Seeking new home on CC-friendly guild

100 Gnome Mage
Hullo thar. While MoJ has been my guild for a long time now, I am of need of a new home. I am currently the only member who still plays and raids consistently, and its a bit lonely. My main currently is Shytarai, Feral dps. I also have a geared Blood DK named Hõõd, a Disc priestess named Ariadne, and a Brewmaster monk named Shydaoshen. My raiding experience goes back a long ways on CC, back to the days of Ergo Bibamus, where my main was a hunter named Eiliyse. I raided with them casually after BC and eventually left before they disbanded. Ideally I would like to join a guild that is currently working on ToT progression, with a friendly and clean/uplifting atmosphere.

I'm a quiet but friendly person :) And I work hard to learn each class I play whether it be tank/dps/healz. I pull my weight and always strive for excellence.

I would love some feedback regarding what guilds might best fit alliance-side.

Hopefully I can find a great new home on CC! :D

You can whisper me in game or send me an in game mail, but I will be checking this thread daily. Thanks!
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100 Goblin Shaman
I assume you're looking to stay Alliance? If so, good luck! If not, well, perhaps we can chat a bit!
Edited by Leàite on 4/10/2013 5:58 PM PDT
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100 Human Paladin
I'm sorry I missed this. Please log into the allianceooc channel if you stop in. We'd love to meet you and of course love for you to come to CC. Introduce yourself and you will get flooded with hellos and introductions.

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90 Night Elf Hunter
...My OCd is compelling me to say this. Gen, she pretty clearly mentioned that she's been around CC a while.

However, Sereina, the point still stands, feel free to hop into AllianceOOC. Normally this would be the part where I spammed you with Gambit advertisements, but we don't raid in any sense of the word. So I bid you good luck in finding a home!
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90 Human Paladin
Hello Sereina,

Ævolution is always looking for veterans such as yourself. Check us out online or chat in game.

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