To RP or Not to RP...Blah, Blah, Blah

So, I am about to engage in the mysterious world of RP on WOW! I have played for years on Normal servers and PvP servers and stayed clear of RP realms. But, in hopes of breathing a breath of fresh air into my WoW play - Here I come!!!

But, being a noob in this situation I am in need of some Information.

1) Horde or Alliance - Who has the best RP community? (Looking for Mainly Adult, being I am an Adult - In no way am I referring to Sexual RP).

2) What are some of these abbreviations I see you all using? (Just tell me some common abbreviations used in RP).

3) Is there a place you would recommend that I could go to and learn more on WoW RP?

4) Does the RP on WoW stick to WoW Lore?

Thanks for the help in advance.
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100 Human Mage
My two cents…

Both factions have some good RP. On CC you will want to look at the post that has been stickied above “Global Channels for Role-Players”

That contains all the channels you need to be aware of on both factions.

OOC = Out of character
IC = In Character

Primarily those are the two main abbreviations used in RP. You are either one or the other.

Most guilds’ guild chat will be in character so remember that. They will usually set up an out of character chat channel where you can talk normally.

In world chat /s is always in character, if you need to speak out of character surround your message like the following ((afk for a min))

Under normal circumstances, what you say in world chat is in character so think be for you type. I was always told in character actions have in character consequences.

Most of the RP that I have seen on CC strongly adheres to lore.

For RP Etiquette I follow the following rules pretty closely…

I will stress character creation as very important. Having a back story with notes can make a lot of difference and make it easier to play your character as you are not making stuff up on the fly.

After you have created your character make sure it passes the Mary Sue test. Nobody wants a boring character but there is a fine line you need to watch.

Watch out for taboo things such as god modding and mind reading. Both are heavily frowned upon.

But above all have fun with it. I know for me it has given new light on the game for me and I have learned tons of lore I didn't know before.
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Thank You So Much!!!
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100 Human Paladin
Hittormon, I hope you do try rp. We've had several people come to CC to try it out recently and they love it. We'll be hosting a role play class behind the gazebo this Saturday that is open to the world if you want to roll a level one and check it out.

Noikona covered most of the important stuff.

From my point of view, don't let it overwhelm you. I don't have backstories for most of my characters. I have the basics, but other than that, I just let the character's story evolve in game. Most people think I wrote this elaborate story for Gen, but I didn't. The basics--her parents are farmers who are alive and happily married. Gen is an only child. That's it. The rest just worked itself out.

You're going to make mistakes. Everyone does. No one bought some special edition game that made them an instant super role player. So, don't worry about that. Just have fun with it.

Join allianceooc if you roll alliance and introduce yourself. People are very friendly and helpful there. If you roll horde, join hordeooc. I always recommend rolling some throw away characters and trying both out.

People tend to hang out at the Recluse or maybe the Brawler's Pub. We're trying to get more stuff going in Ironforge.

There are some events you can check out and join in. Most events are open to the world, so you would be very welcome. Send me a whisper in game if you roll an alliance character and I will help you out. Do you like cats?
Edited by Gentyl on 6/7/2013 6:53 AM PDT
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90 Human Paladin
We'll be hosting a role play class behind the gazebo this Saturday that is open to the world if you want to roll a level one and check it out.

Oh, I wish I had known about that class before it was too late. Is there any chance something like that could be posted on the forums several days in advance next time? Will there be a next time?
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