My Guild, the Guild of all Guilds

100 Human Paladin

Youtube link for those of you who don't feel like reading the whole post, but eel like wasting your time watching me.

Greetings and welcome all of Cenarion Circle to what will be my most extensive project to date.

The name of this thread is self explanatory to what I will be doing, but most of you will probably tilt your head with no idea what I'm going on about. So, in order for you to understand, you must know what a "guild of all guilds" is to me.

In short, everything. At length, it will be a guild to encompass everything on as massive a scale as can be imagined by those who shape it. Today, if you look for a guild, you will find what I call "general" guilds. Guilds that aspire to one type of style or claim to do all, but in reality can only do one.

There are no true guilds, as far as I'm concerned, that truly encompass all aspects of the game. There are exceptional guilds that do what they do best, and succeed at it. Guilds like Warcraftier and AAMS.

With that being said, my guild will start work on becoming the "Guild of all Guilds." It will, in time, provide everything for anyone that wants something on our beloved server in one way or another. For all intents and purposes I will focus upon four parts to this guild of all guilds idea, and those four parts are: PvP, Raiding, RP, and Social.

These are the four parts that I feel provide the foundation for any style of play that a person could participate in in this game. These four parts will be what my guild of all guilds will encompass and work on to take over the server.

That brings me to you, the people. In order for an idea like this to even succeed, it will require a lot of people that are willing to commit to it. No, I don't mean commit like a job or marriage. I mean commit as in willing to work on the idea to make it a reality without having to sacrifice something in return. No one will be excluded from this that truly wants to participate. It doesn't matter if you're already guilded, in my guild, or in someone else's guild. It doesn't matter if you're new or a veteran. If you have time and want to participate, then I welcome you.

I will also need leaders who are willing to manage each part. I have no intent of managing many people by myself as that will just get messy. Instead, I intend to find people who are willing to volunteer in running the different parts of this. The Guild of all Guilds will be open to ideas for any part be it for forming raiding teams or rated battlegroup teams. Same extends to RP groups and social activities. People that are interested in being a part of this on a leader level need only talk to me about specifics for any of the parts as I do have some restrictions and guideance to make this run smoothly.
I will conclude it here for now. This idea will take a while to construct, but I fully intend to see favorable results in two months if not before them. All it depends on is you. So if you're interested in being a part of it, then contact me in game or via email at

I look forward to seeing many of you.
Edited by Kod on 3/25/2013 8:49 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
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100 Human Paladin
Typically you respond with links.

I consider this an improvement.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
This link may aid you in your journey to create this
Edited by Envien on 3/25/2013 11:38 PM PDT
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90 Pandaren Warrior
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
― Arthur Schopenhauer
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90 Troll Druid
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100 Human Paladin
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Good luck in all that you do, and may the Light be with you!
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90 Orc Warlock

I love him!
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81 Orc Warrior
Well good luck with that, sir.
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100 Draenei Shaman
o.O A Wild Korica Appears...and accidently hit Delete >>
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