Cleaning up Goldshire!

78 Human Mage

I have a suggestion. Blizzard has terms about the use of their UI, and the add ons. Some of the add ons that people are using, they're putting pornographic content right in them. Would blizzard not be able, when "policing" these zones as they have done in the past, not install one of these add ons, and simply take a look at them for themselves and determine an infraction?

Also, what's so wrong with giving Moon Guard their own Goldshire? Then they can have it. That would fix the problem right there. Then, people can choose to roll on Moon Guard if that's their fare.

Talking about Goldshire on Moon Guard folks. Please reply to this if you think that Moon Guard should have their own Goldshire, so they can keep their filth to themselves, and other realms can actually use Goldshire if they want without being overwhelmed by "Moon Guardians."

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90 Orc Monk
Yeah...No can. Looks like it got deleted.
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100 Night Elf Druid
;) Every thread I've ever seen that picked up steam in regards to Goldshire gets deleted. I guess Blizzard doesn't wanna deal with this problem.
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90 Orc Monk
The GM's are on the take! They are having to much fun in Pornshire!
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