Assassins League is Recruiting [A-RP]

90 Gnome Rogue
There are whispers among the old men of the Old District, old thieves who lived by knowing things and staying out of trouble. They speak of a group in the north that has opened it's doors and is looking for fresh recruits. This group which makes its living off the death of others and the 'rescue' of certain high value items. If one looked hard enough they would find a flyer laying in a corner of shady inns across Azeroth.

"Interesting in gold and you don't mind getting some blood on your hands?
Do you enjoy stealing but you don't have anywhere to hide your newly obtained property?
We might have work and a place to stay for you.
Seek out the gnome in Black and she'll lead you in the correct direction."

Written onto the bottom of the flyer in rather sloppy hand writing is,

"Also looking for Worgen to be possible pets. Will be treated well, fed, and have a place to call home. Won't be sent on missions unless specifically asked to go. May, or may not be paid. Only thing asked is to be loyal to the owner and keep all League secrets to themselves. Violation of this will end in punishment."

Assassins League was started a little over a year ago by Dàshing, however he ended up vanishing and I gained the guild but never really recruited like I should have done. So the guild slowly lost members until only I was left. However now that I have a lot more free time I'm going to try recruiting and I hope I can revive this guild and bring this server the guild that both Dàshing and I imagined it to become. Which the original idea back when it was made was to have be an rp-pvp guild however I might put that aside for now and focus on being an RP guild after some responses I got. Currently the guild is level 6 and I'm hoping to bring that number up.

To join, just send this character, Ettinjandy an in-game mail or send me a whisper. I'll do an interview when the person interested is able. Characters that will fit in the most will be of course rogues. However, the guild isn't restricted to rogues, any dark villainous characters would fit well. As long as they don't mind a little killing now and then. Work is not short in Assassins League most days for there a few people that will come to Assassins League to give them plenty of jobs. Oh, also no promises that you won't get stabbed by me.

Assassins League base is up in Ravenholdt which means we will have to deal with CRZ, however I've spent enough time up there to know that it doesn't get too bad most of the time. There are a couple of guilds that use the manor as well and another that uses the area outside (Missing so you might not find the guild outside of Ravenholdt). From my experience, they are mostly harmless as long as we leave them alone. Also, I don't want my guild members to start up fights with others.
Edited by Ettinjandy on 9/1/2013 11:10 PM PDT
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100 Human Mage
Finally, Ettin! Let's hope we find plenty of assassins looking to join your ranks.
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90 Gnome Rogue
Told you I would have time in a few weeks! Next on my list to do is make a macro and spam it all over the place as you said. ...And perhaps edit this post to make it a bit better but I'll leave that for another time.
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100 Night Elf Mage
Yeah man good luck with it, I do have my death knight there as you know if you need help me spamming for recruits lemme know.
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100 Gnome Warlock
*claps her tiny hands together excitedly*

(( /bump for Ettin! <3 ))
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90 Gnome Rogue
*shameless bump after edit*
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90 Gnome Rogue
*bumping since I'm back to trying to recruit again* Also I threw in something else))
Edited by Ettinjandy on 9/1/2013 11:20 PM PDT
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90 Gnome Rogue
*Bumps* Don't want to lose front page, just yet.
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100 Gnome Priest
Dear Fairy Godmother Eating Candy,

Word on the street is that you're recruiting more fairy godpeoples to help gnomes like me who are in desperate need of wish-granting!

Do you think I could maybe be like a freelance fairy? PRETTIEST PLEASE?


P.S. I have finished the Crafted Droodful Gladiator's Net v.1.0.
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90 Gnome Rogue
*reads the letter* Oh good! I'm glad she finished that. *Pulls out some paper and begins writing*
Dear Khromie,

I am recruiting more people. Not only to help gnomes, but anyone looking for help.
If you wish to help, I'll give you a few jobs here and there. Oh also we should get together to finish up the bomb. Then we need to find that druid.

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100 Gnome Priest
((Hehe! I am really happy that I caught this post! ...I need to start visiting the forums more often... I have three characters that would work well in the Assassins League, and I would totally roll a worgen just for you. I'll try and catch you in game so we can chat!))
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90 Gnome Rogue
I'll be happy to take you, you can usually find me in the Recluse on Ettin, Hisur, or Firin all of who can invite to the guild. Just start talking to them and show interest in joining. If you can't find me just send me an in game letter and I'll try to get back to you and set up sometime to get together.))
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100 Night Elf Mage
Im bumping this thread just because O:
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