Hello all!

Hi all! I'm new to RP, so I apologize if in game I do something wrong, I am still learning! :)
Just wanted to stop by and say hello to the CC community and let everyone know there's a new Panda on the server who is very interested in becoming a faithful and great RPer :p
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100 Goblin Warrior
There are some good addons you could use.

Gryphonheart Items
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So dumb question buttt, the GHI, how does that work exactly? Like say I want to make a bag, or a buff. how do I make it work for me?
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Welcome to Cenarion Circle! You may find that Alliance-side is more populated.
Our main chat channel, AllianceOOC, is a great place to find roleplay events and just chat and get to know the community.

We're quite forgiving of mistakes here on Cenarion Circle, so don't worry.

Some words of advice if you choose to play on Alliance-side: Keep your distance from Ragefang or he'll steal your pants. Steer clear of Elwynn Forest whenever possible.

As for your question related to Gryphonheart Items: I'm not really sure how to explain it. There's a blue bag somewhere on your screen, and if you click on it, a GUI will pop up.
To create an item, click on the N in the upper-left area of the GUI and then click 'Simple Item Wizard' or 'Standard Item'. Then just experiment around.

Anyway, I hope you found my post helpful, and I hope you enjoy your time here on Cenarion Circle!

[Edited to correct a mistake regarding Gryphonheart Items.]
Edited by Aereath on 5/8/2013 1:43 PM PDT
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100 Goblin Shaman
Hi, Doxyy, and welcome to Cenarion Circle!

Since you're Pandaren and didn't mention if you planned on Horde or Alliance, I though I'd give you a friendly Horde welcome, as well!

There is a /HordeOOC channel to chat if in you decide on the red side of the fence, although Horde is less populated than Alliance and is more likely to have people on in the evening. If you're still wondering which side to pick, I suggest rolling a quick level 1 non-Panderan on each side and saying hello to get a feel for who's online when you are likely to be playing.

I honestly have only played a little bit with GHI; I use it mostly for transcribing letters and books I'd like to keep, or making in-game lists, so I'm afraid I can't answer detailed questions.

I hope to see you in game!
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73 Worgen Rogue
Hi and welcome, my name is Donnie. I'm stuck in the basement at Goldshire. Please, for the love of christ, someone send help!
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Welcome to CC! As Kez has already given you the horde welcome, just saying hello! We have a few guilds to try out if you're interested, but HordeOOC should be able to give you the lowdown!
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100 Night Elf Priest
Hello. I hope you enjoy your stay. :)
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Thank you everyone! I will experiment more with the GHI. And as of right now I'm leaning towards Alliance because I work night shift and because of D's story I have running through my head right now. Thank ya'll for the advice and the friendly welcomes!
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90 Pandaren Warrior
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100 Undead Warrior
*Calls Liore Al*

*removes it's angst*
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90 Pandaren Warrior

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