Beneath a blood-red sky with a single, grinning quarter moon, voices screamed and armies collided. The frigid air became thick with the mist of blood and the ring of metal, the roars of the furious and the flamboyance of spellwork. The combatants were absolutely identical, fully armored with thinly slit visors, wielding jagged weapons of ancient design. In a valley of snow they clashed, the din of battle echoing through the land like the peal of metal thunder.
He strode amidst them, the harvester in his field.
Wrapped in plate and spines, brandishing a weapon in each hand, Liore Bloodwing screamed with hatred and madness, tearing into any and all who dared test his rage. Each sweeping, dancing motion revealed a master at his craft, every step and every strike resonating with a deep, old power. Tested through centuries of violence and tempered in the fires of war. Over the orchestra of carnage, his voice sang the strongest.
Five armored soldiers threw themselves wildly in his path, countless hundreds rushing to follow. With three abrupt movements, Liore cast them each to the sand, broken. His weapons spun in his hands like the wings of a gyrocopter, his deathstrokes more agricultural than martial. Incandescent with rage, he screamed his hate and pressed onwards.
There. In the back.
The gold and the white armor. The leering, hauntingly beautiful golden mask.
Liore slashed a shirtless brute from head to knee, raising his filthy sword to point at the Sin'dorei poised at the back of his army.
“Asimenios!” he shouted, pain and hate casting his voice through the valley.
“Asimenios! I have left them all to the crows and judgement's blade! Now you, traitor! Now you, demon!”
Golden Asimenios rolled his shoulders in laughter, clear and mad. As the battle raged around them, he could not seem to be bothered to even take part. Instead, he merely tilted his masked face upwards into the sky. Searching. Pondering.
Liore Bloodwing followed his greatest foe's gaze, to the moon overhead. It was not a moon at all. It was a face, massive and disfigured, beautiful and young. Recognizable at once. The weapons fell from his armored hands, and he sunk to his knees, his mind refusing to fathom what his eyes reported.
She smiled down at him, as she had before. One eye twitched violently and unnaturally to the side, and she opened her mouth and drowned them all in blood.
He awoke with a shriek, throwing his arms over his head and very much upsetting the orange cat that had been his companion in sleep. Nearly toppling from his throne, Bloodwing stared frantically at his surroundings, his fragile sanity delaying any ration. The long, steepled hall. Rows of pews stacked and pushed against scroll-laiden walls. The dozen or so Undead staring now at him with mixed concern and eagerness.
Inquisitor Liore Bloodwing had claimed a cathedral in the ruins of Lordaeron, above the Undercity proper, to serve as a convenient outpost and headquarters for his work in the Eastern Kingdoms. It suited him, the musk and the dark, but more importantly it suited his agents. The Guttersnipe Brigade had been cast from the Horde-recognized military, functioning now as his private army. It had been two years since he had taken the Brigade, who had been left behind with supplies and deemed unworthy for combat, into Northrend and they had followed him since. Such was their law. Should he ever fail to be worthy leadership, they would pull him to pieces and follow someone else.
The cathedral had seen redecoration since they invited themselves in; Liore waved away the stares of his agents and glanced about the great hall, taking in the small details. Anything to chase away the nightmare. That was how it worked. Keep the mind occupied. There were no borders or walls sectioning off his thoughts. Everything melded together as one whole. Every thought, every sensation, every memory, they all knocked and twisted together like some demented, timeless whirlpool. It made in him a great detective. It made in him a madman.