Abominus at the Altar.

100 Human Paladin
The knighting ceremony had been quite nice. They even had a few visitors join them. They were discussing going to the Argent arena to try by arms when an undead raced in the door followed by half a dozen guards. The forsaken managed to strike her a few times before she got her axe out.

What the fel was that? It was like the old days when Clot his their ceremonies every single time. People felt completely left out if he missed their ceremony. The forsaken finally fell. She dashed into the next room and put her armor on just in time to see him dash back into the cathedral


The scream echoed off the cathedral walls, magnified by the intricately vaulted ceilings. Abominus. He had revived and once again had cathedral guards on him as he dashed through the door. Presidium downed him once more, but he was nothing if not persistent and soon reappeared this time.

Gentyl stood and watched as he made another run through the guards and up to the altar. What in the world was he doing? He dropped on the altar like some sort of sacrifice.

Oh, dear. The officials would not be happy about this.

Presidium stood around, watching and waiting, but the body did not revive. It just laid there, sprawled all over the altar.

"Well, that was interesting," she said. They tried to move the body but it seemed to be bound to the altar.
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100 Undead Warrior
Fell, deadly maggot magic slowly intertwined itself into the Altar. The altar cloth became irrepairably stained, again. Priests, Paladins, Acolytes, and even heathen Shaman and Druids came and tried to use their various powers to remove the Forsaken's corpse. Waves of maggot infantry had to be fought off by various guard forces, some overwhelmed when the maggots reached crawling range. The maggot mages deep inside abominus' ravaged corpse finished their spell, and a week later, Abominus arose from the altar, feeling refreshed.

"Why are we covered in thisss fresssh, white cloth, yesss? What are thessse vasssesss filled with incenssse and flowersss doing all around usss, yesss? Why isss thisss dwarf'sss liver in my handsss all of a sssudden, yesss?" A few quick bites and the liver was gone. "Look, Alliance guardsss, yesss!"

Waving cheerfully, Abominus vanished under a wall of upraised swords and maces.
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