<Warcraftier> Needs a Healer!!

90 Pandaren Warrior
-Deep inhale.-

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90 Night Elf Druid
Did you... get a sex change? o_o
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90 Tauren Warrior
Well, I'm a right free-thinking' tauren, and most will tell you so if you ask politely, and as much as I'd enjoy seeing all those people running around and screaming in heroic ToT, I've always felt that being an Alliance was a choice.

And I'm just not comfortable with that choice, all things considered.
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1 Troll Shaman
What in the...
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90 Night Elf Druid
Well, I'm a right free-thinking' tauren, and most will tell you so if you ask politely, and as much as I'd enjoy seeing all those people running around and screaming in heroic ToT, I've always felt that being an Alliance was a choice.

And I'm just not comfortable with that choice, all things considered.

That's all right, if I was the only race in WoW that has an actual voiceover for /moo, I would be reluctant too. :D
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90 Tauren Warrior
That's all right, if I was the only race in WoW that has an actual voiceover for /moo, I would be reluctant too. :D

Well, that's a fine thing to be saying, if'n you want to make it personal and all.

And comin' from a night elf druid, and all. It's not like that particular combination isn't known to take nature lovin' and tree huggin' to uncomfortable extremes.

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90 Night Elf Druid
Updated recruitment needs again. :3
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90 Night Elf Druid
Liore, wtf happened to your face? O_O
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90 Tauren Warrior
Liore, wtf happened to your face? O_O

So, you're going there? With whatever it is you have going on with your face?

Alrighty then. You went there.

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90 Night Elf Druid
*breaks off a piece of not-as-dead-looking bark from her helm and offers it to Holdfast*

Moo? :o
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90 Tauren Warrior
*holds bit of bark, staring at it*

So, is this better or worse than your bite?
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90 Night Elf Druid
*Stares at Holdfast*

Aren't you going to eat it?
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38 Gnome Priest
Wandering in, she licks the bark in Holdfast's hand and spits.

"Blech, this isn't RockCandy."

Her face turns green and she runs away to use the toilets in the Cathedral.
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90 Tauren Warrior
*Stares at Holdfast*

Aren't you going to eat it?

*stares at the piece of bark*

Is it edible?
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90 Night Elf Druid
*looks towards Sizy's tiny retreating form*

Apparently not for gnomes. However, I heard that cows are able to ingest most forms of vegetation. :O
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90 Tauren Warrior
(aw, I thought we were playing a long drawn out version of the question game. *sigh*)

Well, you'd probably be surprised at all the things that I've eaten, but I like to know what they are before I put them in mah mouth, if'n yah know what I mean.

Before you accidentally insult someone who doesn't make allowances for you like ah do, cows are the girl folk, and us boy folk are bulls.

And is that an ear growin' out the side of your head, or did someone attach a wing to the side of that helmet? Well, still an improvement over the bark, I must say.
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90 Night Elf Druid
That's my ear! But I wouldn't mind a wing-attachment to the side of my head.
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100 Gnome Warrior
ya know.....I was going to offer to be "your" "only" warrior but... I don't really like being slathered in BBQ sauce or punted, I tend to stab people and panda's with my swords that are bigger than me!!!
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90 Pandaren Priest
Where do I sign up for the BBQ? I love BBQ!
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90 Night Elf Druid
Where do I sign up for the BBQ? I love BBQ!

Somehow, I feel like I am suddenly faced with an ethical dilemma... >_>
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