How Is Rp on Hordeside?

43 Gnome Rogue
Just curious I'm looking to role horde alts on another server. So how good is the RP on the horde side?
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100 Worgen Death Knight
Horde RP on Cenarion Circle is much improved from its status even just a couple years ago; there are more RPers showing up, which is encouraging.

We're a medium-population realm with a heavy Alliance population bias. Our RP tends to be very event-based, with lots of cross-guild cooperation, and due to the input of our own AAMS, often some cross-faction involvement as well. If you're looking for a situation where you're bumping into more RP than you could ever be a part of, Wyrmrest Accord may be more your speed, but for some in-depth, long-term storytelling-style RP, Cenarion Circle still excels.
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As Rage said Horde side RP is picking up, if you are looking to roll Horde side I would suggest joining hordeooc and asking around there are some great guilds there and my personal favorite (the one I am in on my horde toons) is the Rising Sun Fellowship which just embarked on a great story arc for the guild.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Coterie's actively recruiting. We've got a blend of styles and goals, and work in an open environment that allows for personal elaboration.

Take a look:
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
It really depends on what you want. If you are looking for random RP in different cities, our RP horde-side is not really the best for that. We have a few events that happen through out the week that people tend to go to instead. Generally people will RP with guildies on non-event days.
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