Looking For Raid Partners

90 Night Elf Hunter
We're a small guild of 8-12 fairly active members who are looking to start raiding. Most of us have been through all of the LFR raids and have gearscores in the 480-500s, however because of scheduling we can't seem to put together enough for a full raid at any given time. We're hoping to find a partner who is in a similar position and would like to see the raid content on regular vs LFR.

If this is you please send a tell in game to, Raxxia, Warcrime, Straad, Barroosh or Jannena for details. Traditionally our raid times start at 4pm on Sundays.

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90 Human Priest
Hello Straad!

IFBC is looking into a possible merging of groups to get a consistant team week in and week out. I'll keep an eye out for you in game or if I'm not on feel free to message Alik :)
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92 Human Paladin
I've been searching for a raid group on CC for a good while now with accessible raiding hours and yours is one of the very few I could potentially attend should your hours continue down the traditional route.

I wish I could offer more folks for your group, but all that's left of my guild is myself, who plays most days in the evenings, and two others who are currently casually playing once or twice a week.

If you could use a Ret/Prot paladin in your endeavors I would love to test my mettle in normal raids after having my fill of LFR.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Thanks for your interest guys. Any Chosen member can point you in the right direction of who to talk to. Most of us have a few alts we play after our mains are valor capped for the week. If you want to hook up with one or more of us in game we can hop on vent and chat.
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