[A-RP] Conclave is Recruiting

100 Draenei Warrior
She looks at the mouthy gnome with a mock look of disappointment “Poisoned? Why would someone do such a thing? I am distraught that you would think such a thing”

Looking at the other gnome and then back, “And as for insults?” she sighs “I really haven’t gotten started. I am already significantly offended that someone of your species appears to have intelligence greater than that of a murloc, but I suppose I have seen more uncharacteristic things in my travels.”
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91 Gnome Monk
Seeing that his brazen companion had taken a flanking position on the draenei, the nimble gnome performs a flurry of kicks, spinning and tumbling in the air before settling into a strong TCRS variation. (*tactical combat ready stance)

"Ah HA!" he exclaims.

The gnome pulls a small simple looking wooden rod from behind him and with the practiced measured flow of an artist the gnome swings the rod about himself. The rod appears to extend to a long fighting staff. He defiantly points at the draenei with one end.

"It seems you've found yourself between a Sprock...."

He pauses for dramatic effect.

"...and a hard place."
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100 Draenei Hunter
*Walks into the thread with pie and chips*

Hey guys, whats goin on?
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Some kind of intricate breeding ritual, I believe.

-Savage eyes pin the pie and chips with a longing leer.-

Good to see the Blues branching out. Good step above a brick and a half-deflated air mattress.
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90 Gnome Rogue
She holds up her weapons as if that explained everything. "You see, this here Goat Girl was lacking in the knowledge necessary to save her life...so uh... we were educating her." She nods very quickly.

Her eyes quickly dart to the Blood Elf, "Long ears, I could give you a cut...or two...make ya short ears."
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100 Draenei Warrior
Clearly annoyed she looks at the rude gnome “Listen here peck! I don’t need anything taught from the likes of you.”

She turns to glare at the blood elf “And breeding ritual!?! I will have you know it only takes one gnome and a staff. Do you see any staff!?! Or should I throw YOU in a bag and beat you with a gnome?”
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90 Gnome Rogue

Sprocketeer offered her hands to both Liore and Noikona.
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90 Worgen Rogue
A draenei beating a bagged blood elf with a gnome? That sounds lovely! I've got a nice, strong burlap sack I can lend you... we could even round up some blokes and make it a show! Everyone's entertained and I get a few more gold in my pocket. Win-win I say.

*pokes Noikona* I thought you were dead? You still owe me a drink, woman.
Edited by Alleanna on 12/6/2013 9:46 PM PST
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90 Pandaren Warrior
-Considers his wine. And considers Sprocketeer.-

Ah what the hell.

-Some light hand-holding to commence.-
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95 Gnome Priest
*The little Bishop looks at his fellow Gnomes, and gives a "tisk-tisk".*

"My, my, my! This won't do at all, not one little bit!"

*Slamming the tip of his staff into the ground with a loud CRACK!*

"Now stop acting like children! Such a display between Allies! There are bigger fish for you all to fry than one another!"

*his annoyance was very evident*

"Just days ago you all sat at tables feasting with one another in celebration. Now look at you! Puffing up like chickens in a henhouse! Winterveil is just around the courner. What would The Great Father say?!?"
Edited by Wigidigit on 12/7/2013 7:42 AM PST
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95 Gnome Priest
*Tapping his foot slowly, waiting for a response*

"Well? What do you have to say for yourselves?"

*Looking around for their leader*


*mutters to himself: "Oh where has that Paladin gone off to now?"*
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100 Human Paladin
Genevra wanders in to the thread surveying the chaos. Her eyes drift to Liore, a somewhat familiar figure from some past adventures. "Unhand that gnome." She states flatly, turning to Sprocketeer, "Need I remind you of the last time you started something like this with Cray?" She sighed, in that over motherly manner and looked around at the rest of them.

"While you're all in here playing the tormentor and the hero, there are piles of scrolls pouring in from the Timeless Isle and Pandaria that are in great need of cataloging back at the abbey. I suggest you all get back to work."
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100 Worgen Warlock
Still constantly cracking the whip. What a shocker! Work, work, work...you need to get out more, find some joy in your life. Like me. Setting people on fire is fun.
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95 Gnome Priest
*turns to see the Paladin enter*

Well, M'Lady, no offence, but it's about time.

I think someone gave my fellow Gnomes a bit too much sugar. Probably all those left over sweets from Hallows End.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm needed back at the Cathedral.
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100 Draenei Warrior
She smirks, looking at the mouthy rude gnome and walks away murmuring "Peck"
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100 Worgen Warlock
She smirks, looking at the mouthy rude gnome and walks away murmuring "Peck"

((*actually understands that reference* Well played.))
Edited by Rakeri on 12/8/2013 7:47 PM PST
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100 Human Paladin
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100 Gnome Priest
Is "What is Lost..." still active? Or was that resolved when we ventured into Northrend?
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100 Human Paladin
That's right Cail, it was the Northrend funness.
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100 Gnome Priest
((bump for scholars, scribes, and historians everywhere!))
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