I'm trying to put together a group to complete this quest at 6pm server, Saturday (5/11).
If you'd like to participate send a tell or mail to Fionella and include your battletag if you need to cross realm it. Fio will start the invites at 6pm with hopes of pulling at 6:15.
So far the 'group' consists of one healer, one tank and one dps so really, anyone is welcome and needed.
I've also created an OpenRaid event for folks who find that easier.
If you'd like to participate send a tell or mail to Fionella and include your battletag if you need to cross realm it. Fio will start the invites at 6pm with hopes of pulling at 6:15.
So far the 'group' consists of one healer, one tank and one dps so really, anyone is welcome and needed.
I've also created an OpenRaid event for folks who find that easier.