ATTN: Alliance PVPers

90 Night Elf Druid

We are looking for players interested in PVP who have stuck around on Cenarion Circle, Alliance-side. We are a newly formed guild interested in casual and competitive PVP and would like to find others for RBGs, arenas, BGs, dueling, world PVP zones, you name it. We are looking for 90s as well as low-level players who need help twinking or leveling up through battlegrounds. Any aspect of PVP is welcome, whether you are experienced or just getting into it.

Smoke and Mirrors has been recently established by a group of progression raiders who have decided to cut back on raiding to focus on PVP. We have started our own guild in hopes of encouraging the PVP community on our server to develop.

While we are a new guild, we are all long-term, dedicated players who are willing to provide others with the tools they need to develop their PVP skills. Please contact myself or Tsali in-game or on the forums with any questions.

Thank you,
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100 Human Paladin
Pia has some people who like pvp. We'd be interested in running bgs. answering defense calls etc.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
if you get an RBG group going, let me know. I'd love to participate.
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90 Night Elf Druid
Great! I will have Tsali contact you both regarding BGs; he is leading and organizing that department.

Gentyl, I will get in touch with you in game to find out which players from Pia are interested in general pvp.
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