In specific regards to the sale on realm transferring, I'm curious:
Is anyone leaving this server? Why?
Is anyone moving over to this server? Why?
Is anyone leaving this server? Why?
Is anyone moving over to this server? Why?
Caska, you seem very concerned with server population and PvE progression. I know CC's population is a lot lower than it used to be, but do you think the server is in a bad spot right now because of it? I think your guild is a raiding guild, so is it difficult to get recruits when you need them? Do any raiders in your guild ever try to set up pugs in trade or where ever and find it difficult to fill the pug?
Does the server as a whole not really progressing, even if YOU personally are, bother you that much?
I miss seeing pugs formed almost 24/7 but aside from that the smaller population has not affected me in the slightest. I wouldn't mind hearing experiences from people it has affected, though.
And here Virtual Servers come to save the day and reinvigorate CC.
Looking forward to being permanently merged with several other realms and, hopefully, having an abundance of pugs and RP. My cup runneth over.
Sometimes I wonder if the raiding community has just slowly killed itself off and made itself unappealing to the point of where it is now. :X In which case, I don't see anything being a huge help. Just maybe things like flexible raids/beer league-esque stuff bringing back old raiders for a few patches.06/27/2013 03:44 AMPosted by AlniyatI really hope it is, but it might be the case that flex raiding solves more issues (especially with the current recruitment problem - have you seen all these threads asking for just one more raider?) than virtual realms does.
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