Cirque rp guild

90 Blood Elf Warlock
Just a little blurb here to introduce my guild concept. I hope I can find a few more members to make it fun and exciting.

Feel free to comment either here or on World's End Tavern forum. I welcome ideas and suggestions.
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
Thank you for those of you who have joined me in my off the wall concept. I am still in need of more creative people. I want anyone who is willing to rp in Azeroth and wants to be a creative and colorful character.

I am willing to help rerolls or anyone new to the server with bags and a few gold to get you started. I expect you to be courteous and respectful to not only me but to all the rpers on this realm. Feel free to email me in game or leave a message on the forums here or the one I have on World's End Tavern forum.
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84 Dwarf Mage
Don' think I disappeared! Just that for some reason they forced a name change upon me for whatever reason.

I'm still around, and I rather liked the look of everything upon my visit!
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100 Undead Warrior
Join Cirque or Die, yesss!
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