ATTENTION: Long-time CC players (OOC inquiry)

Greetings from beyond! This is Korica, speaking through Synata.

I was wondering if any of the old server veterans kept records of some Forum/In-Game RP from years ago. I'm referring to the Haunting Shadows stuff.

As a reminder, it started on the Forums and moved into a few in-game events, was mostly focused around the relationship of Shadowash and Korica. This was back in 2006, so the archives were lost when the Forums got revamped in later expansions - and I think those threads got closed after being inactive for a certain time anyway.

But I know there are some people who liked to keep records of that stuff, so if anybody has it - or knows somebody that does - please let me know so we can get in touch. I'd like to have a copy of the story!

-Korica's player
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100 Undead Warrior
Here isss the link to the old Circle Interviewsss page, yesss...

It isss the only Korica-thing item we have sssaved, though, it isss alssso becaussse we are involved, yesss.

Good luck, Orc-creature, yesss!
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81 Orc Warrior
Many thanks, Abominus.
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100 Night Elf Priest
Ew Synata, there's a big green orc in you. :(
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I know, Mae. I just wanted the axe. I swear. Turns out the orc talks and such. I couldn't just hammer him over the head, take it and run. That would have been unrighteous of me, or something.
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81 Orc Warrior
Possession no longer required, since I can apparently speak now. For a few days.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
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100 Human Paladin
Korica! Commander Turncutt would love to "visit" with you. As would I, of course.
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81 Orc Warrior
I'm concerned about what the word "visit" means. I can't even attack Westfall these days, as it seems the guards can strike me down in two swings.
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100 Night Elf Priest
I hope you're enjoying your current visit. :) Old friends found, I hope?
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81 Orc Warrior
Not very many, really. A huge Friendlist of grey names!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I'm kind of amazed that stuff is still around.
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76 Night Elf Rogue
(Truth be told, I was pretty surprised myself.)
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