Alterac's Allies

100 Human Death Knight
Hello I know I am from Moon Guard, but I have heard stories of a small, but yet kind rping community. Also hearing that we are cross realmed with you and WRA there have been types of Role play guilds from different realms coming together gives me and the guild I represent the opportunity to stretch it's legs and come together and to see what people would like to fight under one banner. That banner would be mother Alterac.

Even though it was a kingdom of traitors, we think the people should not have to suffer for a leaders bad choice. If you are resideing in Hillsbrad or planning to reside in Alterac mountains please talk to us and see what we can come up with.

As for what we conquered so far we hac control of Strahnbrad, Purgiton isle, Durnhold keep and a few towers in Hillsbrad. If you want to help reclaim our motherland please come help us.
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90 Gnome Rogue
Hmm Durnholde you say? I'm currently staying in Hillsbrad and I haven't noticed anything going on in Durnholde. (It seems I should up my scouts of the area...) However, perhaps we could come to some agreement. Seeing as most of the places you've taken were under Syndicate control at some point, I might just give you a discount for making my job easier.
Edited by Ettinjandy on 5/25/2013 9:30 AM PDT
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100 Human Death Knight
Thank you and also I am bumping this just incase. Also I have been promoted to Marshal because our government officals left and I am holding alot of the motherland down. if you wish to make an arangement today i will be here at ravenholt all day I have plans to make and in desperate need of Allies.
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