertaining...and he's in Conclave, so he's been through that library quite a bit.))
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100 Undead Warrior
** We need Pandaren volunteers to make the Council. This is just some silly RP I thought would be amusing, nothing long term, like a comedic event. The council members would have to figure out what to do with the new requests and such from the foreigners. If not enough folk volunteer, then we wont do it **
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Human heads? Not sure what you plan to harvest from them but if you ever find you have a shortage of them I would be more then happy to help you obtain more. *grins wickedly* I agree you should be able to plant whatever you wish on your own farm. You have my support on this and I will help where I can.

((Can't stop grinning. You do think of the most interesting things...they tend to creep me out but very inventive!))
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Asyna takes a seat on the bench in Halfhill, her sorrow clearly evident, and she just sits there silently, listening to the gossip from passing farmers, she keeps hearing key words such as "Council" and "Human Heads" and "Free Farming". Asyna wrings her hands together and reaches up to her temple to adjust the cloth that covers her eyes.

"Well then...it seems as if I am needed to help resolve certain issues amongst these farmers...now who do I speak to about joining up"

The blind panda pushes herself up off the bench and sets out to sign up for this "council", but she accidentally finds herself in a cart heading to one of the furthest fields away. Maybe she'll get around to signing up...tomorrow

((Hai! This is my panda who i'd volunteer to be part of your council Abominuss, I main a Belpha though if it's easier to contact me when I'm on that alt))
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
I think I'm the guild member most likely to haunt the forums, I'll give any pandas I come across a shadowbolt to the hindquarters to point them in your direction.
Edited by Arizza on 3/13/2013 7:46 PM PDT
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100 Undead Warrior
We will try for friday, 7 PM ssserver, for the firssst meeting, yesss. If you can be there, great, yesss!
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
A simple parchment letter is dispatched at once.

"Maggot Lord Abominus, (Hope I got the Felling title right)

My name is Linnoch Sunstalker and I represent a group of mercenaries called The Desecrated. While unable to attend your event myself, the idea of planting shrieking human heads in Halfhill is...uh...well, probably not going to give a lot of folks playing for Blue Team the warm and fuzzies, if you catch my drift.

While we really don't care either way, given the potentially volatile (and very likely explosive) nature of the debate if you would like any of our people present for security services we would be happy to assist.

Please contact either myself, Disfavor, Ezrae, or anybody but Hazzle by today's end so that we can make necessary preparations.

Best of luck with your shrieking human heads,

- L.S."

((I won't be able to attend the event due to an IRL fundraiser I'm working at tomorrow night, but if we can get some people out I think this sounds like a fantastic idea. Abom, you rock. xD))
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100 Undead Warrior
Abominus scurried about his farm. Teams of maggots in overalls and wide-brimmed hats were busy yoking Borelgore to the Giant Plow Eviserator 1000, fresh from the Goblin Munitions Factory and Amusement Park. His pet dog, Dog, and an assortment of cats perched on the roof of his hut, peering down worriedly. They are all wearing blast helmets. A small crowd of Tillers and other townsfolk, along with a smattering of Horde and Alliance, peered in from the convenient hilltop and boulder.

A Panderan muttered to a Night Elf, " Thet thar is crazy, yup. who'd ever heerd about a tractor run by maggots? An', an', an', whuddaboud det dere bushel o' haids? Tain't hardly right. We don' take kindly to this sorta thang round these here parts, ayup."

The elf simply nodded, readying himself to duck and cover at any moment.

A shrill whistle blasted forth, with an orange cloud of steam billowing forth from the Plow.

"That wasssn't mentioned in the manual, yesss..."

The resultant explosion was seen in Dominance Landing.

It would be a fine meeting on Friday, Abominus thought, as he headed for the stratosphere.
Edited by Abominus on 3/14/2013 1:31 PM PDT
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100 Undead Warrior
* I am sorry, I will not be able to attend. I have to go in to work. Sorry for the late notice, but I was just informed now. Let us try to reset it for next Friday, 7 PM server, in Halfhill, if folks are amenable*

Screaming, the Maggot Lord is dragged into the sky by a giant tornado filled with the Earthmother's Anger. Witnesses note a flotilla of Maggot mini-zeppelins in hot pursuit.
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85 Undead Rogue
*tents fingers* Next Friday
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90 Human Death Knight
(( I'll definitely try to have Des there for this))
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100 Blood Elf Priest
((awwww...and I could go this Friday. Hope I can next week.))
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100 Orc Shaman
Bralox was giving the skybound Abominus a very indignant look. "He better not land in my crops..." He muttered to no one in particular, before returning to his carrots.
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100 Undead Warrior

"Why carrotsss, yesss?", a dazed and confused Abominus asked the world.

Swarms of Medic maggots arrived to triage and evac the wounded vegetables, then presented a bill to Bralox.

Abominus skittered off, trailing slime and carrot bits.
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100 Undead Warrior
We will try thisss Friday to have the Tiller'sss Council, yesss. 7PM, halfhill, yesss, on the big hill at the top, yesss.
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