The story continues: Gno'jin's Absence:
The Mage sat quietly by the fire in the hearth, and thumbed through an old tomb.
The two Gnomes were curled up, fast asleep in the other room. Funny, they were so much alike, and yet so very different.
The little Gnome covered in dust was quite quiet and shy. And had only shown up a short time ago. He had an innocence about him that Arfirice had not seen in another living being in a long time. Well, not in any adult. He seemed curious, and always intrigued by the mere presence of the weeds. Strange little guy, but quite endearing all the same.
He had come upon the small house quite by accident, and completely unaware. Or so Arc had witnessed it.
Arcfirice let his mind wander back to the memory:
The day was just dawning, and he was out at the well to get fresh water for the morning's meal. He heard a rusting sound coming from the underbrush on the dark side of the house. What ever was making the sound was definitely small, and not worried about making noise, it would seem. Then suddenly, out tumbled a very dusty, and quite suprised Gnome.
It had looked up at him, as it lay on it's belly in the dirt, arms slightly flayed, and some Cadgar's Whiskers held tightly in one tiny fist. The Gnomes eyes were wide with a touch of fright in them. Like those of a rabbit looking at a fox.
The Mage raised an eyebrow at the misheveled little thing, then gave a chuckle. "And what do we have here?" He asked rhetoricly.
The little Gnome squeeked out one frightened word, "Gno'jin".
"No what?" The mage asked curiously, and not realising it was saying it's name.
"Not what. Me. Gno'jin." The Gnome was starting to realise quickly that the mage meant no harm. And after all, the fright was simply out of unexpectedness.
"Ah, I see. Well, Mr. Gno'jin, perhaps you'd like to join us for breakfast?"
"Um, us?" the little Gnome asked quizicly as it looked around and saw no one else.
"Ah, yes, Microlux must still be sleeping. You'll meet him shortly, if you decide to share a meal." Arcfirice said this jovially. Then quickly added, "You'll want to wash up, I'm sure." and he pointed to the wash pail next to the well.
Gno'jin bounced up to his feet, as gnomes' are want to do, tucked his herbs into his pack, then looked down at his hands. They were quite dirty it would seem. "Yes, of course." He replied a bit sheepishly. He knew from his time in the Human city of Stormwind that the peoples of the "civilized" world looked down upon coming to the table dirty from a days work.
Back in the house Microlux was just coming out of his little room, all fresh and proper, as any self respecting mage would. "I heard talking Arc., do we have company?". He said this without looking up from his straightening his little purple and gold trimmed coat.
The story continues: Gno'jin's Absence:
The Mage sat quietly by the fire in the hearth, and thumbed through an old tomb.
The two Gnomes were curled up, fast asleep in the other room. Funny, they were so much alike, and yet so very different.
The little Gnome covered in dust was quite quiet and shy. And had only shown up a short time ago. He had an innocence about him that Arfirice had not seen in another living being in a long time. Well, not in any adult. He seemed curious, and always intrigued by the mere presence of the weeds. Strange little guy, but quite endearing all the same.
He had come upon the small house quite by accident, and completely unaware. Or so Arc had witnessed it.
Arcfirice let his mind wander back to the memory:
The day was just dawning, and he was out at the well to get fresh water for the morning's meal. He heard a rusting sound coming from the underbrush on the dark side of the house. What ever was making the sound was definitely small, and not worried about making noise, it would seem. Then suddenly, out tumbled a very dusty, and quite suprised Gnome.
It had looked up at him, as it lay on it's belly in the dirt, arms slightly flayed, and some Cadgar's Whiskers held tightly in one tiny fist. The Gnomes eyes were wide with a touch of fright in them. Like those of a rabbit looking at a fox.
The Mage raised an eyebrow at the misheveled little thing, then gave a chuckle. "And what do we have here?" He asked rhetoricly.
The little Gnome squeeked out one frightened word, "Gno'jin".
"No what?" The mage asked curiously, and not realising it was saying it's name.
"Not what. Me. Gno'jin." The Gnome was starting to realise quickly that the mage meant no harm. And after all, the fright was simply out of unexpectedness.
"Ah, I see. Well, Mr. Gno'jin, perhaps you'd like to join us for breakfast?"
"Um, us?" the little Gnome asked quizicly as it looked around and saw no one else.
"Ah, yes, Microlux must still be sleeping. You'll meet him shortly, if you decide to share a meal." Arcfirice said this jovially. Then quickly added, "You'll want to wash up, I'm sure." and he pointed to the wash pail next to the well.
Gno'jin bounced up to his feet, as gnomes' are want to do, tucked his herbs into his pack, then looked down at his hands. They were quite dirty it would seem. "Yes, of course." He replied a bit sheepishly. He knew from his time in the Human city of Stormwind that the peoples of the "civilized" world looked down upon coming to the table dirty from a days work.
Back in the house Microlux was just coming out of his little room, all fresh and proper, as any self respecting mage would. "I heard talking Arc., do we have company?". He said this without looking up from his straightening his little purple and gold trimmed coat.
Edited by Arcfirice on 6/8/2013 2:39 PM PDT