When I say "casual" raid group, I mean casual. We're running Wednesdays and Mondays from 6 - 8 p.m. server time. Two nights, four hours a week, total. We don't expect people to be amazing, just competent. We'll happily take amazing players, but so long as you can take directions, learn fights, don't stand in bad stuff and show up reliably you won't have any trouble raiding with this group.

You also aren't expected to join any guild to raid with us. The LO is an RP guild and while this raid group has a lot of LO in it, we aren't asking anyone to join our guild in order to raid with us.

Right now we're mostly in need of dps. We wouldn't mind a few healers with DPS off specs or DPSers with healing off specs, as well. Our tank situation is very solid, thankfully. We don't have any serious qualifications for how much DPS you need to do, but if you'd get laughed at in heroics you should probably gear up a little more before trying to raid with any raid group, even a casual one.

The core of our group is comprised of LO members from our two 10 man raid teams. Due to some schedule changes we ended up with about fifteen Ocheliad interested in raiding so our options were to cut five people or try to go up to a 25 man raid. Hence why we're recruiting to fill the other slots.

For the first few weeks - at least - the roster will be fluid. Don't expect to be clearing MSV right away. It's going to take time to get a reliable roster of people together. Once we have that reliable roster we'll be progressing to current content as fast as we can. That is, once we've beaten MSV, we don't plan to linger there. As soon as we can be in ToT, that's where we'll be. It is a casual raid though, so progression probably won't come quite as quickly as it does with a dedicated raid guild.

If the idea of a casual 25 man group appeals to you, contact me in game any time between now and...well, I can't be sure when the group's composition will be locked down for sure. But contact me all the same, we still have slots open for interested people and we're aiming to be in MSV 25 tomorrow night.