Holy Pally LF ToT Raid Team avail. Friday-Sun

90 Draenei Priest
Title says it all! Experienced on my main, just looking for a raiding team for my holy pally alt.

I raid Monday - Thursday, but any other time is perfect.

If anyone has anymore questions, feel free to message me in game or leave a message here.

Thanks guys. :D
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90 Pandaren Monk
Regulators Information
Server: Cenarion Circle
Faction: Alliance
10 Man Guild


Progression: 1/6H MV 6/6 HOF 4/4 ToES

Raid Times: Friday: 9-12 CST(7-10 Server time) Saturday: 8-12 CST(6-10 Server time)

Recruitng for Throne of Thunder:
Resto Druid /w DPS Offspec

any other healer would be exceptional.

In need of a dedicated healer for core spot in raid. Gearing wont be an issues but at least be 480+iLvl. Most of us have experience in Throne of Thunder 3/12.

Guild supplies feast/flask/repairs

A little about us:
We here at Regulators are interested in growing our guild with like minded, mature, committed, fun-loving knuckleheads just like ourselves. Most of us are adults and therefore have jobs and other real world type responsibilities outside of the game. Therefore, before you apply, understand that we are not looking for those who type in l33t all the time, want to raid 5 times a week or get run-thrus to level alts or beg for gold. Don't waste your time, go find another guild to pester.

If you're still reading, and are looking for a guild home with friendly, helpful, committed and sometimes surly guild members, look no further. We may be the guild for you. Regulators, as was said above, is looking for good people who are good players. We are looking for folks who are interested in coming on raids with us twice a week. We are looking for people who would enjoy a casual atmosphere with a dash of raiding guild. Many of us have desire to raid and we need to supplement our ranks and rally the troops to action. This is where you come in. If you like what you see and you have what it takes, then contact a member listed below.

Hienzward -hiendaloser#1395

* Note: BTW, we are not an RP guild. Some folks may do a little RP from time to time, but not in the guild.
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90 Worgen Hunter
Great group of people that's lacking a healer at the moment. I would just like to add that although they prefer that you join the guild, it's not mandatory that if you would like your alt paladin to remain wherever guild it is in! This raid group is very casual & laid back but does get a decent amount of stuff done in roughly maximum of 7 raid hours in 2 raid nights. It is full of quality raiders & quality people most importantly!! I, myself, used to be an officer & co-guilder in a semi hardcore raiding guild back in Vanilla & Burning Crusade on this server alliance side,find this raid environment to be very relaxing & enjoyable! There's no yelling & elitist people around to ruin the fun.
Edited by Truvius on 3/16/2013 1:21 PM PDT
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