Blind Loyalty

27 Blood Elf Warrior
Veylla’s bright emerald eyes glared at Jozala speaking slowly “You are no longer part of us; your very presence disgusts me”

Jozala sighed deeply and replied “Don’t you understand he is just using you? He hates your kind. If you are not an orc you are nothing. He has lost his vision and has now become delusional. Wake up Veylla! Look around you”

Veylla spat on the ground glaring at the troll, they had been friends for many years, but this behavior was not acceptable. Her face showed her anger as she replied “You are weak and pathetic. You speak disrespect of our Lord and for this, those like you will pay. His might is strong. Anyone who crosses our path will be obliterated. You turn your back on the righteous purity of the Horde and the leadership of my Lord. You are now my enemy.

Jozala eyes widened “Veylla think about what you are saying. By the gods think for yourself”

The unmistakable sound of metal leaving a scabbard echoed through the room as Veylla’s blade leapt to her hand, in a flash she lunged forward driving the blade deeply into the chest of her once close friend. Jozala whimpered and fell to her knees, looking up at Veylla with wide questioning eyes.

Veylla looked back speaking without emotion “Your dust will not have the pleasure of settling on my boots. It will be washed away with the blood of those to come. My blade yearns for battle.”

She drew her blade back letting Jozala crumple to the ground and turned away speaking “Long live Lord Hellscream! Long live the Horde.”
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90 Pandaren Warrior
((Its insightful, I think, to see how the Rebellion affects the lives of those swallowed by it. And not just by the scale of war, which is obvious. But in the day to day lives of those swept up in the war against Hellscream's pride, friendships are fractured as surely as armies.

Which of the two is of most value will inform the nature of the Horde that remains, in the end.))
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100 Human Mage
((I admit I was having a rough day when I wrote this, but it’s an aspect of character creation that few crossover. Veylla’s undying support to what she believes to be true will most likely be her undoing. She crossed the line and I don’t know if I will be able to bring her back, if she ever truly sees the light. If she does snap out of it, will she be able to live with herself after what she has done?))
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