Gnomes... Are Our Friends

100 Worgen Death Knight
On this April 1, I believe we should all remember that the gnomes are our friends, not merely small bite-sized targets for abuse and controlled hunting scenarios. They are industrious, stalwart, capable, deadly when provoked, charming and friendly when approached with respect and some degree of sensible caution.

They are not for eating. We should be clear on that.

I'm Gondorin Ragefang, and I approve of this message.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
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85 Undead Rogue
Wouldve been a better joke by race changing to gnome :P
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90 Dwarf Hunter
Wouldve been a better joke by race changing to gnome :P

Or if it came from someone who wasn't him.
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100 Worgen Death Knight
04/01/2013 02:05 PMPosted by Aigil
Wouldve been a better joke by race changing to gnome :P

Or if it came from someone who wasn't him.

Much hatred do I sense in this one...

I still maintain the gnomes are our friends.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Gnomes are friends. Not food.

They also make LOVELY footballs.
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100 Undead Warrior
The day isss over, finally, yesss! Now, back to gnome harvesssting and feasssting, yesss! We will have a big ssspread laid in at Halfhill, the Pandaren'sss are accommodating Horde cooking cussstomsss for usss, yesss.
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38 Gnome Priest
*runs away with arms raise, tears streaming from her face, and screaming in abject horror*
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100 Worgen Death Knight


FOUL ABOMINUS! You will not have our beloved wee allies!

However, I did receive permission in AOOC last night to now eat dwarves.

Cooking dwarves is fine.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
Sounds like I'm going on another Worg hunt this weekend. Who wants to join me?
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100 Worgen Rogue
Let me point out that some of us Worgen are still reasonable and don't eat our allies.

That's not to say I don't have anger management issues...
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100 Undead Warrior
*slyly hands Ragefang and Harmath a batch of slow cooked gnome small ribs, smoked for 3 days over Elwynn forest Red Oak chips for extra smokiness, and basted constantly with Mo'grah's Honey Smoked BBQ Sauce, using only the best spicy peppers from Stranglethorn Jungle. The smallribs simmer and twinkle with the glaze, and the aroma curls naughtily in their nostrils*

"Try it, yesss....", says Abominus, wearing his "Plague Me" RAS approved cooking apron. He serves up more racks to hungry and curious Pandaren, and othe r hungry folk of all races at the Halfhill market.
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100 Worgen Death Knight
*tastes* Hey, this is pretty good... *chews* I... hey... HEY! I know this meat!

THIS IS WRONG! Gnomes are our friends and allies!

Now if it was dwarf, it'd be fine.

But this will not stand, Abominus.

This will not stand at all.
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100 Undead Warrior
Abominus offers the still chewing Ragefang a seat at the park bench, plying him with baked beans, cole slaw, fresh cheedar jalapeno corn bread, and ice cold ale.

"No need to ssstand, yesss. Plenty of ssseating ssstill available on the picnic table, yesss."
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100 Worgen Death Knight
Hey, is that cinnamon in those beans?
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38 Gnome Priest
Sniffs the air from behind a tree and glances around the trunk with gouged bark to spy the cornbread in Abominus's hand. Sizy danced in place for a second trying to make up her mind about whether to approach or not, because of that cornbread smelled so delicious. Just like the stuff she found at her favorite inns in Iron Forge.

Checking her hip for InstaSafeZoneShields and ensuring that Pippo, her big furry bear ride, was behind her, she approached the two men.

"Um, excuse me. What kind of cornbread is that?"
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97 Orc Warrior
*snatches up Sizy* Nice! A tasty morsel this one! Abom! Fire up the spit roast!
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100 Undead Warrior
Abominus nods at Ragefang.

"Only the bessst Tol'vir cinnamon, yesss!"

Abominus turns, about to explain what is in his cornbread, when Aethelgyth presents him with a young gnomette, squirming furiously in her arms. A horrific grin twitches his upper lip in spasms.

"Excellent, thisss one will be plumped up by our deliciousss corn bread and ssstuffing, yesss. Put her in the pen, yesss!"

Abominus absently feeds a large bear near them some raspberry and blackberry cobbler.
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100 Worgen Death Knight
Sighing in frustration, Gondorin draws out his blade, runes of dark power and sinister intent glimmering along the edge of its fatal promise. "Put her down, orc. There will be no harm coming to the wee ones on my watch."

He thinks about it for a moment, looking at Abominus out of the corner of his eyes.

"Dwarves can be equally delicious, however. They like cornbread too!"
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97 Orc Warrior
Dwarves are too stringy, Worgen. Though Orcish stomachs are not fickle. I'll settle for dog. *she smiles, pulling her axes from her belt* Though, perhaps the meat is already rotted.
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