Selling Delver of the Vaults

100 Orc Warrior

Dominion is making available sales for the title "Delver of the Vaults", awarded for beating the Will of the Emperor encounter on heroic difficulty. The price will also include the loot from the run, if you want to come do the other bosses. The price will be cheaper if you are only coming in for the Will of the Emperor encounter. Price can be negotiated; find Elgunaz in game if you are interested.
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100 Undead Warrior
heh, what if we are poor, yesss?
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90 Troll Druid
heh, what if we are poor, yesss?

You're indebted to provide our raid with alcoholic beverages and snacks three nights a week, for an indefinite amount of time.
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100 Undead Warrior
We will provide the bessst in Forsssaken and Maggot cooking, yesss!
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