Of Ghosts and Shadows

100 Night Elf Rogue
A few beads of blood trickled down the Warden's face beneath her mask - a small cut to the scrying rune was all that it took to deactivate it, and Kyalin needed no assistance in vanishing. It left a poor feeling in her gut, but this had gone on long enough. It was time to end it.

Memories of the families she had condemned to the barrows came rushing back to her mind. "None who would sacrifice their neighbors to such a madman deserve their freedom" she said. She was younger then. She was less experienced, but the question never went away. What gave her the right to lock up terrified villagers for trying to rid themselves of a Satyr threat when the Wardens had failed to arrive in time?

"What gave them the right to sacrifice their own children" Kyalin muttered, as though responding to her own mind.

The images of the dead in Winterspring became fresh as the blood-soaked snow that day as well. Dead watchers in their prime, cut down in droves around her - and her armor being the only thing to spare her the same fate - a gruesome death at the hands of a vicious, blood-hungry demon hunter. But that was in her prime, and before her inauspicious timing made the monster into something incomprehensibly worse. She would not defeat him this time. There simply wasn't a way.

A watcher forgoes the trappings of a normal life. That's what she was told. A watcher does not live her life for herself but for her people, and shall endure every trial and pain only for them. Death is not a possibility, but a certainty, in an existence devoted solely to bringing justice to those who deserved it, and the law to the lawless.

She descended into the chasm, crescent in hand.
Edited by Kyalin on 5/13/2013 7:51 PM PDT
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100 Night Elf Rogue
Of course, of all of the things to screw up, her death had to be among them. The prisoner - perhaps not so wounded. Her chances - perhaps not so bad. Was it another cosmic coincidence? Another test? Blind luck? No, at least not for her.

Kyalin turned a small crescent-pendant over in her hand, one that belonged to another warden she had known from several years ago - delivered to her through friends of friends. Her eyes darted first to the rolled up letter, then to the wrapped-up blocks that were being kept cold in one of the holding cells. Past that were several rifles, bundles of explosives, and a few odds and ends, and perhaps strangest of all, a pair of snow-boots.

((Alright. I'm going to try and wrap this up this week after I've had a chance to go through some of the PVP changes. There will be an in-character meeting at 7pm on Friday (server time) for interested parties. The showdown with the demon hunter himself will happen on Sunday at 6pm.))
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100 Night Elf Rogue
He walked up to his brother as he folded his arms upon his sides and gazed upon Keyesh he stood wearing light purple robes and what seem to have a magic glow of arcane upon his armor, his dagger at hand. ‘’ I hope you realize that the spells won’t work unless that anti magic shield is damaged ‘’ Vaedaris said softly as he looked ahead staring upon the ocean near Ruth-therein village. Vae looked very much like Keyesh did in appearance, he had long white hair which flowed down over his body, they both were well built and trained for combat, Vaedaris wore his black leather boots, and black suite of armor to match his boots, wrapped around his back his cloak, which seems to flutter against the winds as it blows gently past the two his amber eyes narrow ‘’ Someone has to destroy the anti-magic barrier, else your spell tricks are pointless, and it put Kyalin at risk. ‘’ Keyesh seemed a bit amused by his statement, he has known of his brothers relationship towards the warden to be more personal.
He pursed his lips together but says nothing ‘’ Relax brother we have everything under-control I have contacted my allies in this matter ‘’ there was a measure of calm upon his voice as he spoke and so sure of himself that this plan of his will work. He gazed upon his brother for a moment ‘’ I promise no one will get hurt in this except for our death knight friend, Byn ‘’ Vae looked onto his brother for a moment ‘’ I have a contact who’s aim is sure and pure, he will be able to strike at the anti-magic shell and weaken his defenses. Then you can do your fancy magic tricks ‘’ He spoke for it was obvious there was something in him that he perhaps envied his brother ‘’ I sent a letter out to him he should of gotten it by now, I heard word he was sent out in Pandaria. ‘’
Keyesh knew there was something wrong with his brother that there was some jealousy within him about the fact alone he could not perform magic as he can. How he was chosen during those times long ago to serve in the Palace before the corruption begin. He sighed shaking his head at it all , he has wondered when he would ever let the past go, he learned from his mistakes so long ago, there were many things in his past he’s done wrong he wished he could simply take back. The two over looked the ocean for the moment as they both thought about the plan, they knew this had to be perfect and had to be executed swiftly.
Vaedaris narrowed his eyes as he seems lost in thought, he was mostly thinking of Kyalin and the mission and he knew it was her duty to do this, he could not stop her and so he decided to help her in this mission, he will do his part he knew when the timing was right. He grasped his hands upon his swords as his eyes over looked the water hearing the sounds of waves crashing against the shore, the sun finally setting as the moon rises ‘’ The calm before the storm ‘’ was the term he thought of. Keyesh smiled ‘’ I am happy for you by the way, you are luckier than I am brother, I still get scrutinize upon the night elf community for simply being a highborne, though you may be one as well. However you can easily hide who you are and not have to worry about such scrutiny, I would trade places with you any day ‘’ he admitted, which in turned left Vaedaris in shock and without words upon the admission. He says nothing though as he looked at his brother who in turned dipped his head in a slight bow as Keyesh turned on his heels and walked away soon vanishing from sight to leave his brother lost in thought.
Edited by Vaedaris on 5/23/2013 4:34 PM PDT
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100 Night Elf Rogue
(Going to bump this story up, and sorry for lack of detail i know I can do so much better, but it's rather difficult to be two people at once, to be fair..)
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90 Night Elf Hunter
He was in position within the demon hunters hide out, lingering in the shadows he stood still his eyes observant, he carefully slide his fingers through his bow string as he placed an arrow upon it, with his eyes narrow upon the device that gave the warden and her allies some trouble before, it was guarded by several undead Kal’dorei perhaps guards at one point in life, or sentinels rather. He gave a nod to the panther as he cloaked himself on command and walked stealthy away to the corridor to the far side on the left chamber and gave a growl loud enough for the guards to hear, they turned away from the device to go investigate the noise.
Meanwhile Tal’s luck seem to be in good fortune as he took aim at the device pulling back his string carefully, he let loose his arrow it flew the mark hit true, but barely as the device was destroyed giving off some sparks and some magical radiation that seem to flow out of it. He crept along camouflaging himself as he grabbed hold of the device and placed it upon his pocket silently congratulating himself. He soon took his leave, but before he could he set off some traps placing them down in the positions the guards were in. he soon left the scene as well as his panther ally who uncloaked himself soon after they reached a safe distance.
The guards returned and as they walked to their posts they gave pause to realize something was missing the device! They walked over towards the area as several traps sprang to life, snakes flying to them and flame trap springs up engulfing them into flames. Tal moved swiftly away from his base and headed towards Darnassus with the device at hand, with a slight smile upon his face

The demon hunter who came into the room earlier and saw his guards killed again, he let out a low growl as he realizes what happened he looked around for the device only to find that it has gone. He could only know of one person would be so clever and bold, he thought of the warden then he knew she must have hired an archer to destroy his device. Another low growl escaped his lips as he plots his next move and a knowing grin upon his face would spread upon his features as his eyes narrow.
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