A desk in quarantine – a not unusual dilemma

90 Gnome Death Knight
((original posting on WrA forum as it was their CRZ (get it, crazy) RP that got this story going:

A big thanks to Cenarion Circle, Dark Caste, and (if ya'll were there too) Shadowhoof Tribe for an entertaining, horrifying, patient, & marvelous RP adventure this evening in Wailing Caverns. I shudder in eager anticipation of hearing how this storyline plays out & am so glad to have met ya'll and been able to participate in it. Here's Spriggel's stilted perspective (so don't be surprised if you didn't quite see it the same way) of how things went down.))
Edited by Spriggel on 3/18/2013 10:54 PM PDT
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90 Gnome Death Knight
How to explain to the bossgnome, in such a way as to prevent being relegated to some lonely, desolate AAMS office in the back of nowhere - why her (that is bossgnome Her, not Spriggel her) desk was sitting in quarantine in Ratchet

Spriggel was quite settled in as the Iron Forge AAMS Office Manager: She had her experienced staff who functioned fully well even when Spriggel was out, a well organized filing system for the office records, friends who stopped by frequently to visit, a location where she knew where any & everything could be found, and a new exotic Pandarian teashop right near the Tram. Life was good, but who knew now if it'd be allowed to stay that way.

It had seemed innocent at first, merely routine, when that sweet Cenarion Circle elf druid, Masayume, had stopped by the office last Thursday evening, just as Spriggel had returned from the tea shop with a fresh, hot pot of tea.
Edited by Spriggel on 3/18/2013 10:54 PM PDT
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