Late nights on Cenarion Circle

100 Dwarf Warrior
I'm contemplating taking advantage of the half off server transfers, and was curious about how things are on this server. Anyone who played here eight years ago might possibly remember me, and if so, hello again!

What I'm most curious about is the level of activity late at night, around the 11pm - 3am range (server time), which is when I'm usually online. Not so much the PvP side of things, but rp, general activity, and especially raiding is what I'm looking for.
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100 Human Mage
Your name is familiar to me, Vegdrasil. RP on CC is still alive and strong. You won't find any RP events - at least none that I know of - that late at night but you will still find role players around. Just /join Allianceooc to hook up with us. There are plenty of late night folk in the LO and many other RP guilds.
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100 Dwarf Warrior
Your name sounds kind of familiar too, though not as much as your guild name. I'll probably jump on tonight and see what things are like.
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90 Draenei Death Knight
with my time zones I am usually on late server time...just give me a yell
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