[A-RP] Conclave is Recruiting

100 Gnome Priest
Oh, boy! I can't recommend The Conclave enough! Run by the most fearsomest seafarer ever of all time, Captain Crazy-Eyed Gingerspice, The Conclave are the premiere purveyors of pirated pictures of booty! Yes! You heard right! THAT kind of booty!

This gang of Light-loving pirates are ALL about following the Church's teachings on the three virgins: Regina, Treacle, and Caramel! (Treacle and Caramel are twins. TWINS!)

So join the crew of The Conclave today, or it's the plank for you! I hear Captain Gingerspice is especially interested in giant, laser-shooting chickens, so step on up, you droody types! ARRRG!!!
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100 Dwarf Mage
Aye! If yer looking fer something to read then Conclave is the place to be. We also be having donuts.
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100 Gnome Priest
The archival curator heaved closed a large thick leather bound tome, which looked all the larger laying on the desk before the old gnome.

He pulled free a much much smaller book from his belt and casually flipped through its pages. There on the small cut worn sheets of parchment smudged with graphite fingerprints was a list. An ever growing eclectic list that few ever could make sense. Cail knew.

Some of the items listed were proper names of people. Others were more ambiguous. Several of the things listed were lengthy descriptions of locations. Usually a simple line map with markers followed. As he flipped from page to page some of the descriptions were of items. A meticulously sketched depiction of the item usually accompanied the opposite page.

Eclectic as they were, he knew their importance and the tie that each shared. If only by a single thread.


But not all historic persons, places, or things lie in the past. Do they?
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