Horde for Challenge Mode?

90 Blood Elf Paladin
I have a problem. A fairly...serious problem. I want the fancy paladin challenge mode gear. Like, really want it. More than I've wanted something in game for a long time (last was Pally t2 back in Vanilla, curse you Pally and your snazzy outfits!).

I can do holy, I can do ret, if I can find a group of folks that want to put a serious effort into this until we get those groovy golds I will spend inordinate amounts of time figuring out what the BiS is for my role when it's downgraded to 463 (and, of course, getting that gear). I take criticism well and will improve my elven butt OFF to get to where I have to be to do these.

So my question is, is there a horde group out there that does these? Or are there people out there that want to give it a real go? Not just a quick try and then whine about how hard it is. People that are willing to learn from their mistakes and make changes to what they normally do so that the group can succeed? If so, let's organize something and give it a go!
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90 Tauren Warrior
We might be able to work something out.

Our guild has been very interested in doing them but hasn't really had the time.

I will contact you in game and see if we can give it a go.
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100 Orc Warrior
Dominion has a large collection of challenge mode enthusiasts, with 3 of our members having completed gold on all of them (one guy finished all gold on 3 toons). If you are interested I can see if we can use your services.

Just note that right now the gear you logged out in is not suitable for challenge modes. First of all, you have four pieces below 463 item level... and challenge modes only scale down, not up. Secondly you are missing 7 enchants and missing a belt buckle. You don't need the sha gem in your weapon because that doesn't work for challenge modes. Since challenge modes are fairly tightly tuned with gear scaling it is imperative you have every advantage if you want a reasonable chance at success.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Yup! I know that what I want to look for is higher ilvl with gem slotted items, because (as I've read) the gem slots give a fairly good bang-for-buck with the down scaling. I'll admit, my ret gear is fairly crummy right now, and my holy gear needs to be fully enchanted. With any luck I'm going to have a good week in LFR this week with all my elder charms and then get my butt in gear!

Thanks for the pointers.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
From what I understand, research is key. Knowing where to run, what mobs need to die, where to blow CDs and where to scream at your healer are all minor aspects that will shave precious seconds off your run.

Of the people I've been hitting for tips and tricks, this site has proven the most reliable and informative:

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100 Orc Warrior
From what I understand, research is key. Knowing where to run, what mobs need to die, where to blow CDs and where to scream at your healer are all minor aspects that will shave precious seconds off your run.

Of the people I've been hitting for tips and tricks, this site has proven the most reliable and informative:


Knowing what to do precisely is imperative for gold runs, absolutely, but the entire endeavor is futile if your average DPS is low, your healer can't keep up with massive group-wide damage on big pulls, or your tank doesn't pull effectively and use CDs appropriately to survive. Personal skill is critical to successful runs.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
What Elgunaz said is basically the long story short of it. Your group needs to synergize your follow-up abilities to maximize the speed at which you take down bosses and packs (aoe/single target stuns, roots, interrupts).
After enough runs you'll learn where to use what and when, as well as your party members doing the same.

Edit: Another helpful link for these challenge modes
Edited by Envien on 3/13/2013 12:36 AM PDT
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90 Tauren Hunter
Hi! I recently finished getting 9/9 gold on my hunter here and wanted to add a few things to what the others have said so far.
Coordination among your group is key, but you have to perform your own role adequately as well. Being vocal when you're using cooldowns or cc'ing something is important so your group members know what you're doing and how they need to adapt.

If you're planning on doing them as Holy, I highly recommend stocking up on Restorative Amber, as they return mana quicker than normal food does. You'll also want to stock up on Lesser Invisibility Potion and Invisibility Potion as well. Most of the dungeons require using invisibility potions to skip certain areas (Stormstout Brewery, Gate of the Setting Sun and Siege of Niuzao Temple do not)

Having a good amount of experience in challenge modes, I'd say you'd have an easier time as Holy. Most of the instances are not very Melee-friendly *points to Jade Temple* I would recommend starting out with Scarlet Halls, as that is one of the easier challenge modes and it will give you an idea of how you need to go about healing/dpsing.
Edited by Khunok on 3/16/2013 1:41 AM PDT
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