((Health issues-unable to log on (H).))

100 Blood Elf Hunter
((This is the player who plays Coriani/ Failiani. I'm unforunately in the the hospital due to complications from Crohns's disease and won't be able to log on or roleplay until I'm out. Once out, I hope to get the role-play letters to Vernim, Vanyris and Raoul on the forums.))
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
((Agh, that's no good! I hope they can help you out, and that you're feeling better and home soon. Do what you need to to take care of yourself. ))
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100 Undead Warrior
Do you need amputation, yesss?

*readies his axe*
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90 Troll Druid
*smacks Abominus's hand down*

That's a bit extreme!

Don't know you, Cor, but I wish you well. My dad has the same thing so I know plenty of the lousy things that can go wrong because of it. :(
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100 Orc Warrior
Edit: No idea how that post ended up here...
Edited by Elgunaz on 4/17/2013 4:48 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Hunter
Amputation is not needed!

*trips over an small object on the ground*

Ouch! Amputation is still not needed! Maybe something to overcome clumsiness.

((An update; I'm back from the hospital now (sooner than I expected but good with me. Better home than there.). Fortunately, the complications I had didn't require surgery. So, I'll be able to log on now and work on the letters.))
Edited by Coriani on 4/18/2013 4:57 AM PDT
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90 Undead Mage
Glad to hear that you're doing okay! :)
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90 Draenei Death Knight
I am late to the party here...but I am soo glad you are back feeling fit again...my 16 year old twin boys both have Crohns..one has been stable for 8 years no flare ups just on his medication...the other was diagnosed last year..worst case...nearly 3 months in hospital..he too is now stable with his heavy duty meds
It's a dreadful disease for anyone
Hugzzzzz @Coriani ...so in a way I know what you go thru
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