WE WANT YOU! Fruit of Elune is recruiting!

90 Worgen Warrior
WE WANT YOU! Fruit of Elune is recruiting!

Cenarion Circle’s own storied and long-tenured guild, Fruit of Elune, is seeking new members with the goal of adding one to three (1-3) new individuals to our 10 person raid. Our guild fields a single raid which runs on Tuesday and Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 9:30 pm server time. We are taking applications from the following classes and specs:

1. Shaman – restoration main spec with an elemental off spec.
2. Druid – restoration main spec with a balance off spec.
3. Mage – no spec requirements, we seriously could use one of these.

(We would also consider other ranged dps on a case-by-case basis. However, Melee DPS and tanks definitely need not apply: we love you, but we also have far too many as it is.)

Background: As an off-shoot of the Cenarion Circle Raid Alliance, the majority of the core members of FoE have raided together since WoW Classic. Our members have varied professional lives; we have students, engineers, computer specialists, public servants, teachers/professors, and even a number of Canadians. Because our conversations in Mumble are often fueled by high-quality scotch and low-quality beer, only adult applicants (18+) need apply. Mumble use is mandatory - alcohol consumption is only encouraged.

Those interested should speak with and/or message Tuconei, Osthur, or Balgar in game.
Edited by Leogloredhel on 5/2/2013 11:40 AM PDT
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100 Dwarf Hunter
You don't have to speak on mumble, but we do need you on there to listen!
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90 Human Death Knight
A few things to add, not necessarily related to progression:

-Guild level 25
-Thursday we do a LFR for any guild member, to lessen the pain of trying to do LFR alone on your alts or for folks who are not on the ten man roster.
-Guild pays for repairs.
Edited by Osthur on 5/3/2013 7:46 AM PDT
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94 Human Warrior
ah-loon be praised!
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
Why is the rum gone?!
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90 Troll Shaman
Leo, maybe i should get Octavion again for you going over to his house this weekend :P
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100 Undead Warrior
Join Fruit of Elune and Die, yesss!

*runs off with their Leogloredhel's mandarin oranges*
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90 Human Death Knight
no...we needed those oranges for the fruit punch!
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100 Dwarf Hunter
We're short one person tonight, good chance to check us out! Raiding at 6:30 PST (Server time)
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100 Dwarf Hunter
We're still looking for a healer for a full time spot. Whisper anyone in FoE and ask for Myself, Inic or Tuconei!

Edit: Also we're working on Ji-kun
Edited by Balgar on 5/23/2013 8:21 PM PDT
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100 Dwarf Hunter
Ji-kun down, come join the fun!

Still looking for a ranged dps!
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90 Night Elf Druid
I'm looking for a raid group. I am an experienced raider who decided to transfer to play on CC with friends. I raided on my warrior (Czarnick on CC) w/ Convicted on Stormreaver doing heroic progression in MV, HoF, & ToES.

I am a resto healer w/ a feral spec, but plan on going balance as my offspec once I get decent trinket or two. What I currently lack in gear currently can be made up by my skill.

I'll contact you in game tonight.

My real ID: #krunk1529
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100 Dwarf Hunter
We're still looking to add a ranged dps to our group!
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100 Night Elf Druid
Hey, Fruit of Elune people, what's up? I have a question.

For your shaman and druid, why do you demand a certain offspec?
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100 Human Paladin
Incase a third healer isn't required, then we would have them go into the fight as a ranged dps. We have more than enough melee.
Edited by Archeon on 6/11/2013 4:25 AM PDT
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100 Night Elf Priest
I'll come and stab things for you Arch!


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100 Dwarf Hunter
It's not a demand, just a preference :)
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100 Night Elf Priest
Archeon considers me melee! \o/
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92 Dwarf Hunter
Maybe I need to log back in... ;) Sup Froots!

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90 Draenei Shaman
Hello fruities.
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