Journal of the Rising Sun ((IC #4))

100 Night Elf Druid
The night had been long, and though Zakia Sunblade had promised to stay with Kyetah through the night, he had to get up, and think. He waited until she had fallen asleep, before returning to the main room of the guest house. Things were growing more, and more complicated for the young rogue, he loved Kye, but what did he feel for Shade? Nothing made snese to him anymore, fate had once again thrown his heart into turmoil, he knew Shade needed a friend, someone to talk to. But because of his sister, and Hael that may have been ruined, they could not see that they were simply friends, were they that worried he was a typical sin'dorei, someone who would abandon his love to sleep around.

It hurt his heart everytime Shade insists she was not the right choice for him, that she wasn't good for anyone, he knew it was false, in his heart he knew. He had pictured what his life would have been like if he had picked Shade, definitely more exciting, but everytime he pictured it they were happy. He was happy with Kye now, but this was one what if he couldn't let go of, especially whenever Shade spoke poorly of herself. He sat down at a table, and pulled out his journal.

Why must life be so complicated, life, and love perhaps the two most complicated things this world has to offer. I hurt, my head, and heart are in turmoil, though I put on a brave face for everyone else, inside I am lost. The two women I care most for in this world, are both hurting, they both need my help, someone to listen to, and comfort them. The question is who do I choose, Kyetah, still struggles with the loss, of her brother, and little girl, while Shade struggles with everything the war took from her. Both need comfort, and someone to talk to, perhaps I can ask Kelden for help, though he has been alone for three years he was, and still is a good listener, giving equally good advice. The question is would Shade let him in, would Kye, in the end I may be the only one they both have, why is it so confusing, why do these thoughts, and daydreams of me, and Shade pop up now.

Is it because I am unsure of my choice, is it just my desire to help her, to make her smile, and be the old Shade again? I do not know, Kye, and I have not even taken our relationship to the level people would probably have expected by now. I know that is because of me, I am shy, and unsure of myself when it comes to love, and women, and yet I find myself again pulled between two of them. Could that be the problem, is somewhere in my mind a part of me that believes Kye doesn't love me as much as she says she does, simply because of 'that?' Maybe I am more like my people than I think, if that is the case, and if it is it sickens me to the core, I am different, I want to be different from my kin. There are days I wish I was not born sin'dorei, but that is my lot, and I must live with it, perhaps I should have followed Kelden's lead and left, so as not to continue being exposed to the debauchery of the majority of my people.

What do I do, Light, if you listen to everyone, even those that don't always believe you exist, then please help me now, before my mind, and heart broken.
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Post siege

I should be happy. But I'm not. Or at least I'm not as happy as I should be. I have a wonderful lover, my dream guest house has come into reality and I have some good friends so why am I so down?

I didn't start out that way. I returned home from the siege excited and glad to have an end to the fighting. I'd reconnected with my friends and our sisterhood was still as strong as ever. I had settled in to a simpler life running the guest house and life was good.

Perhaps there is the problem. Or is it just another of those cycles to life that come and go? I do not know. I just find that my mind keeps returning to my beautiful baby girl Lily. Her birthday came and went while I was away at the siege and I wasn't able to honour it until I returned.

Zak found me at her grave, and the grave of my brother. It was strangely cleansing and embarrassing to be found there. But I knew I had to tell him eventually. So I told him about Lily and Mickey. He just stood there and held me the whole time. I don't think I’ve ever loved him more than I did that day. Just to have him hear the truth and still want to hold me, to even just touch me was so healing.

Still, it doesn't explain why it is that I can't stop thinking about Lily. The times around her birthday are always hard. But this year they seem worse. Perhaps it is because this birthday would have marked her coming of age. Or perhaps it is that I have just returned from killing orcs that were not much older than she would be now if she had lived. I do not know.

All I know is that her memory springs too easily to my mind and that memory can change my mood at the drop of a hat. I know what triggered this latest bout though. Yesterday afternoon, some of the fellowship gathered at the fountain and we were all laughing and singing songs. I was having a lot of fun and enjoying the chance to sit for a while.

At least I was, until Dalen started to sing a silly little song that had a line about a baby in a carriage and the memories of Lily's funeral hit me hard. After that, it all went down hill. Zak moved a little way from the group and Shade followed him. I couldn't hear what they said but it looked like they were just talking.

Why is it that the presence of Shade fills me with such conflicting emotions? I can't understand it. I an torn between wanting to be her friend and help her heal the way others helped me, and wanting to scratch her eyes out and put an arrow through her heart so that she can't take Zak from me.

Perhaps that is it. I never thought love would find me and now that it has, I am terrified of losing it. But why should Shade be the only one to bring that out in me? Zak chose me, not her. So why should her presence around him make me want to reach for my bow? She is the only one that I fear could steal Zak's love from me.

Could it be that I don't have all his love? That part of him still loves her? Is his heart still divided in two between the two of us? I wish I knew. I wish I was feeling stronger in myself. If I was, I’d be able to face it and ask him. But at the moment, I need his love and his strength to help me through this time.

If only I were stronger....
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86 Blood Elf Hunter
Never sit with your back to the door. Back to the wall, all escape points within view.

Fynnariel took a sip of her drink. This particular Pandaren didn’t seem to care if she was sober, drunk or comatose as long as she paid gold.

What is his name again? Fynnariel pinched the bridge of her nose in concentration. How long have I been here? The Farstrider had lost track of time.

Frowning into her glass, Fyn thought about contacting Carinoth. She swallowed hard, part of her missed him. But that part felt far away, like she couldn’t reach it. Since the Siege everything had felt that way. Distant.

Fyn had hoped she would snap out of it once they returned home. She thought relaxing would help. Then the headaches and nightmares began. The Farstrider felt a change in herself, a blocking of emotion she couldn’t release. So, when her Commander sent her a job offer in Pandaria, Fyn jumped at the chance.

Leaving with Dae still in a coma was perhaps cruel, but Fyn couldn’t stay. Carinoth shouldn’t have to deal with that and her issues. It was too much. Besides no one would notice she was gone, she left for long periods of time quite frequently. Fyn was also fairly certain no one could help. How do you make someone feel again? The only way she felt anything anymore was through killing…


A new drink set before her, the liquid sloshed inside the cup. “That meddling wench.” Fyn’s voice slurred and she took a sip. Much conversation she had heard over the guildstone, but Whispers return into Fyn’s life sparked a sense of irritation.

The rogue had interfered again. Fynnariel hoped the others would stay away, wouldn’t listen. It would be a nuisance if they found her like this. Drunk out of her mind…not even knowing what tavern she was in.

Car…I’m sorry…
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
The woods were silent save for the soft sounds of the birds, and the occasional contented squawks of the black hawkstrider that was kicked earth over herself like a great, big chicken.

The Blood Knight watched with a thin smile, her journal on her knees, quill in hand.

Fyn is missing.

Shade is missing, although the Firehawks do not seem terribly concerned by it, and I believe they likely have the right of it.

Zak is torn by two women. It is going to lead to trouble.

Shadow and Rath are married. (Scribbled in the margins here is a list of possible wedding gifts. Chocolate has survived a series of crossing outs, as has ducklings, children, and a room of their own)

The twins are sleeping through the night, a small blessing in and of itself.

The recruits, Light be praised, show some small bit of promise.

Zak is a stubborn b*tch.

Someone's going to get hurt, and as always, I will be here for whoever that might end up being.
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35 Blood Elf Hunter
The Hall was once a place where we could go and find our friends. To commiserate and help each other. To make friends and to encourage cooperation. Jan looked at the blank spot on the wall where the guild roster once hung. It was gone and the echoes of past members were silent today.

None of the current members of the Fellowship seemed to remember how it used to be. The code: Honor, Compassion, Faith, Love. They seemed like empty promises now.

There were new members who showed potential, if only they did not give up and let the petty differences keep them from remembering the Code. Jana sighed with true regret, someone would have to work really hard to keep things together. "I am sorry, Kara...all your work seems to have been forgotten and shoved aside for politics. The very thing you and Tyrael were trying to avoid." her words were softly spoken, she did not expect an answer.

The Sindorei were always on the edge of political intrigue. It was so involved in the society, there was no way to avoid it. House against House, rivals fighting for supremacy in a world torn by war. How could they forget their differences and make peace when pride and arrogance ran in the race to a large degree?

Not one of them was perfect, and yet the expectation was there to strive to be better. Did none of them remember the lessons of humility and compassion? Better as a people and better as a person did not always happen. Accepting differences and working around them had kept the Fellowship alive for many years. If you could not keep an open mind and forgive and forget petty slights, you were destined to fail. Personally and as a people.

Jana turned to leave and was startled by an apparition floating behind her. The voice that whispered in her mind more than out loud came clear. "Do not give up on them Jana, they are in desperate need of sticking together. The world's problems will not leave them unscathed. But they need to move forward, and learn from the past." the spirit seemed familiar and Jana thought it might have been Karamia. But it vanished as she reached out a hand to touch it.
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Shade's handwriting is a scribbled mess after having picked up her journal. Written calculations span across the pages, though the woman herself is extremely rusty with her mathematical skills, leading to confusion. The numbers repeat themselves, however. 14 (created by 2 and 7), 180 (created by 6 and 30), and an attempt to make them make sense. The end result seems to be 1 = 12.9 (rounded).

The Sin'dorei looked at the journal and sighs, slouching her shoulders. Her eyes closed and for a moment and she felt warm arms around herself, holding her tight. A familiar presence, soft, warm breaths against her neck causing her to shiver with pleasure. But only for a moment could she fool herself with this figment of her imagination. When she looked around, no one was there. She was alone, and began to write other things. Nonsense lines. Somewhere between inane ramblings and a conversation that will never be answered.

Calm serene ocean breeze. Birds and bees and trees. All of humanity down on their knees.

I'll shove this boot up your !@#.

It hurts so much.

Is it really a fair trade? Bad people, good music. I think you have the better end of the bargain. I'll take bad music any day.

I might stab the next person who rubs it in my face that Kyetah and Zak are together.

Do you think they'll hold it against me?

I hear it every other day.

Why are women so insecure?

Why can't I just be someone's friend?

This paranoia is created by them. Not by me. It's so obvious when I'm flirting. The only time it hasn't been was because I was scared.

I am still scared.

But I got past that.

You left me. You left me. You left me. You left me all alone here. I hate you so much. I miss you so much.

It's not a secret anymore.

If I could, I would scream it. I don't care. I'm not ashamed. I should never have been ashamed.

I'm a horrible racist. I'm a horrible woman. It makes me a wonderful Sin'dorei.

I don't trust anyone anymore.

Why should I?

Why can't people fix their own problems?

Do I have to intervene?

What if it all falls apart because it's me?

What have I done wrong? Where is my sin.

Kyetah went after my man. Not the other way around. I claimed him first.

Isn't she the sinner?

Aren't I the good sport for putting up with this? For letting her put everyone in this position?

I need to be the adult, I think.

Lay ground rules.

That will fix everything.

And a knife.

To the face.

Stupid b*tches.

I hate Azeroth. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.

Isn't the Fellowship an open sort of thing now? Ratheron put it down.

Will I be shunned?

I don't care.

I'll go somewhere else.

I'll wait on the edge of the world.

And sit. Alone. And wait.

Dalen's so kind. You'd hug him if you knew what he was doing for me. I do. I'm so wary now. I'm waiting for Seraphathir to be pissed off. He spent a lot of time looking out for me yesterday. I don't need the Firehawks to start breathing down my neck too.

'Sera's good for you. Don't make a mistake. Don't $%^- up.'

I can't take it. I'm going to break.

When I can't trust anyone. It makes me so tired. Like I've run a thousand miles for nothing. And I collapse to the ground in a desert. Defeated. So thirsty. I can't turn my back. I can't trust anyone.

Not even Zak.

Can I trust the Firehawks? Can I trust Kel? I can't trust the Sunblades.

Can I trust Kyetah?

I don't know anymore. I don't know. I don't know.

Calm serene ocean breeze… And birds and bees and trees…
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100 Night Elf Druid
Zakia Sunblade sat in his bed, his journal on his knees, he looked down, and smiled at Kye, he ran over the nights events with a smile. First Shade, had called him out to talk, the rogue believed they understood each other now more than ever, he was saddened to hear of people rubbing his, and Kye's relationship in her face, but he promised to support her against such people. She said she needed Kye's support as well, and he knew Kye would be happy to help her, they were both Shade's friends, and would help her however they could. After that everything that had been troubling the Fellowship, was brought out into the open, and now the young rogue believed they had made the first step to reforge the bonds that have been strained for months now.

There was still a long way to go, but they had made a great first step, all meeting at the guest house, and having a mini party. Zak chuckled as he remembered everyone trying to get him to dance, he couldn't bring himself to do it, but he swore to himself that next time would be different. Stilll had enjoyed watching Kye dance, he couldn't get the movements of her beautiful body out of his mind, which was why he sat there awake, while Kye slept. He shook his head, still smiling, after everyone had left, they had taken a bath, it was the first time he had seen her body, in the flesh, nothing happened, they bathed, and Zak had given her a massage, and the went to bed, both falling asleep in each others arms. He smiled, he still believed no matter his choice he would still be smiling, but both he, and Shade had made their choices, and they were happy with them, he smiled, and put pen to page.

Who would have thought, I of all people would be sitting in a bed, next to the love of his life, I no longer have any doubts, about my choice. Shade accepts it, and she seems satisfied with being friends, I admit I believe these feelings I have for Shade cropped up out of concern for her well being. I realized though that I could never replace Striker, and neither she, nor I wanted me to try, she needs a friend, not a lover, and Kye, and I will be those friends. I hope that the entire Fellowship will be her friends, to support her, we made a good first step in bringing the Fellowship back together, I believe, thanks to Shade.

Shade has helped both the Fellowship, and myself personally, I admit, I began to doubt my choice in Kye, but after speaking with Shade no longer. I love Kye more than anything, and I will damned, if I let anything change that. I feel my eyes getting heavy, and I return to my love's side, to sleep, thank you Shade for reminding me, even if it was unintentional how much I love her. Thank you Kye, for putting up with my moment of doubt, tomorrow begins a new day, and I will make it up to you, I will give you more love than you can ever hope to handle.
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29 Blood Elf Warrior
The dry dusty wind blew away the wisps of smoke as Hael rode her bike among the ruins of the Eastern estate. She was surprised to see the evidence of fresh graves and rennovation started. She found an old garden shed and inside of it a toybox. It was obvious a child's fantasy of being a soldier of the Firehawks.

She picked up the half burned wooden sword and tucked it into a box she found, wrapping it in a tarp. She wondered if they were still going to try and brush this aside as a necessary evil. Killing innocents was never good in her mind and she would fight them tooth and nail if they tried to convince her otherwise.

The meeting should be interesting, she thought to herself. If Zackia still defended these nobles she had to admit it would surprise her. What kind of people were they really? She did not have many good experiences with nobles.
Edited by Haelya on 10/27/2013 11:56 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
I should have left this up to Ratheron alone.

Shade walked side by side with one of the women who had attached herself to House Firehawk. Though, through her understanding, it was just as casual of a thing as Rhannah's attachment to the House, as well as her own. Shade has never been offered the name, but the nobles had taken her in during her time of need. Twice now. The first time with great fuss on her part, and the second time, not so much. Though the woman found herself often in the company of these people, it was to be expected. They had been like a family to her.

Zarina Dawnstalker, however, was not. There was something about the woman that was wild and untempered, just as Ratheron had said before they had gone into battle together. Her dark chocolate hair would make Shadow drool and try to eat it if the monk wasn't so afraid of the woman. And she had every right to be. Shade had been there, she had seen the raw carnage and Zarina's obvious delight at causing chaos and mayhem. It was in her blood and the woman was completely unapologetic and unabashed to admit it.

"So… about the other day…" Shade began softly.

"What?" Zari's eyes flashed dangerously. "Are you going to tell me how to mourn as well?"

"No!" Shade held her hands up defensively and wished fervently that she wasn't alone with the woman. Truth be told, she had come to favor being around the Firehawk men and Zak quite a bit because they were helpful and even-tempered. After the debacle with Hael and Jae, it was a wonder that Shade wasn't completely gun-shy around women at this point. But Zarina might be the nail in the coffin in that regard, no matter how sweet Shadow was or how calm and undisturbed Sera was.

"No," she softened her tone and looked along the beaches. The ruins of the seaside estate was in view, and Zarina followed the hunter's gaze to it.

"Good. I'd hate to have to burn your tongue out. Not that I have to answer to Ratheron for that anyway," the woman sneered. "We're all 'equals' now, aren't we?"

"Yes, we are," Shade sighed softly. "And as such, we should all try to get along."

"Yes!" Zari widened her eyes, her tone full of mockery. "Let's all sit around and play dolls! Let's talk about our feeeelings. How are you feeeeling today, Shade?"

The hunter honestly wished that the woman was back to threatening her, for this side of the woman was far scarier. Though she subconsciously leaned away, she decided against saying as much to Zari's face.

"As if you're not taking this seriously… Ratheron's worried about the Fellowship and its relationship to House Firehawk."

"Why would he be?" the woman snorted. "He handed the reins over, after all. Doesn't he have some… ingenious plan?"

"Where would the Fellowship be without the Firehawks?" Shade asked suddenly, and the woman gave pause. They both stopped on a small hill of grass overlooking the beach, and for a moment, Zari's sarcasm seemed to be lost as she donned a serious expression.

"Probably dead. Bunch of corpses, all over. Anyone who lived would be forced into servitude to the Firehawk's name. Tychus' attack was coming with or without Ratheron at the helm, you know. He challenged the Fellowship when it was Kel'tira at the lead… You should hear Eve's thoughts about that one," the woman laughed suddenly.

"What about before that?" Shade pushed.

"How would I know? I joined right before that stupid Sorcerer made his move. Before that, I guess it was okay?" she waved a hand. "I'm just here for the chance to study under the banner of guild and House, don't look at me for a text book history. If that's why you asked me here, I'm gone," she turned away.

"No, please," Shade sighed, clenching a hand to steady herself. "I really need everyone's opinion and thoughts. Because if I don't keep pushing, the Fellowship will die."

"As long as there's some smart-mouthed c*nt who thinks I'm 'wallowing in my grief' when I'm working my hands to the bone harvesting new gems and petitioning students to take up my form of magic, that I'm just another 'name' in the guild when I fought in the damn war… Why should I give two sh*ts?" Zari looked back at Shade, and for a moment, the hunter couldn't answer.

"Because it's the Fellowship. Are you going to walk away from it just because someone said something stupid to you?" she finally replied softly. Zari tilted her head thoughtfully and turned back to face her, crossing her arms with open disdain written across her face.
Edited by Shade on 10/26/2013 11:46 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
"Never said I was going anywhere. I just couldn't care less right now. Why, do you want for me to go make friends? I'll burn her f*cking inn to the ground…" she licked her lips. "With her in it. Don't believe me?" she tilted her head to the remains of the Firehawk's estate. Shade's blood ran cold, but she wasn't shocked. Instead, she donned a calm, collected mask, and pretended that she was Ratheron. She pretended that she had all of the answers. It was the only thing to keep her from running.

"They're thinking about walking away…" Shade forced the words out.

"Eh?" Zari raised an eyebrow.

"The Firehawks. There's a possibility that we'll lose the lot of them. I'm assuming you'd leave, too, with Varus."

"Correct," Zari didn't even miss a beat. Though her expression did shift a bit as she looked at Shade. "Fact is, the Firehawks are the Fellowship. They are the loyalty and kindness that those whiny b*tches want. They just can't be assed to come say hello and make friends. The Firehawks are busy with their own lives and can't be expected to go kiss *ss to every newcomer who comes by. It's business. They're a large House that recently shrank, they have a new Lord who is shaky in his political position because half of the City thinks he's some kind of phantom, their new Lady is a fraud pulling strings… Everyone knows why they don't want -me- around half of the time!"

"And Ratheron and Shadow are due for a vacation and their honeymoon… And Dalen and Sera are starting a family?" Shade murmured. Everyone was busy.

"It's this little thing called… Oh, what's it called… Having a f*cking life," Zari snorted. "I guess no one heard me screaming when Shadow took my stone. Little b*tch," she shrugged it off and re-joined Shade on the hill.

"Fact is," Zari continued, "Their life has been the Fellowship. It has been the Fellowship for a very long time. They can't give anymore when they've given all that they can, and you have a bunch of snot-nosed brats craving attention without earning it. Who f*cking knew that whiny b*tch's inn was even open? I sure didn't."

Shade dropped her gaze. She hadn't known either. But then again, that was because she had been stuck in a depression, they had only just gotten back from the war and she had shut off her stone and hidden up until recently. If anyone was wallowing, it was her. Not Zari.

"Of course, that's just me channeling Varus who's channeling Tyrael. I hear them. I swear, it's like they have each other's cocks in the other's mouths half the time," Zari grinned, as if enjoying the thought. "But anyway. Here you are. Trying to keep everyone together, aye?"

"I owe the Firehawks. I'd be living on the streets, curled up and half-starved in a dusty corner if it wasn't for them," Shade whispered. "Or I would have bled to death even before the Siege began."

"I owe the Firehawks as well. It's why I say what I do about them. Sure, I get plenty of outlet," as if to demonstrate, Zari held a hand up and conjured a small fireball. Shade, again, leaned away. "But they know some really dark things about me. They don't shy away from me… Fact is…" the fire went out. "I'd be off worse than even you without them. Tyrael is the only one who has supported me in my endeavor to make my magic. Ratheron… Well, the stupid monk did what he could. I guess he saved me… I wish he hadn't sometimes…" Shade looked at Zari in open shock, she would have never expected the woman to utter such a phrase.

"You wish you had died with your baby?" Shade spoke hesitantly, afraid of the reprocusions. And, for a moment, it looked as if Zari might attack her. But, the woman held very still instead, her entire body stiff as she nodded numbly.

"It's the worst feeling in the world. To hold a baby that small. Too small to even cry naturally. Watching someone you love hold it and try to keep it alive. To scream and cry for someone to do something. To watch Astinos slowly die… I would have done anything… But all I can do is destroy… I prayed…" Zari's hands were shaking, and Shade realized, with a start, that there were tears on the woman's face. Even now, the wounds were still so fresh.

"Me! I prayed to the Light. I would be good. I would repent. I would do anything. Just don't punish an innocent life for my sins. And Varus, I know he prayed too… So hard. He fought so hard. But then, Astinos was just… gone…"

Shade looked away and bit her lower lip for a moment before murmuring, "I'll never understand how you feel, if I have any luck of my own…"

"The last time I prayed, I was forsaken. Otherwise, I'd ask the Light to spare you," Zari hissed.

"I don't pray, anyway… But thank you for the would-be sentiment," Shade smiled back thinly. "If I could ask you something, in behalf of the Firehawks, on my hopes and dreams, and of the Fellowship you fought for… Please… Don't start anything with them. Spare them…"
Edited by Shade on 10/26/2013 11:49 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Zari looked at Shade, staring the woman solidly in the eye as the seconds passed. The minutes turned over one at a time and Shade found herself idly wondering if she could draw faster than Zari could burn through her armor.

"I will take you in their stead if you want to be a martyr," Zari decided suddenly. "I do not baby people. I wasn't coddled, no one else gets a sugar-coated world around me. Everyone burns. Even Varus understands that he, too, will burn for me. If you want for me to be niiiice. And looooving…." Shade shuddered as Zari began to coo those words at her. "I will burn you instead."

"I'll accept this," Shade licked her lips. "But you should know…"

I should have never spoken to her alone.

Silver, help me.

Nothing in your belief system can compare to Zarina Dawnstalker's fury, and if the Fellowship can't pull together and be a Fellowship, I'll be the one to pay the price… I accept this. Because I believe in them. I have to. This is my… only family. The only one I have ever known.

I don't know who to pray to or who to turn to.

I don't know what to believe in.

But if I lose the Fellowship, I will have lost all faith in everything else.

There will be nothing left in Azeroth for me.
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Loyalty, to defend the Fellowship and its members to your dying breath no matter what. To stand by each other in our times of struggle and sadness even as our own pile upon us. You do not ask. You simply give.

Honor, to honor your oaths, bonds and promises. Hold true to who you are and never lose sight of the ultimate goal of life. Yet do not blindly chase it, for in all things blindness is the hallmark of a fool.

Valor, to stand upon any field of battle. Whether it be with the sword or with the pen. It matters little how one fights, but one must fight and fight well. Yet it is prudent to remember that sometimes it is best to simply not fight, for patience is the hallmark of wisdom and experience.

Love, for your family, the Fellowship, for your friends, blood relations, and yourself. For your work, for you goals. Love for the ideals that we stand for. For compassion where it is fitting, and mercy when it is called for. For the passion, trust, and life that we all know, and want.
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
"And I am." Daenith said to her mother. For what seemed like hours now she was explaining her and Lineron's lives since there mother had departed from this world. Her mother can be seen with her face in her palms, as if she is about to start crying.
"My beautiful, baby girl....and my little knight....undead?" Daenith gave her a sad smile then rubbed her back.
" is okay. Yes, our lives were cut short. And he have done....terrible thing, to many good people who didn't deserve the suffering we inflicted upon them...." Daenith stopped for a moment and closed her eyes then continued speaking. "But our life to make people happy. We are trying to make it a better place for everyone." Her mother looked back at her and smiled beneath the tears.

"I know, Daenith. Fel...its just..." She closed her eyes and gulped down what she was going to say then sits straight up. "You said you had a son, yes?"
Daenith chuckled slightly then spoke. "Yes, mother. His name is Carinoth. My own little quire boy."

"He frequented the Church?"

"Oh, yes. But after me and Lineron died, he just sort of...lost his faith. He turned to the Shadow's for comfort." Daenith frowned smirked slightly. "How odd...he was the one who introduced us to the Shadow's after we came back...."
"The Shadow's?" Her mother asked, the tears having stopped coming down her face. Daenith sighed then continued.
"Yes, the Shadow's. Light-"
"Yes, I know of the Shadow's, my dear..." Daenith's mother sits up straight and looks in the distance. "I know of it...very well." Daenith made a confused look at her. She shakes her head then as she is about to speak, a familiar voice can be heard near them.
"Mistress! I have found you! Finally!" Daenith turns around to see her Shivarra, Dem-sahaar, standing in front of a fel green portal.
"The fel is that thing and why does it look so...provocative?" Dem-sahaar snarled and four swords appeared in four of her hands.
"Wanna say that again, grandma?!" The Shivarra shouted at her mother.

Daenith glared at the demon, it growling then making the swords in its hands disappear. "Mistress....I have been searching for you atleast for weeks now. You was very hard to penetrate."
"I would hope so, Dem." Daenith sat up and walked between the demon and her mother. "Mother....this is one of my minions that are bound to me." She says with a slight blush. Her mother looks condescendingly at the demon. Then after a moment she looks at the demon and says "Wait, how did you even get here?" The Shivarra opens her mouth to respond then closes it and scratches her head in confusion.
"I remember it had something to do with your son, Wiktoc, and a very angry looking black and white blob of slime..."

"A demonologist are you, Daenith? Hmm...thought more of destructive type of warlock..." Daenith made a confused look at her mother, who just waved her off.
"Oh, it is of no matter. Now then, I was hoping to tell you something of import. But unfortunetly, it appears we do not have the time. So, I have a task for you." Daenith raised an eyebrow at her mother.
"I need you, to go back to our old home in Murder Row. Underneath the floorboards where my deathbed was, is a journal. Take it, read it, then do with it as you will. Do you understand?"

Daenith just looked at her mother for a moment before slowly shaking her head. "Good!" Her mother clapped her hands then hurried Daenith over to her Shivarra. "I will always be watching you, Daenith. Both you and your brother. I love you, my children." Daenith looked at her mother with a frown then wrapped her in a hug.
"I love you to, Mom..." Her mother returned the hug then stepped back and waved at Daenith as she followed her Shivarra through the portal. "Oh! And before I forget! Tell Lineron that he will always be my little knight! And tell your boy that his grandmother is watching over him to!" Daenith grins as she enters the portal, along with her mind going black once again.
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
((part 2 of 2))

Darkness. Darkness is what Daenith see's. It take a few confused moments before realizing that her eye's were actually closed. She opens them slowly, taking in her surroundings. The room's curtains are black and covering the window's. There is a candle on the nightstand next to Daenith, with get well cards written by various people. Including a card that when opened would have a drawing of a middle finger and a horrible drawing of Lineron smiling like an !@#$%^-. She looked and saw a armor stand where her robes were hanging off it, all the warlock markings and all looking as if they had been recently repaired. She swung her legs off the bed and wobbly stood up. Then, with the sound of foot steps coming up to the room, she heard two female voices talking.

"Well, I don't think Master Lineron would like that..." Mei said to her sister. Mai scoffed then took another swig of her ale.
"The b^tch has taken away my fiance! She deserves to have her tongue removed!" Mai says as they enter the room.
"Well Master Lineron loves her and you were nev-" They both stop talking after they entered the room to see Daenith standing up, smiling at them.
"Why hello girls. I thank you for taking care of me, while I have been indisp-" She couldn't finish her sentence as both Mei and Mai jump towards her and hug her.
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29 Blood Elf Warrior
She knew it would happen. It did not surprise her to see them bring out the warrior Tyrael to face her. He wanted to fight, it was written all over his face and his mouth ran like raw sewage. Hael smirked as she remembered how angry and threatening he was to her. How did they expect her to act? She had never liked nobles from the time she was very young and saw the feuds and petty squabblings.

She lay in her bed and went over the Code as she had written it down from memory. The words of Shade and Tyrael. Did they really believe they were acting on these so called rules?

Loyalty, to defend the Fellowship and its members to your dying breath no matter what. To stand by each other in our times of struggle and sadness even as our own pile upon us. You do not ask. You simply give.

( Loyalty to the Fellowship she could understand, it was to the Houses she was unwilling to commit. Why be a servant to a House that did not care for its peasants? Did they really think that burying the dead children of the loyal servants would make it all go away?)

Honor, to honor your oaths, bonds and promises. Hold true to who you are and never lose sight of the ultimate goal of life. Yet do not blindly chase it, for in all things blindness is the hallmark of a fool.

(Honor..what a joke to call it honor to kill helpless innocents! Hael knew what Honor was, it was more than lip service. What honor was there in demanding blind obedience and ignoring the cries of grief? Did it even matter to the House Firehawk? How ironic was it that the House was destroying the very thing they sought to protect?)

Valor, to stand upon any field of battle. Whether it be with the sword or with the pen. It matters little how one fights, but one must fight and fight well. Yet it is prudent to remember that sometimes it is best to simply not fight, for patience is the hallmark of wisdom and experience.

(Hael laughed at this one, she fought for her own reasons, helping those who could not fight, the ones who were too weak and the peasants who thought their Lords would protect them)

Love, for your family, the Fellowship, for your friends, blood relations, and yourself. For your work, for your goals. Love for the ideals that we stand for. For compassion where it is fitting, and mercy when it is called for. For the passion, trust, and life that we all know, and want.

(Hael hesitated on this one. These things had eluded her most of her life. It had only been in the last few years she had even felt a kinship to someone. She loved Jae, even if the young elf was a mouthy one. Hael admired her spunk and ability to sass anyone and everyone. Zackia she loved as the brother she had never met. The unborn baby's death had changed her father and cost her the love of her mother. She knew Zakie loved her in a different way. Though she hoped he understood why she rejected his advances. The events that had cemented her loathing of men were tied to her rejection of nobles. But only Jae knew why...only Jae knew what had happened)
Edited by Haelya on 10/27/2013 1:09 PM PDT
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100 Night Elf Druid
Zakia Sunblade reclined against a tree in Eversong Woods, the corpses of murlocs scattered about. He had, had no choice ever since the meeting he had been drowning, drowning in rage, sadness, and self loathing. The darkness wanted out, and so, for the first time he simply let it take over. It was the manifestation of all of his emotions, he had hoped he would feel better, but alas he still felt the same rage, sadness, and self loathing. He put his face in his hands, he did not mourn for the murlocs, they were a menace, and needed to be kept in check, no he mourned for himself.

He once again found himself at odds with the Fellowship, and House Firehawk, which also put him at odds with his sister, Rhannah. Tyrael's words to Hael during the meeting had almost sent him into a rage, and he had the gall to speak of loyalty to the Fellowship. How is putting people down, and threatening them being loyal, he had no right, Hael had been through so much already. He did not fully understand Hael's loathing of men, let alone nobles, and though she had hurled veiled accusations, Tyrael should have just shrugged them off.

"He just doesn't understand, that such actions, lead only to resentment, and hatred." The rogue looked up at the sky, he had felt for a long time now, that his own interpretation, of the Pillars, were far removed from the others. The night Shade disappeared simply cemented those thoughts. Loyalty to him meant you jumped to a friends defense, and damn the consequences. Honor, he had to laugh at that one, he honored all of his promises, no matter how vehemently people tried to tell him he was being foolish. Be true yourself, what hypocrites, they say that then try to make him change what makes him, him, by calling him a fool.

Valor, he didn't have much to say on this one, he had been far from showing valor, since he joined the Fellowship. Love, he actually laughed, how is it showing love to berate people, to call them names, to taunt them, to threaten them. He knew there was such a thing as tough love, but sometimes you could take it too far. Ignoring the Pillars, he also grew tired, of the lack of respect, none of them, respected him as a warrior, or as a man. Tyrael made that perfectly clear, as had Ratheron on several occasions, their constant laughing at his anger, had almost driven him to the breaking point. He sighed as he stood, it was time to return home, the journey was uneventful, and instaed of going to bed, he sat at one of the tables in the dining area.

He took out his journal, and began to write.

I am not sure how much longer I can stay here, my views are just far to differing from the others. None of them respect me as a warrior, or a man, and maybe they are right, how can a man abandon someone he loves to go looking for another woman. The possibility of danger aside, I ran off without so much as an explanation, not only making Kye worry, but possibly doubt my love for her. A real man wouldn't do that, perhaps I am not right for Kye, perhaps I am not right for anyone, I can't take away her pain, and I run off as soon as a friend needs my help.

It amazes me she has not dumped me by now, Light knows I deserve it. Perhaps I should save her that pain, and break things off, but no that would only hurt her worse, making her think it was her fault, when all the blame lies on my shoulders. Light knows I love her, but I have a rotten way of showing it, how could I ever think I could make her truly happy. So perhaps they are all right to not respect me, perhaps I deserve their scorn, and ridicule, perhaps I deserve someone to swoop in and steal Kye from me, perhaps...

He rips the page out of the journal, and throws it against the wall, his own words angering, and frustrating him. He was not right for the Fellowship, he was not right for his family, and he wasn't right for Kye, and those thoughts broke the dam holding back his tears.
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Shade tread over the broken grounds of New Dawn, looking around with a scroll in hand. No one was there. Though she knew Kyetah and Zak would be at the guest house, probably, she didn't go near it. Out of fear. Fear of what she would see. Zak and Kye fighting? Making up? Making love? She didn't know. She didn't want to see it. Just as she had asked Zak what was bothering him, if he would share it with her, Kye had called him away. It made her feel useless. What kind of a friend was she to him if he didn't trust her with these kinds of things?

Stepping slowly into the headquarters, she took it all in. From what had been talked about over the guildstone, she would have expected it to be dusty, empty. But it wasn't, much to her surprise. Various maps still lay spread over the table in the middle of the room. A well made bed looked as if it was waiting for someone to return. Shade frowned as she walked around the room and tilted her head back slightly. The smell of life was here. Someone had been living here for an extended period of time. Ratheron.

Turning away, she went back outside, having found the notice board, she brought it to the front of the large stone fence which surrounded the former town hall. Smiling, she stuck the board up and took down various old notices and unfurled the scroll she had been carrying. She would wait and see just how fast people took notice of this. A test. Unfurling it, she took some of the old tacks and pinned it up. Nodding to herself, she used various stones to secure the board so that it didn't fall over to a sudden gust of wind.

With her job done, the hunter turned back to her fire hawk, its colors varying from red to nearly black shades of purples and violets. Brilliantly colored and a living corrupted flame, she mounted it and turned it back north. The night wasn't young and she still had to speak to Varus. She had to get House Firehawk on her side, along with everyone else who had promised to pitch in.

My name is Shade.

I have no last name.

I have no history.

I have no title.

You may know me from the Fellowship. From the Siege of Ogrimmar. I fought along side of many of you. I met many of you. And many of you may know that I lost my lover because of that battle.

I want to assure you that he has been found.

He is safe.

I only pulled through these last few weeks because of the friendships I've made during the battle. Because of you, I still breathe.

Because of you, I can say that I have friends.

The Fellowship has many troubles these days. I have seen it. We all have. When asked, harsh and terrible words have been spoken to one another.

This will not work.

This will not last.

I need everyone's help. Ratheron has stepped down from leading to give everyone responsibility. Everyone to chip in. To help. To pull things together. I don't think anyone knows where to begin. So let me begin.

I am hereby taking full responsibility of the Rising Sun. Questions. Comments. Concerns. Bring them all to me. Speak to me.

I cannot help you if you remain silent.
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90 Blood Elf Monk
Ratheron stood outside the Tavern in the Mists, looking nonchalantly around as if he belonged there. He had in another life yet that life was now long gone but he still had some friends. He stood out back, near the hot baths where several patrons were currently bathing. He ignored them, looking north as if he had something on his mind.

"I heard you were dead." A male voice said, Ratheron turning slightly to see that it was an old friend of his. The monk chuckled quietly and shrugged a shoulder.

"You hear lots of things."

"That is true, but it doesn't mean they are always true. What can I do for you, Ratheron?" Coralis asked, the High Elf looking slightly out of place and yet the black bandana that covered his left eye also tied his ears to his head, making him look like a very fair human.

"I need information on a caravan attack leaving Townlong. It was carrying artifacts of an unknown origin... A friend has asked me to secure them... Calling in an old favor." Ratheron had turned back to look north, as if he and Coralis weren't discussing anything important.

"Ah, I think I know who... And you'll not like what I know."

"Is this confirmed information or just rumors?"

"Confirmed, a few survived the attack."

"Well tell me what you know."

"They were carrying artifacts picked up from the Thunder King's Citadel, but they weren't Mogu artifacts. They were Titan in origin..." Coralis chuckled darkly at this point and Rath raised his eyebrow yet he didn't turn around.

"Go on."

"They were attacked and the artifacts taken."

"How many?"

"Two men, one you know, at least I think you do. A human. Darius is all I've heard."

Ratheron scowled at this information and yet didn't let it show in his tone, "The other?"

"Unknown race, it was hard to judge as he was wearing a set of mail over combat robes. He wielded magic and weapons like he was a paladin... But they were apparently dark magics. Of the two he was more dangerous." Coralis' voice had dropped to a low whisper at this point and Rath turned around to look at his old contact.

"Do you know where they went?"

"They say they've found a hole in the ground in the Dread Wastes... Since the fall of the Empress and the Paragons having followed Garrosh back to Orgrimmar the whole area is ripe for the taking. Some cave system or other will probably have them."

"Do you know what they would want these artifacts for Coralis?" Ratheron asked, looking at his friend with a look that showed he would instantly know if the Quel'dorei was lying.

"They say these artifacts are of a similar power that the Thunder King wielded."

"Lovely." Ratheron said before turning to find his tiger, intent on chasing down this lead before the trail got cold.

"You'll want help."

"I don't have time to find it." Ratheron said back as he hopped into the saddle of his mount and snapped the reins a bit, the tiger responding instantly as it took off towards the Valley of the Four Winds and the breach in the Serpent's Spine.
Edited by Ratheron on 10/30/2013 1:47 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Monk
Ratheron found himself standing on a small rise, looking down at the ruins of what once was an old Mogu structure. He had no idea what it might have been but that wasn't what he was focusing on at this point in time. Down below in the ruins was a man with white hair, for that was all Rath could really see of him. Except for the glowing tattoos on his body and the pulsating runes around him.

The monk didn't like what he saw, yet he didn't want to act. He had no idea where the second man was. There had been two in the attack and to assume the second had disappeared and left would be suicide on his part. So he looked around and observed till he found the one he was looking for. The second man. Darius was watching from a discreet distance so as not to disturb the man with the white hair. Ratheron decided a bit of stealth would go a long way for him here as he worked to sneak up on Darius, making not a sound as he slid along a zig-zagging path until he stood right behind Darius.

By that point the human realized something was off and yet it was too late, Ratheron had already done what needed to be done, grabbing the necessary pressure points and paralyzing Darius. The monk smiled as he let the human gently fall to the ground and he moved quickly forward to take care of the white haired magic user.

Yet this one wouldn't be so easily snuck up on. Ratheron realized this too late as a sixth sense ticked off in the back of his head and the white haired stranger turned around to reveal himself as an elf. Yet his pale skin and red eyes coupled with the hair made Ratheron think albino. But that was on a quick inspection, as the monk continued to stare at his opponent he realized the eyes glowed red. He was tainted.

"Welcome, Ratheron Firehawk. I was expecting someone to be sent after me. I just hadn't expected it to be you, a most interesting situation we find ourselves in don't you think?" The elf's voice was crisp and clean, not a hint of insanity or craziness in it. Ratheron narrowed his gaze as his hands came forward, his body crouching into a defensive stance.

"What I think is that you have stolen something that does not belong to you."

"On the contrary, monk, it did not belong to anyone of this world. I am returning it to who it belonged."

"And who is that?"

"The Masters of course, they require it for their preparations."

"I've heard another speak of these 'Masters,' he is long dead. What makes you think you will be any different?"

"The fact that I am not a mere pawn. I am not like Tychus, nor even his son Darius. I am much more than either of them. I am Ath'kal, the Archon. You would do well to remember the name." Ath'kal said with a confident smile, not even looking worried as Ratheron's gaze narrowed even more.

"We shall see, men who speak so highly of themselves usual fall because of their pride."

"It is not pride or vanity, Ratheron. It is knowledge. Knowledge that you have stepped into a place where you cannot be victorious." As Ath'kal spoke the elf began to move, slowly and as if he didn't care if Ratheron tried to strike his body. Forward he started to rush Ratheron, his hands still spread out to the sides as the monk launched himself forward as well.

Rath drew his swords and narrowed his eyes as he made to strike Ath'kal quickly and repeatedly with so many blows he would not be able to block or protect himself from all of them. Yet Rath didn't get to launch more than two as Ath'kal spun, faster than the eye could see and caught both the monk's hands.

"Tsk tsk, Ratheron. I had expected more from a monk of your caliber." Ath'kal said in a disappointed tone as he let go and kicked Ratheron in the chest, following up the strike with a blast of black, red, blue, green and yellow energy towards the flying Sin'dorei.

Yet Rath wasn't out of the fight yet, using both of his blades to deflect the energy blast as he landed and charged forward at Ath'kal. Rath was relentless, attempting to stab and slash Ath'kal, aiming for extremities and vital organs yet finding nothing. The Archon, as he called himself, was somehow too quick on his feet.

Ath'kal sighed and shook his head as he flicked his wrists, two wicked blades appearing in his hands as he parried the latest of Ratheron's blows. "I grow tired of these games monk." Ath'kal said sadly, "Yet I will let you live, if only slightly. You see unlike Tychus I don't let you live to spread fear and chaos but because I will find it amusing to see what else you can throw at me. So send everything you can monk. Send it all." Ath'kal laughed as he grabbed Ratheron by the throat and the white haired elf's eyes glowed a brighter red as power suffused Rath's body.

Edited by Ratheron on 10/30/2013 2:09 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Monk
The monk cried out in pain, yet there was nothing he could do. It was like his veins were on fire, being burned alive and he couldn't move anything but his head, screaming in pain. "Don't worry Ratheron... I shall return you to your precious Fellowship. Let them see you as you writhe and wilt beneath the corrupting powers of the Masters." Ath'kal laughed as Ratheron's body slowly began to disappear.

He didn't make it easy, nor did he make it instant. For any who were in the main square of New Dawn they would see Ratheron slowly materialize out of thin air his scream of pain before he passed out the last thing to be heard from him.

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