WTS Haunting Spirits for Cheap

90 Night Elf Druid
Hi CC!

So my raid is starting to build up a respectable amount of these. We'll still use some for our membership's crafting needs, but there are going to be a lot of them left after this farm week and only more to come.

I'm willing to go as low as half the current market value depending on how many you buy. Even for singular ones we'll sell them for lower. So please feel free to get in touch with me in game if you're interested in getting these for making some 522s. :)

Long-time out of guild friends of Warcraftier can expect an even bigger discount. Heck, I'd give them away to you guys for free if they were my personal ones, but as they belong to the guild, I'm afraid it's not my property to give. xD

PST me (Lerrielin) for any inquiries!

Have a nice day!!!
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I'll hit you up, I'm looking for some with a reasonable price to craft stuff.
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90 Human Warlock
I might be in the market for some of these as well.
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