New blood looking to join RP community?

63 Pandaren Monk
Hello everyone!
I decided to start playing WoW again after a long period of absence and wanted to wipe the slate clean on a new server. I really like what I've seen on CC and finally decided to make an introduction, haha.
I'm interested in getting into RP but I've never experienced it, outside of forum RP. I'm a little apprehensive and was wondering if there are any recruiting social/laid-back RP guilds who wouldn't mind taking on a complete newbie?
Any help would be much appreciated!
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90 Night Elf Hunter
*walks in*

*sees recruitment opportunity*

How would your pandaren feel about a group of violent pacifists attempting to halt the war between alliance and horde while attempting not to kill each other at the same time?

Cause Gambit's totally recruiting. Totally.
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63 Pandaren Monk
Sounds interesting!
Is there anything else you can tell me about Gambit? :o
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100 Human Paladin
Welcome back! Conclave is very new people friendly (/distracts Tyrynna) and does what we can to help new people get back into the swing of RP. We are scholarly types and treasure hunter/knowledge seeker types. We also raid and do silly things, but there's also the allianceooc channel that you might want to join to get to know the greater rp community.

Edit: We host a weekly sermon called The Light and You on Wednesdays at 6 server at the Gazebo in the cathedral district of Stormwind, feel free to stop by.

Again, Welcome :)
Edited by Genevra on 4/22/2013 6:42 PM PDT
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63 Pandaren Monk
Hmmm, I think that sounds more my speed, Genevra. I'm interested in joining, is there an application process to join?

And thank you for the warm welcome. :)
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100 Human Paladin
7300 It's quick and painless I assure you ;)
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Curses, foiled again.

Ahh, well. Conclave is good people. I'm sure you'll love! (They're prolly a bit more organized anyway. >.>)

Of course, if you ever feel the need for blatant weirdness, you can find Gambit's info in out recruitment thread about... halfway down the page.
Edited by Tyrynna on 4/22/2013 8:22 PM PDT
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100 Night Elf Rogue
There's also the Chimaera, if you ever get tired of watching the Horde kill your people and pillage your homeland while people belittle your efforts and call the defense of your civilization petty from across the sea...
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42 Troll Priest
She be a Pandaren, not an Elf. Don' try and apply your own situation to da otha races to win dey allegience. An Orc would laugh at me if I tried ta win dem ta my cause by askin' if dey be tired o' da Warchief tinkin of dem as unworthy and lower-class.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
She be a Pandaren, not an Elf. Don' try and apply your own situation to da otha races to win dey allegience. An Orc would laugh at me if I tried ta win dem ta my cause by askin' if dey be tired o' da Warchief tinkin of dem as unworthy and lower-class.

How exactly is Pandaria different from Ashenvale? It looks to me like the same thing is going on there.
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26 Human Priest
Welcome back! Conclave is very new people friendly (/distracts Tyrynna) and does what we can to help new people get back into the swing of RP. We are scholarly types and treasure hunter/knowledge seeker types. We also raid and do silly things, but there's also the allianceooc channel that you might want to join to get to know the greater rp community.

Edit: We host a weekly sermon called The Light and You on Wednesdays at 6 server at the Gazebo in the cathedral district of Stormwind, feel free to stop by.

Again, Welcome :)
i like how your guild sounds :) im actually looking for a light-abiding guild for this here priest and my pally. not to mention, im new to RP so i would definitely love a guild that isnt so heavily focused on it, but still enjoys it
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42 Troll Priest
...uhh... Da Horde be wantin' ta ally with the Pandaren and help defend, for one. Da Pandaren-killing be gettin' done by da Mogu, Zandalari, Mantid, and dem.

Granted, Garrosh is being Garrosh about it, but... we be havin' plans to deal wit dat.
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100 Night Elf Rogue
...uhh... Da Horde be wantin' ta ally with the Pandaren and help defend, for one. Da Pandaren-killing be gettin' done by da Mogu, Zandalari, Mantid, and dem.

Granted, Garrosh is being Garrosh about it, but... we be havin' plans to deal wit dat.

Only because you're starting to face the negative prospects of a war that most of you called for., but I don't see how looting and pillaging Krasarang and scouring the land for artifacts is defending the Pandaren.
Edited by Kyalin on 4/22/2013 11:15 PM PDT
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100 Human Paladin
i like how your guild sounds :) im actually looking for a light-abiding guild for this here priest and my pally. not to mention, im new to RP so i would definitely love a guild that isnt so heavily focused on it, but still enjoys it

There are some of questionable moral ground but for the majority those in Conclave are trying to do what's "right." With a heavy focus on the search for knowledge we tend to content that all knowledge is worth pursuing and understanding if only for the protection and preservation of innocents. It's that old adage that if we do not learn from our past we will repeat it. And let's face it, Azeroth's past if frought with some bad choices and craziness.

Learn from the past to safeguard the future :)

Feel free to find me in game tonight or check out our website ( for more info.
Edited by Genevra on 4/23/2013 5:53 AM PDT
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100 Worgen Death Knight
Welcome to RP and Cenarion Circle, Yusong! Good choice of faction for your pandaren, by the way. ;)

I'll throw my hat in the ring as well. No fancy website, no staircase elf (though staircase elf, otherwise known as Tyrynna, is quite awesome), and no weekly sermons (Genevra rules for sermons behind the Cathedral!), but the Ebon Sanction is also recruiting! We recently reformatted as a social guild (place to see some green text when you log in), though we also have an RP concept in place as an Alliance-centric arm of the Ebon Blade. We're reforming from the ground up, so things are quiet right now, but we're always looking for more!

Your pants are going to be stolen. Take this as a given.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
though staircase elf, otherwise known as Tyrynna, is quite awesome

Yes. Yes she is.
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100 Draenei Mage
Your pants are going to be stolen. Take this as a given.

Izby looks up from the book she was reading and sighs at Rage's voice. Then rolling her shoulders, she gestures vaguely to some place in the distance.

'That will happen regardless. Your headquarters already has at least five or six of my own pair and I am no member. Alas, I have too many things to do at the moment or I would raid your facilities to secure the pants you have stolen and returned them to their owners. You may want to consider returning them yourselves in a gesture of friendship so you have more to steal at future date.'

((There's also Wellspring School for the new RPers and Pia Presidium for the law abiding. ))
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100 Undead Warrior
*readies his razor*

New fur to line the icy innardsss of my transssverssse colon, yesss!
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