Gnomes... Are Our Friends

100 Worgen Death Knight
*grins wickedly, a small tendril of drool extending from his bottom lip*

Oh it is, orc, it is. But your skin isn't brown... perhaps you're used to the tainted already, eh?

Back away from the gnome while you still have two legs with which to do so.

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38 Gnome Priest
After the orc set her down to withdraw her axes, Sizy scurried up onto Pippo's back, smacking the cobbler away as she climbed. The bear now furious bellowed beside Ragefang and she tossed him a small ball with a single button. An InstaSafeZoneShield. It would protect him from a few whacks of the ugly one's axes at least. Maybe Pippo would bite her arm off.
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100 Worgen Death Knight
Ragefang nodded appreciatively towards Sizy, not taking his eyes of the deadly orc. "Maybe not even dwarves now, eh? Goblins. Goblins suddenly look delectable.

So do orcs. Some fear to spice the meat, eh? Come to me, orc. My runeblade hungers."
Edited by Ragefang on 4/4/2013 2:02 PM PDT
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100 Undead Warrior
"We have Dwarf Liver Sssqueezingsss to ssserve, yesss! The mossst alcoholic drink in the multiverssse, yesss! Even Sssargerasss would get knock down drunk after a few roundsss of thisss tempting, bacon-sssmelling drink, yesss. Try sssome, Ragething, yesss!"

Abominus offers a large clay jug, labeled "Extreme Poison, not for the Living" to the Worgen, and to anyone who wants to try some.
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