Bless the Beasts

100 Human Paladin
It had been a long time since Pia held and open class on the care of a mount's feet. Even longer since they had gathered soldiers together to bless their mounts. Then there were all the pets. Every kind of pet you could think of seemed to find a home in Hearthglen. Stormwind was worse. But, did people really know how to care for them properly?

"I think we need to gather the squires and do some serious training on mount care, armor care and for pity sake, how to care for barding. Someone bleached Traveller's...again."

Pia members were scattered about the great hall, most of them. Stoken had rolled a new keg into the hall and tapped it. He probably should have waited a bit after rolling it into the hall. Those who had been drenched with the brew were in their rooms cleaning up. Except for the dwarves who cared not if they were drenched in ale as long as none of it went to waste.

"For Light's sake! Stop licking the ale off the table! Durned heathens" Gentyl strode into the kitchen to get some cloths and a bucket of water. She could hear the slurping as they continued "saving" the ale.

"No need for that," Stoken said when she returned. "Tis a well known fact alcohol disinfects. The tables are cleaner than ever."

She tossed a hot, soapy cloth at each of the dwarves. "Please clean that mess up. For Light's sake, Stillig, get off the floor. You better not be licking that up!"

Stillig jumped, knocking Morefeen's brandy bottle over, adding that to the mess. "I'll fix it," Tom offered and sent a small blue flame toward the growing puddle of alcohol. The small blue flame turned into a large blue ball of fire as it ignited.

Helhammer grabbed a panther skin rug and threw it over the brightly glowing blue flame. "It's out, Sepha." Helhammer nodded, obviously proud of saving them all from the brandy fire.

Gentyl looked with dismay at the ruined rug and forced a smile. "Thank you, Helhammer. Quick thinking."

"He should have thrown a dwarf on it," Morefeen muttered.

"What were you saying about barding, Sepha?" Calendre asked, trying to divert the conversation away from killing dwarves.

"I said we need to teach our squires about care of animals and equipment. I'm tired of ruined barding on Traveller."

"Traveller is drunk horse?" Falore asked.

"Not very often. Sometimes. Well, not so you could notice it."

"Is only horse in pasture who sleeps tilted against a tree." Falore helpfully offered. "He dribbles red grog." She wriggled her fingers, demonstrating how cherry grog dribbled everywhere.

"Anyway. Let's hold some classes on care of animals and equipment."

"I could show them how to make armor and weapons," Rhudran said.

"Maybe we could gather them all up and bless them like we used to do," Gentyl said.

"Ah'd like that," Chauncer added. "Hunters need their animals cared for also."

((So, probably the last week of April, Pia will kick off a week long series of events. We'll start out on a Sunday by blessing animals at the steps of the Cathedral like we used to do lo those many years ago. Throughout the week will be various activities and we'll be giving away lots of pets. Not all of them will be expensive or rare, but we'll have something for everyone.

We'd love people to participate in both the events and in the demonstrations. For instance and in character demonstration of how to make a mechanical pet. Instructions from a tailor perhaps on how barding is made. Care and feeding of animals in character. Training animals. etc. We're pretty flexible. This is just an event or series of events to offer some different role play, chances at prizes and an opportunity to meet new people.

Perhaps Abominus could demonstrate the care and feeding of maggots! We'd provide translators.))
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100 Undead Warrior
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92 Human Paladin
((If you're in need of pets to hand out, I have some extras from BWL that need a good home, they sit around in their carriers all day with no one to love them. It's actually quite sad.))
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100 Worgen Death Knight
Perhaps Abominus could demonstrate the care and feeding of maggots! We'd provide translators.))

Abominus... on the steps of the Cathedral of Light... I'd pay to see that.

Then I'd try to gank him.

Then he'd one-shot me, 'cause that's how badass he is.

I'm in!
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100 Gnome Warlock
*rubs her tiny hands together in excitement*

Ahh, mechanical companions...are there better kinds? I think not! Sure, some find themselves backfiring, malfunctioning, rusting, exploding...but that's what happens when you don't take care of them properly!

I will be happy to share some bot-care secrets and could give a demonstration of a few of my creations. I could also create a few bots. Usually I like to field test my creations before I give them out to others, buuuuut I am almost 99% sure nothing bad will happen with them! I would suggest perhaps not whipping them out in overly populated areas at first in case there are any small mechanical malfunctions.

That being said, I may require an assistant to...assist me in my bot demonstration *thinks a bit* If I remember correctly Tom owes me a favor...

*rubs her tiny hands together and giggles* Yes, I shall ask Tom...
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100 Night Elf Druid
((I could put my pet-making operation on hold for a bit to make some jewelcrafting pets. And, like you suggested in the OOC channel, do a demonstration.
That said, I'd have to have a very specific time for this that could be worked out later when dates become more concrete.


Regardless, I love this idea.))
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100 Human Warlock
*secretly and anonymously donates pet food and medical supplies that have been infused with felblood*
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100 Human Paladin
Mithaniel, we would love to pass out more pets. I appreciate your kind offer.
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100 Human Paladin
Abominus... on the steps of the Cathedral of Light... I'd pay to see that.

Then I'd try to gank him.

Then he'd one-shot me, 'cause that's how badass he is.

I'm in!

Go look at the Cathedral altar. He paid us a visit just as we were finishing a knighting ceremony.
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100 Human Paladin
Sizzle I look forward to your demonstration. This should be a lot of fun.
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100 Human Paladin
Allom, I haven't forgotten you and yes, we'd love a demonstration.

Dates are 21-27. Evenings on weekdays, most likely 5-7. We'll do the weekend days earlier.

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100 Human Paladin
dun dun dun Secretly doctored pet food. It gets more interesting all the time.
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87 Blood Elf Hunter
I just paid a visit to Stormwind, lasted about 20 seconds without attacking at all, and I noticed the Cathedral was empty... is it cause it's late, or because I'm in the wrong area looking to see some familiar faces XD
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90 Night Elf Druid
*drags a mangled sheep corpse across Hearthglen
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100 Night Elf Druid
*sounds from the hearthstone of something whistling trough the air, clattering and bouncing off rocks, then a splash before it goes quiet*
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90 Worgen Death Knight
*comes in carrying a chain connected to a collar and a muzzle* Sepha? told me I shouldn't eat them, but can I have a gnome as a pet? I promise I'll take good care of it. Won't forget to feed it. Take it potty. Play with it, like fetch and "git da rabbid". Pleeeaaasssseee!!!! Oh, I won't let Broo eat it either. I'll clean out it's gnome box at least once a week. Or make Tom do it. Pleeeaaaasssseeeee!!!!!!
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90 Night Elf Druid
*comes in carrying a chain connected to a collar and a muzzle* Sepha? told me I shouldn't eat them, but can I have a gnome as a pet? I promise I'll take good care of it. Won't forget to feed it. Take it potty. Play with it, like fetch and "git da rabbid". Pleeeaaasssseee!!!! Oh, I won't let Broo eat it either. I'll clean out it's gnome box at least once a week. Or make Tom do it. Pleeeaaaasssseeeee!!!!!!

I approve of this message
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100 Human Paladin
A *sigh* reminder this is next week. We'd love to have volunteers to demonstrate pets and their care, bring pets to the Cathedral to be blessed on Sunday, or just attend. The fun of these events is when everyone gets involved.
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100 Human Paladin
Gentyl looked at the chain and muzzle Hellhammer was dragging. He was obviously going after Broodin. She approved this effort.

He stopped, shuffled his feet, his hands behind his back and looked down at the puncheon floor. "Sepha? told me I shouldn't eat them, but can I have a gnome as a pet? I promise I'll take good care of it. Won't forget to feed it. Take it potty. Play with it, like fetch and "git da rabbid". Pleeeaaasssseee!!!! Oh, I won't let Broo eat it either. I'll clean out it's gnome box at least once a week. Or make Tom do it. Pleeeaaaasssseeeee!!!!!!"

Gentyl sighed and put her pet down. "No, but we'll find you a nice pet."

He looked crestfallen. "But Sepha, I'd take really good care of it."

Such was Pia in all its glory. She rubbed her temples. Another headache was coming on.
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34 Gnome Rogue
Nabbi sighed as she knocked on Knabo’s door for the third time in as many minutes. She was fuming. She wanted to yell at him and he wasn’t even home to hear it. He had screwed up the Mistress’ supply order and he deserved a solid kick in the shins (considering her stature that was pretty much all she was capable of). She had just about decided to give up when a curious din around the side of the house stopped her.

Nabbi didn’t quite recognize the sound, but she knew part of the dwarf’s duties for the Mistress was to take care of the myriad of wounded creatures she rescued while out on her assignments. This noise could be one of those beings. She made her way around back to where the barn and animal pens were located.

Most of the beasts were snoozing in the late afternoon sunshine. But there, in the pen closest to the house, she saw the commotion. There were probably a dozen or more of them.

“Ah, these are the Imperial Silkworms the Mistress was complaining about. Apparently, they reproduce as copiously as rabbits. Of course, if that dumb dwarf hadn’t kept the males in the same pen as the females the Mistress wouldn’t have so many to care for,” Nabbi murmured.

As she gazed at the cute little things shuffling around the pen, she remembered the flyer she had seen a few days ago. Apparently, the Pia group was having some sort of beast and critter free for all week. Perhaps they might like to have a few of these.

She was sure the Mistress wouldn’t mind giving some away for a good cause.

((Gentyl, I really do have about a dozen of these I could donate if you would like. However, as any tailor knows they do seem to be prolific at replicating. So, if you already have plenty I will release them into the wild.))
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