Journal of the Rising Sun ((IC #4))

51 Blood Elf Monk
The smell of burned flesh clogged his nose. Rian stood panting over the corpse of Micah. He had killed the elf who dared to threaten Rhannah. He looked down at his hands, trembling as he saw blood staining them. The slow realization hit him as he vaguely heard Rhannah and the others talking. It was his skin that was blistered and raw. The burned flesh was his.

The pain started filtering in around the rush of adreniline. Excruciating pain, throbbing like nothing he had ever felt before. His ears rang in a cacaphony of sound. Kel'Tira's voice commanding him to sit and be treated. Zak yelling and stabbing the already dead Micah. Fyn trying to get through to Zak and get him away from his insane frenzy.

Through the haze of noise he heard a voice calling to him. "Rian? Are you all right? Rian? Can you hear me? You came!! I am so happy you came to me...Rian?" her voice seemed to come from a distance. He turned then searching out the source of the voice. And there she was, the face of his love, Rhannah. She was also injured. He ignored Kel'Tira for the second time that day. He fell to his knees in front of Rhannah. His pain shoved to the side as he called forth his Chi to heal her.

Waves of Chi energy flowed from his hands, healing him a little bit , but most of it going into Rhannah. "My love, I am so sorry...can you forgive me? I love you so much." his voice almost drowned out in the noise around them. Tears filled his eyes, as much for the pain in his heart as it was for his blistered hands and chest. Micah had cast his fire spells point blank at Rian. Most of his leather armor had absorbed the fire, but had left the exposed skin raw.

Rian's face was red, like he had sat in the sun for too long. Even his feet were singed through his leather boots. But he only had eyes for Rhannah. His only fear was that the rest of them would chastise him more as they had already.

They did not understand. This was not like him, to be so violent and vicious. He did not even realize it when he sank to his knees and Kel started healing him. The Holy Light taking away the worst of the pain and leaving him numb. He bantered with them all as if it was nothing. They were all used to battling fierce enemies, dealing death like it was cutting a cake.

Inside he was reeling with guilt and shame. He had left Rhannah when she really needed him. Running away like a coward. He did not remember the trip home...he sank into the bed with his mind whirling in circles. Home...he was in Rhannah's home it was not his. She would not let him leave, clinging to him like the vines of the grapes to the trellises of his garden.

They were both exhausted and hurting. She crawled into the bed beside him and hugged him tightly. He fell asleep holding her, breathing in the scent of her hair as she laid her head on his chest.
Edited by Riandron on 8/25/2013 6:44 PM PDT
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68 Blood Elf Paladin
The Scarlet Monastery

I walked the courtyards and halls of the old monastery, finding the bodies of dead fanatics here and there. A gnawing concern began to grow within me as I made my way past the fountains, and saw the destruction wrought there...however there was still no sign of my love. Well, only the path of destruction he had wrought through the place.

I found him in the temple and altar area fighing more Scarlets, and I did what I could healing and throwing spells to assist Leon. As we came to the altar area I told him I would change to assist him against the two that lead the fanatics here.

Leon was magnificent in battle, his determination, the power of the Light as he wielded it, and the sheer power of his blows. It had been a wish to stand beside him and fight with him and here I was doing just that!

He panted from the exertions of the battle, and he wanted to change. I did also, and I waited for him in the room of fallen heroes. As we met I could feel a charge in the room, or was it me and the look in his eyes as he gazed upon me. Something melted within me, my resolve was gone. Everything I had wanted to say and to tell him disappeared as I stepped closer to him, and he kissed me, and pulled me into his arms.

I melted against him, only seeking refuge within his embrace and kisses. This had been what I wanted all along, what I had dreamed of, and he delivered it with an intensity that took my breath away. My senses were overwhelmed by his musky scent, the desire I found in his eyes, and the strength of his embrace. I remember my hands moving over his chest, his firm muscular chest, and the long lingering kisses.

An offering was presented and taken, and I wanted the evening to go on forever. I am his, and he is mine, and I find myself a woman in his presence and eyes. And I like that feeling. Leon, my dear sweet love, I love you.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
The hot desert air of Uldum rose in shimmering heat waves. Jana wiped her brow and was glad she had her hair up in a tail. The only relief was when they were in the air flying. Landing at the palace of the Ramkahen she waited in the shade until she saw Lineron and Fyn land on the terrace. "Hello, Lineron. Fyn, how are you?" her smile for both of them.

The death knight had such a rapscallion attitude that Jana could not help but smile. He was raucous and bold, a good fit for the Fellowship. "Let's get this show on the road!" he yelled in his echoey voice. His geist mumbling something she could not make out.

"All right, where are we going to look?" she leaned against the wall of the terrace. Her eyes drifted out over the desert. It would be fine once they started flying, she kept telling herself.

"Checking out the mountains, looking for a cave. Let's fly!" and he took off on his mount.

Jana sighed and called for her wyvern. High into the sky they scanned the ground below them. Fyn was right with them as they circled the desert. Once they had reached the area of the border between Uldum and Silithis Jana signaled and landed near the coast. The other two landed near her and Lineron looked a bit irritated, but he always looked that way so Jana paid no mind to it.

"I need a break, and maybe some kind of direction. Lineron...I did find a cave near here. But never got a chance to explore it. Want to go with me to check it out?" her brow lifted in query. She had wondered what was in the cave, it had an odd smell to it. Dusty and old, was the best thing that came to her mind.

Lineron shrugged, "Sure, maybe there is a clue there. Take us to it."

Mounting her wyvern again she led them along the coast to a small grove of trees. Behind the trees a cave mouth yawned. It was cool and dark inside. Fyn looked nervous, and Lineron was fascinated. "Yeah, this looks interesting. Let's have a look see!"

The winding passages were at times cramped and then open to a high ceiling. Whatever had carved out this cave was long dead. Or was it? Fyn seemed quiet, and Jana looked over at the hunter in question. She sensed a vague disquiet from the girl. She was better tuned to the animal life than Jana, who was only beginning to remember her Farstrider training as an animal tamer.

None of them was prepared for what they found. There in the bottom of a chamber that seemed to be carved with talons, lay a sleeping red dragon! The death knight , rogue and hunter froze in nervous tension. The dragon was indeed sound asleep. Either it was an unnatural sleep or it just did not see them as a threat. They all backed out quietly and moved off to discuss their find.
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85 Night Elf Druid
From the Journal of Zakia Sunblade


How does one deal with their confusion, normally you would go to another, and ask for them to explain what has you confused, but what do you do, who do you ask, when the thing confusing you is yourself. That is the situation I find myself in, confused at my own feelings, and I do not know what to do about them. Perhaps I should start from the beginning.

A few nights ago I was introduced to a potential new member to the Fellowship, by the name of Shade, apparently Lineron is the one who found this potential comrade. That fact alone sent up about a dozen red flags for me, for Lineron is not quite all there in the head, and as they say crazy attracts crazy, so I figured this person was probably just as loony as that death knight. How wrong I was, she was a little, "different," to say the least, but she seemed relatively normal, well normal for the Fellowship anyway. Still she seemed genuine in her desire to join the Fellowship, the conversation stayed on normal topics, what was the guild like, what were it's members like, etcetera.

The conversation took a strange turn for me, for as I was preparing to leave to return to Northrend, Shade asked a strange question in my mind, she asked to speak with me alone the following night, I don't know why, but I found myself agreeing. So I met her in Silvermoon City the following night as promised, I still wasn't sure of her motives, but I was confident I could handle myself well enough to at least escape if she tried anything funny. It turned out she just wanted my opinion on the Fellowship, on it's members, and on it's leader Ratheron, I answered her questions as honestly as I could. When I asked her why she was interested in my opinion, she simply stated I interested her, the statement confused me a bit, but I let it go, and our conversation drifted to more personal matters.

It is obvious enough walking through Silvermoon City, that love, or lust is in the air, you can't walk down the street without seeing couples holding hands, or doing other things couples do. So it wasn't too strange that our conversation turned to the topic of relationships, she seemed indifferent on the matter, not really denying the possibility, but also not open to it. She seems satisfied enough with how she is living her life right now, I myself, am open to the possibility, but there are few people who can deal with me for long periods of time. So the thought of finding someone who could deal with me for years is a laughable prospect to me, sometimes I wonder how Rhan puts up with me, but more than that, I do not know of anyone I would feel safe being around in that manner, with my current problem, but at the same time maybe that is something I need to combat this darkness, I do not know.

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85 Night Elf Druid
As we talked, we were joined by Fynnariel, Lineron, and finally Kyetah, we decided to head for the beach, for more privacy, and in my opinion better scenery. Unfortunately Shade, and Lineron did not join us, having things to do in Pandaria, I agreed to talk to Shade again should she wish to, as they left. Those two were replaced, by Shadow, and Carinoth, and eventually Ratheron joined us as well, I admit just the sight of that man sends my blood to boiling, fortunately Fyn was there to remind me to be calm, and also Kye, who for whatever reason seems to keep the darkness in check with her mere prescence. Eventually the mood changed, two couples in the group, romance, and cuddling, and all other manner of affection was inevitable. It got to be too much for me, taking into account my earlier conversation with Shade on the topic, fortunately Kye seemed to feel the same way, so I asked her to show me the guest house she mentioned during our last meeting.

The place was a mess to say the least, but with a little hard work, and a good architect even I can see the potential the place has. Touring the inside revealed a lot of debris that needed to be cleaned out, and I listened to everything Kye said with rapt attention, offering my help to her again if she wished it. However, I did not simply ask her out there to see the house, I also wanted to keep my promise to her, to reveal everything that is wrong with me, the next time we were alone. Reveal everything I did, I left nothing out, from my meeting with Master Stormfury, to my blackout, and even to my seeking aid from the monks in Orgrimmar. She listened silently, worry, and concern plain on her face, I told her my biggest fear was the darkness taking hold while I was around people I cared about, my family, Fynnariel, and her. Now don't misunderstand I don't want to hurt anyone in the Fellowship, and I am concerned for all of their safety should the darkness take hold, but those three, my family, Fynnariel, and Kye especially.

I know it is strange, I barely know Kye, an dyet I find myself already caring for her safety, and she is equally concerned about mine, she doesn't want to hurt me should the worse happen, and I don't want to put that burden on her either. Needless to say the mood changed a bit after I revealed that, and we both knew it, we both blushed, and looked away from each other. I had to leave soon after that, to return to Northrend, but I also left confused, at my feelings, why did Kye seem to have a calming affect on my darkness, why do I care so much for her safety, when I barely know her? These questions, and many others play about in my head even now, so I ask again what do you do, who do you ask, when your feelings are the things confusing you the most?

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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Is it possible to see someone as a potential friend and want to scratch their eyes out at the same time? I guess it must be, as I am that way about one of the newer members of the fellowship.

A few days ago, Fyn and I were playing hide and seek with Zak in Silvermoon City and it was a lot of fun trying to track him down in the city. I had managed to keep track of him most of the time, but he managed to evade us for a time. While we were searching for the slippery rogue, we ran into Lineron and a hunter named Shade. They joined us as we talked in the Royal Exchange.

Shade seemed interested in joining the fellowship and talked with us about it at length. After the others had drifted away to sleep or do other things, Shade and I talked on. I got the feeling that like me, she'd had a rough life, but unlike me, I don't think she had ever had to sell herself to survive.

At one point our conversation drifted on to Zak. Shade wanted to talk to him about his impressions of the fellowship and was concerned about stepping on my toes. I must admit I was confused for a moment until I worked out what she meant. Then it dawned on me and I burst out laughing. I assured her that there was no reason for concern and she was free to talk to Zak as much as she wanted.

The conversation returned to what we had been talking about earlier that night and that was that. We parted ways and I felt that I had met someone who understood how hard life can be and that I could actually be friends with.

The next afternoon, I was visiting the auction house when I ran into, Zak, Shade and a couple of the other members of the fellowship. We talked for a while until it was time for Shade and Lineron to hunt Kor'kron in Pandaria. As she was leaving, Shade thanked Zak for talking with her.

The strange thing is, that when I heard that, I was hit with a second or two of jealousy. I was confused to where that come from and it must have showed on my face as Zak asked if anything was wrong. I told him it was nothing and he let the matter rest.

Later, as I was showing him the inn that I'm turning into a guest house, I was hit by another emotion. It was all too familiar and I had to get away from such confined quarters. I claimed a need for fresh air and made my way outside.

Not long after that he had to return to Northrend and I have to confess to a wave of relief hitting me as I waved goodbye. Life had just gotten one hundred times more complicated. Light! What am I going to do now? How can I stay his friend and allow the friendship to develop along its own path, when I want to be so much more than just friends?
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
It's strange how one conversation can alter one's path in life. One's outlook, one's goals.

For so long, I've been here. Not long ago, I'd met with a Death Knight who told me some interesting things. About a certain Fellowship. I asked around, I got some strange answers, and I decided I would investigate further. And the answers I got were strange and varied. It was like walking into a rainbow of personalities, and most seemed fairly friendly and open to the Fellowship, to each other, and even Ratheron, their leader.

Except for one.

Before I did or said anything truly official, I wanted to know why this one was so discontent. Why he drew blood at the mention of Ratheron. Something which, I later came to learn, was something of a habit for him. And yet, his personality seemed strange to me.

To explain, I am who I am out of necessity. Kindness is a mechanical response more than compassion. To be polite and fair to everyone I meet, I gain a point in their mind, and they open themselves more to me. I get to see their true thoughts and feelings. But I desire little more than that. I read people, I study them, and I act from there. But this one turns out to be a bit different, for me.

I wonder what he hides. What secrets he thinks are so terrible. How he believes he is so much more scarred than I. His personality, though it can be brash, it is merely in jest or an uncomfortable reaction to others.

Though I first asked for Zak to speak to me about the Fellowship, about his true opinion and thoughts out of the earshot of others, where he might bend his words a little, I found that we spoke of more. Of other things. Of how we view strangers, how others influence our lives even if we don't let them in, and the strangest of all, relationships.

My conversation with Lineron drove me here. My conversation with Zak made me realize that what I was doing, how I lived, was just as a mechanical response as kindness is. What I do is simply to survive, and there is nothing more than that. I make rash and quick decisions and I alter my course in a heartbeat because it is all I can do to survive.

That was my response. I spent the night thinking upon it. Should I close my heart, or should I try to win others? Should I even try to open myself up to people, or should I smile with faked delight and wait until they fall. Wait until I am alone again and return to my life of solitude.

I don't want that, I thought to myself. I would like to return to someone. The loneliness I feel when I gaze at the stars isn't something I want to fall asleep to anymore. But seeking a relationship for a relationship's sake seems no better than seducing a !@#$%.

The only one I've crossed that I could even spend time talking to, without even thinking about the conversation, was Zak. The only one who could take me seriously, or who I could take seriously. Not that I've crossed paths with a lot of people, but I pride my ability to discern things rapidly. I have to.

I asked him to talk to me again. And the very next day, we talked. He was more than happy to meet with me. The day before, I had teased him and found out some very interesting things about him on a physical level. Not that even I would be cruel enough to blurt it out, simply tease him in private. But because of that, I brought new wrappings for his hands, suggested how he could use them to protect his hands in Northrend and from his own nails.

And a shirt. One has to have layers in Northrend, and he could use a few more. Judging his size was a bit of a task, I never did get terribly physically close to the man, but I could guess well enough that he said the shirt fit perfectly. I decided to go ahead with my plan, and that same day, I kissed each cheek once. Though the problems begin here. The second time was in front of someone who shares a similar history as me. Kyetah.

I don't know what Zak is thinking, how he is taking this. My flirting and gifts aren't in jest or teasing. I would like to be with someone, and I do enjoy the scant hours we've spent in each other's company. I would like to get to know him more, to see what he thinks about me as well. But I now realize that there's now limited time. For Kyetah, who once told me that she only views Zak as a friend, appears to have changed her mind quite suddenly.

Part of me rises to the challenge. Most of me has already accepted defeat. I will not alter my course, save for one thing. And that is if I am hurting Zak. He is strong, but I do not think that he will enjoy what is to come. The part of me which has accepted defeat is contemplating simply vanishing the moment that I know his choice before he even speaks it.

It would be easy.

Strange what a kiss on the cheek can do. And how a conversation can alter one's path in life. One's outlook, one's goals.
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49 Blood Elf Warlock
Dear Journal,

I have made a new friend within the Fellowship! She's a mage and she's very smart. We have spent hours chatting about just about everthing. We have so many things in common like she is a tailor and enchanter just like myself. And we both focus our studies on the use of fire, we have even swapped notes and stories about our fire.

Wyn knows I'm a warlock too, and doesn't find it offensive or anything like so many other mages I have met. She likens it to an intensive study of demonology and the element of fire. And she said she could see I had a good heart, and a strong will.

It has been so long since I had a woman friend to confide in and talk with...I had though about seeing if Rhannah or Flynnariel might. That paladin I met, Jen'tira see a little, no a lot, rougher around the edges than I ever would feel comfortable with.

But Wyntar is so sweet and listens, and truly cares about what I say and think. We have talked about fixing our hair, putting on our best dresses or gowns and lighting up Silvermoon City. It excites me to think about doing it, and frightens me at the same time.

Wyn has been a godsend keeping me busy, and not worrying about Kreindis. I still think about him, and wear his shirt at night. And I miss his strong arms around me, and his gentle kisses. However, Wyn has kept me busy shopping, having pedicures, manicures, my hair done up, and such. I can only imagine what Krei will think when he sees me before he goes to Pandaria!
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90 Blood Elf Monk
Rath stood outside the Legion's End, the tavern in Booty Bay that belonged to Silver Entreri and Ashok Longshadow. The two men whom he had come to know quite well and even call friends. They had asked him to come and so he had, he wished Shadow had been able to come with him but she was feeling sick of late and so he had left her sleeping in this morning. He didn't show any outward signs of concern but deep down he was wondering who this stranger was that had them on edge.

He was not facing the door but instead the bay and as he heard the creak of the boards he knew someone was walking up to him.

"Ain't it a pretty sight?"

"Yes it is. But it is not the sight that draws me here Silver."

"Ah hell I know tha', le's get inside an' ya kin meet 'im."

Rath nodded but turned around and stopped the human with a hand on the shoulder. "First I'd like you to tell me what has you so concerned. Then I will meet this man."

Silver shifted his weight a bit and pulled out a cigarette as he thought about the question. "Well fer starters this guy ain't from 'round here. Trinity found 'im in the wreckage of a fallen star fightin' a demon o' some kind. He jus' gives me the heeby jeebies if'n yer knowin' what I'm sayin'. I get the vibe he ain't someone to tussle with casually." Silver had lit the cigarette while they talked and Ratheron could tell that what Silver considered 'heeby jeebies' were things that were very dangerous.

"Very well. Let's see what this man has to say..."

As I think back on that meeting I shake my head. This man, Striker, was indeed someone that should not be trifled with lightly. Yet for all I saw of him he was not someone who was evil. He was dangerous and lacked a comprehensive moral compass but he had a set of goals and ideals he strove to achieve.

Perhaps the most obvious question is what could drive a man to fight evil, to rid it from what he called the universe, but not for oneself or one's family? He did not speak of any loved ones, of anyone he cared for. It seemed that he was a man married to his task. He spoke of oaths given and of the men he fought with, so I know that he cares deeply for these men yet I get the impression that even they only know part of who he is.

Perhaps I am reading too much into his mysterious nature but it is what I must do, I must make assessments of this man so that I can set my own mind, and the minds of those I call friend and loved one, at ease. Striker's unusual outlook on the world is not even the most unusual thing about him however. His armor is highly advanced and I have seen some well done suits of armor, but this outdoes all of them. It is like it lives, not like a living thing but as if it is thinking and shifting with what he wills.

A dangerous man indeed, I asked him about his weapons for I saw none on him and what he said to me frightened me indeed. The ability to carry all of his weapons without them being seen and without feeling their weight was something I had not thought possible.

I asked him about his combat prowess and the man listed martial arts forms, sword fighting styles and other combat training he had done much of which went over my head I am sorry to say. I asked to spar with him in the coming week at New Dawn, he agreed happily. It seems he is as keen to learn about us as we are about him.

I only hope that I am not entirely outmatched by this man, for Silver and Ashok told me some of the things he told them and I am now concerned.
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77 Blood Elf Mage
There are several thoughts whirling around my mind I must write them down so as not to confuse one for another, and keep my plans straight.

I have no idea whatever happened with that new student that was interested in studying under me. Hmm, under me, that sounds simply delicious....oh, well, I have another little fish on the line.

I will reel her in slowly, gently, tire her, and then she will find herself in my net. She either doesn't remember me from several weeks ago when I tried to seduce her boyfriend, or she never got a good look at me. How fortunate for me, for now I have put my simple plan into action.

I went out on some excursion for the guild and had a run in with a lightforsaken Death Knight. Really? I just don't see what people find so interesting about them. Anyway, he was rude, I shall not put up with rudeness from the likes of him or his ilk. So I left. I have no idea what he "thought" nor do I care. Do they actually think? Have they a brain? They are dead, or rather undead...maybe limited thought processes, I suppose...

Well, time is short, I have a nice luncheon date with my dear sweet friend Zyss, who is totally clueless. Hahahahahahaha!
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85 Night Elf Druid
From the Journal of Zakia Sunblade


What is it with women, one moment you think you are beginning to understand them, and the next they change completely. Now don't misunderstand, it is not just women, men do the same thing, but it seems women have a knack for doing such things. I must admit the complete changes I have witnessed in two of the women in my life is, how should I put this... disconcerting, and confusing. Not many things embarrass me, even when I am complicated on my skills with the blade, I accept the compliment, because I know it is genuine, and that is not arrogance, I do not claim to be the greatest swordsman on Azeroth. However, a warrior needs a certain level of confidence in his own abilities, and I have that, though when my other personality takes hold that confidence does turn into arrogance. I know I am skilled, but I also know I can still improve, so when someone compliments me on a certain technique I smile in thanks.

However, when I am complimented on my looks, or my physique, I turn as red as an apple, I am not used to such compliments, for I never give a thought to my appearance. Spending time preening in front of a mirror, making sure your hair is lustrous, and that your clothing matches, and is in style, always seemed like a pointless ritual to me. I do use a mirror to make sure my armor is strapped on correctly, but that is the extent of paying attention to my appearance. So when someone compliments me, especially a woman, on my appearance, my mind can't comprehend the compliment.

I am sure you are wondering where this is going, to understand my current situation you need to understand my thoughts, on such things. Last night I once again found myself in Silvermoon City, heading to meet with Shade, she contacted me over the guildstone saying she had something for me, and another question. Being a person who hates making people wait, I made my way back from Northrend as fast as possible. We met outside the gates under a tree near the Stillwhisper Pond, and Shade wasted no time, in giving me the items she had for me. Bandages to wrap around my hands, to protect them, not only form enemies, but my own fingernails, and she also gave me a shirt, which was appreciated considering the climate I find myself in everyday.

I had planned to try on the shirt, when I got home, but Shade convinced me that she needed to make sure it fit, personally I think she just wanted to see me topless, but whatever her reason, I obliged her, and tried the shirt on. It fit perfectly, though it is rather low cut, and reveals a good portion of my chest, it was still comfortable, and easy to move in, definitely something I could wear underneath my armor. After the shirt was on the first round of embarrassment hit, as Shade told me I looked good without a shirt, my face must have been as red as the shirt, for she gave me that innocent smile, I have come to know when she teases me.

The moment passed, and after a little convincing, Shade got me to open up about my problem, she seemed genuinely concerned, and willing to help, unfortunately I had to stop, as Ratheron came by. With him lurking around the area, I could not bring myself to continue, and Shade thankfully seemed to understand. Not long after that we were joined by a young pandaren, who seems to serve Lineron, and his family, she was in quite a state, as she had lost something Lineorn had given her, and she feared reprisal. Now Lineron may be crazy, but I don't think even he would kill someone over something so trivial.

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85 Night Elf Druid
Still the young girl was scared, I am not good at comforting people is such situations, so I turned to Shade for help, I looked at her, and back to the pandaren girl, and that's when the second wave of embarrassment hit me. Shade seeing I had no idea what to do decided to go over to comfort the girl, but as she got up, she used her hand to push her face just close enough to mine so that her lips brushed my cheek. I admit I froze in shock, and embarrassment, never before had a girl kissed me, well beside my sisters, but those don't really count. It took me awhile to recover, only snapping out of it when a commotion over the guildstone, brought me back to earth, and when that happened, my first thought was What the fel was that?

Why did she kiss me, why then at that moment, was it just another way for her to tease me, or was it a genuine kiss of affection, this is where my confusion on how people can change so drastically so quickly came into my mind. I admit I am not an expert on love, or relationships, but I thought I was good at reading people, and my inability to figure out the meaning behind that kiss frustrated me. I let the matter drop in my mind, deciding it was just her teasing me, in her own way, she seems to enjoy watching me blush.

Later we found ourselves in the Hall of Respite, now joined by Kye, as the pandaren, Mei was her name I discovered, had to leave. We talked about random things, Shade getting another bout of blushing out of me when she offered for me to sit with her on the couch. As the night wore on I decided it was time for me to head back to Northrend, I promised Kye, I would come by the guest house the following night, to help her with the cleaning, Shade agreeing to stop by as well to drop off some meat. Kye said if the kitchen was ready she would cook for me, and I admit the thought made me happy, dinner with two good friends, what could be better. Before I left Shade had, one more thing to say to me, somthing I believe was a pretense for what she did, which was kiss my other cheek. Again, I stood there in shock, my mind racing trying to figure out what was going on, what was worse she did it in front of Kye, who stormed off. What is going on, these two women have done a complete turn around on me, something I thought was developing into two potentially great friendships. Now I am not sure what to think, surely the two of them can't have developed, "those," kinds of feelings for me, it is laughable to think such things... or is it?

I meet with them both later this evening, what should I do, should I just pretend like nothing happened, or should I try and get to the bottom of this, no for now I think it best to play it off, there is still the possibility those kisses were just Shade trying to get me to blush.

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86 Blood Elf Hunter
The air is crisp and the ground is hard. The War is over but this land and its inhabitants are treacherous. I am writing now from Northrend. While Northrend is as beautiful as it is dangerous, my heart is elsewhere…

Much has happened in the Fellowship over the last few days. A whirl of faces, activities and conversations pass through my mind as I contemplate what to write about. Rhan, and her brother Leon are safe. Rian has returned, and Micah is dead. I am happy that the monk came home. Zakia seems to have developed some sort of internal struggle with a darkness he cannot fight. I have noticed this before, but with Micah’s death it has seemed to intensify. He confided in me after a time, and I impressed upon him that he must seek out help first and foremost. I hope he heeds my words, they come from experience. The path I once walked, my rise out of the darkness with in me, is not a fate I would wish on anyone. I have grown quite fond of him, for we are alike in many ways and his situation worries me. Fel, I hope he listened to me.

Elysium continues to evade us, and our searches thus far have been fruitless. During that particular search my fear of enclosed spaces seemed to take hold. Thankfully Jana and Lineron took it in stride; they did not pry nor complain.

Kye and Zakia seem to have gotten close. I noticed Zakia’s wondering eye while we swam on the beach in Eversong. I am grinning as I write this only because I believe that that Kye may have some competition. Maybe I read the situation wrong, but our newest member seems to have an interest in the rogue. Shade is her name. Zakia will have his work cut out for him with two huntresses chasing him. For hermit types like us, being close with others is not easy, but perhaps he can confide in one of them? Perhaps one of them can help him fight the battle within? Admittedly I hope he chooses Kye, they have a connection and I want so much for her to be happy.

Shadow and Ratheron joined us one evening. Shadow seemed concerned about someone named Ares. Rath did not wish to involve us, or speak of it, so she dropped it. I sense it is bothering her greatly, hopefully if their friend needs help Rath and Shadow will come to us. I for one will always help them, for I owe them a great debt. They have given me something I never had before. A family.

Before the Fellowship I always craved solitude and the thrill of the kill. Now I crave only one thing, one man. Carinoth and I continue to grow closer, and every time we part it feels….difficult. When I am with him, I feel as though nothing else matters. The rush of heat, the feel of flesh when we are together is more intense than anything I have ever known. Even now I miss him more than words or thoughts can express.

I love Carinoth, but for the moment I cannot allow my heart to distract me from my current goal. My orders, direct from the Farstriders. To track down and kill a deranged Forsaken, whose name they cannot even bother to give me. I know nothing about him, except he carries a package that the High Executioner Anselm wants delivered directly to him once found. Also that he is male, a murder and somewhere in the Howling Fjord. I feel this will be a waste of my energies but I will rise to the challenge nonetheless. Besides I have always wanted to see the whole of Azeroth. Let the adventure begin!
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
What am I doing? Making Shade into a friend when we are in competition with each other? Am I crazy or just plain stupid? Am I letting my guard down and handing her the weapon to destroy me?

I don't know. I just don't know. Life is getting so complicated that it's making my head spin. Life on the streets was so much simpler. It was all about survival. Nothing else mattered. Anything that got in the way of surviving was put aside. That included feelings such as love. If I was interested in someone and found that another girl held his attentions, I would walk away. I wouldn't even take another girl's 'client'.

Strange huh? I didn't think twice about taking what I needed to survive from those who could afford it. Yet when it came to the little 'family' that was the people I lived with on the streets, I couldn't do it. There were times that I came near to starving because of it. But it also won me a lot of friends. The girls learned that they could trust me and the guys learned that they could talk to me without fear of me trying to entice them away from their girls.

So why is it now that I am doing what I refused to do when I was younger? Why am I competing for the love of a man? Worse, why do I insist on trying to make the woman I compete against a friend? We have been down similar roads in our lives and I can't help reaching out to her.

I even took her to my favourite bar and we shared a few pints of ale. I must have had way too much to drink. I found myself sharing that I was interested in Zak, even though I knew she was as well. Heck, I think the whole fellowship knows that. She's been coming on to him pretty strong since she laid eyes on him. I don't blame her. I would have done the same when I was younger.

For some reason though, I can't use those same tactics with Zak. Maybe it's because I’m getting older. Maybe it's because I've had a gutful of short, tempestuous affairs that burn brightly for a time, then fizzle out. It may even be that I can instinctively sense that that sort of approach won't work. I don't know.

For some reason, Shade is alright with me competing for Zak. I did tell her that I don't make a habit of stealing another girl's man so perhaps she can sense that if she wins, I will step back.

I'm not so sure she'll win though. Perhaps it's conceit talking, but I may have an advantage she will never have. I think I may have already captured his heart. Last time I was alone with him, I thought I saw something in his eyes for a brief second. Perhaps I am imagining it, perhaps it was just a reflection of what was in my own eyes, I can't be certain. I hope I actually did see what I thought. Oh sweet precious Light, let it be true!

For now, I will proceed as I was when Shade wasn't in the picture. Slowly, carefully, not applying any pressure, but allowing the relationship to develop naturally. I may lose for a time because of it, but I am confident that in the end, I will be the one that wins.
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
Daenith Felweaver deeply inhaled the air of the Vale of Eternal Blossom's then looked upon the landscape as she leaned against the railing. The undead women thought it was one of the most beautiful area's....except for the wound in the earth Garrosh and his Horde had made in the earth. "Idiotic Orcs....." She says with an edge in her voice.

She glares at the dig site then sighs and turns away, entering into the Shrine of Two Moons. For days now she has been sensing something within the Vale. Something very dark and obviously very evil. With the influx of Kor'kron coming to the dig site it is obviously something that is important to Garrosh, therefore Daenith had to find out more about it.

She has told her family of these feelings she has been having, of the darkness that lies within the Vale. Her brother says he told Shadow of her feelings, she says that they will be focusing on pushing the Kor'kron in Ogrimmar to there brink. 'If this turns out to be what I think it is, then the Kor'kron could push back! Don't they bloody understand that whatever Garrosh has found here could mean the difference in this war!' As she walked an old Pandaren man accidently bumbed into her.
"Oh, I am sorry mis-

"Piss off, fool." Daenith growls out demonically then continues up the stairs and enter's the shrines bar, dropping a gold coin on the counter. Daenith leans against the railing of the bar, looking down into the Shrine looking at all the people below going about there day. 'The hells that await them....they know nothing...'
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90 Blood Elf Hunter

It's all that came up.

I don't have a problem with most things in life. In general, it's nice to relax by a pond, or relax. I love the wilds, the outdoors. But I'm going to spend the night looking up at the stars tonight, just like every other night. Fighting against sleeping. I don't want to wake up again.

Zak told me a secret. His secret. Well, two of them. I told him one of mine as well, but he doesn't seem to grasp the impact of what mine has done to my life. But, he doesn't seem to grasp a lot of things. I've lost some steam in this endeavor because of that.

What is one supposed to do when one says she likes someone and he ignores it?

Well, ignoring it as best as one can. His face was about dark enough to match his shirt again, and he doesn't pull away when I touch him, when I kiss him.

But it pulls at me, it calls. I would have stayed with Kye and Zak tonight for a bit longer, but they wanted to go to the ocean to swim.

I can't. Perhaps it's a sick confession, but I couldn't do something like that. How nice it must be to feel free to enjoy oneself, but I cannot. And truth be told, what I want isn't even a physical relationship. It is simply what I am given, but a little more.

I am considering being silent for a time. To wait and see if he calls to me or looks for me without a set meeting time. That will be the first step, I've been blunt enough to crack an orc's skull with my words. And what I want cannot be given by only one side.

I wonder if it's asking too much to not be the only one looking up at the stars.
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49 Blood Elf Warlock

I had lunch with Wyn and she gave me a most delightful bottle of perfume. When I sprayed it on my wrist and took a small sniff I knew I would be wearing it all the time. I can detect a slight scent of hibiscus, and something else but I loved it.

I thanked her for the scent, and she merely smiled nicely, and said that I was so pretty I deserved a fragrance of my own, oh she called me a delicate flower, that was what she said. I blushed, but couldn't help smiling at the compliment.

Wyn noted the flush to my cheeks and wondered why the blush. And I told her that I so rarely receive them I don't know how to react to a real compliment. She said we would work on it together. She whispered in my ear that I was worthy of compliments, that I was a beautiful woman and should be getting them all the time.

When she leaned in to whisper to me, I smelled the perfume she was was enticing. I asked her about it, and she said I wore the same perfume, it was her own personal blend, it just smelled differently on me.

We talked for hours at our table, eating lunch, telling stories of what had happened in our lives, and I began to like her more and more. Her and I share a similar road of life, yet she began to stand up for herself and built up her confidence in herself and abilities. She must have seen the yearning in my eyes, for she told me together we would allow me to blossom too.

I so love being with her. She understands me and wants to help me reach my full potential. How can I not love that?
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77 Blood Elf Mage
Oh it was so delicious to hear her little squeal of delight over something as banal as a small bottle of perfume. Really? I do believe she had been living a sheltered life, if I had not heard her tell me all the sordid details of her life over lunch.

She neither suspects, nor will I tell her about the perfume. She will soon find herself thinking of me, and forgetting the handsome paladin of which she is so fond of. She is a dear one, and I compliment her where and when I can. She absorbs it like a sponge, and I can see it in her eyes, she craves more. Perhaps seducing her won't be nearly as difficult as I thought.

Then I can set about turning her over to that lecherous goblin down in the Bay. She will fetch top dollar when I am done with her. Oh, Zyss, pretty little Zyss, you will make me rich!

I already have the baubles to give to her, enchanted such that she will soon be putty in my hands. Coming here was one of my best ideas and well worth the wait. If she only knew...
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90 Blood Elf Monk
I stood in the same ring where Rian had run away from. The same place where I had once attempted to test a young monk to help him become something greater. Now here I stood to test my own skills against the skills of someone who appeared to be far more dangerous than I could ever imagine. Instead of using my new weapon, the polearm I received for my work on the Isle, I have decided to use my twin blades. They are my greatest weapons and though I am loathe to hem myself in I feel that I must in this instance. If I were to try something new against an opponent of this caliber I may as well issue my own defeat.

Striker was sitting outside the ring with crossed legs as if he were meditating but it was hard to tell. His lips were moving in some silent prayer and I did not understand it, the others who were here didn't seem to get it either. Silver, Tai and Ashok along with their lovers stood around the ring with tilted heads. They were curious to see what happened. Curious to see if I could defeat this man, or if he would wipe the floor with me as Silver put it. I hold no doubts that this will be a true test of my skills and mental state. But I have confidence in my abilities. I turned to smile at Shadow who was watching, as was my nephew Tyrael.

The young man didn't like this at all. He wanted to jump into the ring and fight with me, or fight in my stead. But I knew that such a thing would not give us the information we needed on Striker. Tyrael would fight valiantly but it would be in vain. A warrior's strength is also their weakness.

Striker stood suddenly and his head was encased in that odd helmet as he walked forward he wore nothing but that armor. The weapons he would wield were invisible to my eyes. But the mask of his helmet. The look of a calm and dispassionate killer. It would have sent chills down my spine had I not been in control. Were I not at my Center and I merely observing from a 3rd person view of it all. Striker tilted his head slightly as he stood before me, he didn't get into a ready stance but I could tell. The man was ready for anything.

"Shall someone call the fight for us?" He said without so much as turning his head, the voice that emanated from the man was cold and dark. I heard Tyrael growl quietly and the sounds of wood being twisted and crushed, but I did not turn for I didn't need to. I heard all of it. As Silver grumbled and started to countdown for us.

"3. 2. 1. Fight!"

Just like that I moved to my right and Striker to his left, yet he still remained in a casual and relaxed pose. I had sunken into a fighting stance and I flowed through poses as I attempted to assert where best to begin an assault, yet it seemed Striker had other ideas as the man laughed loudly before launching projectiles at me.

The air was buzzing with spinning stars as I pulled my blades to the front and began batting them aside, but I realized this was a ploy. Just a bit behind when Striker launched the real attack as he dove forward using his armor to catch my blades on the outside and give him easy access to pound into me. I didn't wait for that however as I propelled myself backward, planting both feet on his chest and kicking backward, flipping through the air. As I did I grabbed one of the kegs of beer from my back and launched it at him.

He seemed unfazed by this, letting it crash down on him as he laughed again. But I was not smiling nor laughing as I took a deep breath and let the Chi flow through me. Suddenly flames engulfed the air in front of me as I ignited the beer that encased the man. I stood back and danced on the balls of my feet, hopping back and forth waiting to see if the man's armor would keep him alive.

It did and the flames suddenly seemed to have a mind of their own, or rather his mind controlled them as he pulled them into three small balls of flame that he juggled. The armor looked unscathed, as if the fire had done nothing to it and there was almost no trace of the beer left.

He didn't chuck the balls of flame at me, setting them into the palm of his right hand he reached over his back to draw out his blade, the Hope-Ender. I then watched in awe, yet I showed none of it, as he set the balls against the blade and it took them into its length, flaming up a bright blue. He then tilted his head again as he set the blade's point along the ground and continued to circle with me as I readied my weapons.

It seemed I would be forced to close with the man and decide this by strength and will. I had known it would come to this but as I realized this I also realized that Striker held the advantage here. The man was a mystery, his training and teaching was such that I had no way of knowing what his strengths and weaknesses were. So I would just have to put it to the test.

Edited by Ratheron on 8/29/2013 12:16 PM PDT
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85 Night Elf Druid
From the Journal of Zakia Sunblade


What the fel is wrong with me, I am so confused in regards to my feelings, these strange feelings that well, up in me whenever I am around either of these two women. Both Shade, and Kye, both make me feel things I have never felt around other women, what are these feelings that seem so foreign to me. Is it love, or is my heart just playing tricks on me, before I did not think there was anyway that either of them could feel the same about me, not after they found out about my other personality. How could anyone love someone, who could lose control, and hurt them, I pray that doesn't happen the burden that would put on them, the burden of knowing they killed me, or maimed me to stop me from killing them if I lost control. My heart cannot bear the thought, a sharp pain runs through my chest whenever that possibility enters my thoughts.

It is impossible for either of them to love me, or so I believed, the events of last night may have proven that the impossible may indeed be possible. I had told Kye I would come by last night to help her with the guest house, of course I had a few missions that needed finishing up in Northrend, so we agreed to meet in the evening. As I was finishing up, Shade contacted me, wondering if I was available to talk, I told her I would be on my way as soon as I finished my business in Northrend. I knew what she wanted to talk about, I did promise her I would finish telling her about my secret, and she owed me a secret of her own. Once again we met by the waters of Stillwhisper Pond, as I finished telling her the darkest part of my secret, the black out I had during the Micah incident, she wanted nothing more than to help me.

Her actions however during our meeting are what makes me wonder about how she feels, for at one point, she removed her shoulder armor, at first I assumed it was because she was trying to get more comfortable. Now however, I believe it was a pretext for what she did next, leaning her head on my shoulder, the action caused me to blush furiously, but I found that I couldn't, nor did I want to pull away. So I let her stay like that for the rest of our conversation, in which she told me about her own secret, admitedly I couldn't really comprehend it, but something tells me this secret has impacted her life, more than I realize, perhaps one day she will go into more detail, so that I can understand.

The conversation took a strange turn at that point, another clue pointing at the possibility that she cares more for me than just a friend, she asked me what I thought of her resting her head on my shoulder. I told her honestly, that it wasn't unpleasant, but that I am not used to such close contact, perhaps I have kept people at arms length for too long. She told me touching was a form of expressing affection for someone you liked, and now that I write this, I think that was her trying to tell me her feelings, but at the time, it seemed so innocent to me. She spoke of other ways of expressing affection, with someone you liked, kissing, cuddling, and the like, and in my foolishness I still did not realize what she was trying to tell me. She said perhaps we could try it sometime, but only if I liked her in return, I do not know what I would have said if Kye had not contacted me over the guildstone at the precise moment. I am sorry Shade, sorry that I was too stupid, or naieve to realize what you were trying to tell me, but even if I had could I have given her a definitive answer?

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