Raiding on Cenarion Circle

25 Night Elf Rogue
Everyone knows Bob is a bad warlock.

But he's always smiling!
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90 Troll Druid
That's just because his face was deformed to look that way when someone melted it with green fire.
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90 Troll Shaman
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90 Troll Druid
Don't give away my identity.
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90 Troll Shaman
So how do small guilds or guilds trying to get into raiding find players or other guilds to work with? Should we make yet another server chat channel like the OOC channels where people looking to PUG or replace a member that had to log can use?
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90 Troll Druid
I wish Horde did have something like that... maybe it still does? I know it did in the past. Through Wrath and part of Cata, the Alliance had the MEEP channel ran by Biscuit of Dewm and they ran a "public" 25m (plus an alt 25m for a while), the only requirement was not sucking. Was mostly the same people every week, plus anyone random or new. Was a nice way to raid with a collection of guilds and people instead of having to be in a particular guild to raid.
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90 Troll Priest
I like Clan's idea. And i remember of similar stuff having been done in the past that later on turned into the LFR and LFG features we have today.

Just make sure it doesn't return to the dreaded "World Trade Chat" we had right around BC.

But besides that point, its a sound plan, for those of us who remember the Vanilla days that's really how you did your dungeons and raids before the implemented crossrealm.
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90 Troll Shaman
Ok so why don't we make chat channels for both Horde and Alliance that guilds/raids can use if they need to fill roster spots and people that want to PUG can use to get into a raid at any given time? Maybe make them something simple like /CCRaid for both Horde and Alliance so that people that raid on both sides will know the channel to use.

And going back to original idea, maybe guilds that have 7 raiders each can find each other and form a raid team from their combined 14 members through the channel.
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90 Troll Warlock
04/16/2013 12:24 PMPosted by Clandestine
the only requirement was not sucking.

Don't forget putting up with me especially when you did suck. That was a bad requirement in hindsight...
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90 Troll Druid

I miss hearing that.
Edited by Clandestine on 4/20/2013 12:06 PM PDT
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