Meeting a "Tall One." Professionally.

90 Gnome Death Knight
Spriggel heard through one of her contacts that THE Imperon for whom the stories had been told *snicker* could be found hanging out at the Blue Recluse this very evening.

She could take the tram, but fearing that he might leave early, she splurged for a teleport from the Mystic Ward to the Stormwind Mage Tower. This would set her practically on the Blue Recluse doorstep.

Stepping out of the tower after the port, Spriggel paused a second to allow her eyes to adjust to the evening light unfiltered by trees.

"Yes, can I help you?" a rather irritated voice said from above her.

Spriggel squinted up, but did not recognize the Draenai lady.

She looked quite annoyed though so Spriggel, taking a quick look about, politely replied: "Would you mind stepping aside so that I could continue down the ramp into the city? I have a letter that I need to deliver, quickly."

"There's plenty of room for you to get by." The lady appeared to be furthered annoyed by Spriggel's request. And while, yes, there was room to get by - it was on the WRONG side of the ramp.

"I was taught that it is unlucky to pass a person on the left," Spriggel clarified.

"Well, I guess it's not your lucky day," the blue lady stated.

Anxious to get on with her delivery, and recognizing that taking the portal BACK to Ironforge and then tramming back again to Stormwind would take an unreasonable amount of time, Spriggel tapped her left foot before her on the LEFT side of the ramp, before putting her weight on it.

She repeated the process with her right foot. The Draenai watched. Without comment.

Spriggel repeated the process with her left foot again, and having cleared the lady, Spriggel stepped back onto the proper side of the ramp.

"I guess I made it safely," she offered, turning and looking up at the recalcitrant lady.

"Boo." The lady said, startling Spriggel.

Spriggel jumped away, and missed the edge of the ramp, tumbling down into the tree below.

"Well, that was a quicker way than usual to get down," Spriggel opined, once she'd scrambled down, scratched and whipped by the tree.

"You're welcome," floated down from above.

Setting herself to rights, she limped off to the Blue Recluse
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90 Gnome Death Knight
In the bar as it was still early in the evening, she only found one man, well, one customer. The bar staff clearly didn’t count; she knew all of them.

She limped down the stairs and across to him. "Imperon? Imperon Showday, I mean Showdah?" She took a long look at this paragon of publicity. She was a little disappointed; he wasn’t at ALL what she had expected from the book. Shouldn't there have been MORE of him?

"Yes, that is me," he said, glancing across at Spriggel, and making note of her tabard.

"Spriggel Lockbolton, AAMS Ironforge Branch manager. I have a delivery for you."

He seemed surprised. “I have not dealt with AAMS in quite a while. I was not expecting a delivery.”

“It’s a letter.” Spriggel explained and began searching her pockets; her run in with the Draenai had befuddled her and she couldn’t remember which pocket it was in. She continued: “A reply was requested , so I’ll sit over there {nodding at an adjacent table} while you read it.”

“I may not have a reply tonight. Perhaps I can get in touch with you later when I do.”

“Well . . our customer seemed most anxious, so, if you don't mind, I’d prefer to wait over there while you check out the letter.
Ah here it is.
If afterwards, you do not have an immediate reply, we can arrange to pick it up from you another time. But should you have one tonight, I know my staying would be appreciated."

Spriggel paused, "I’ll just be over there." She reached up and set the letter on the table and pushed it towards him, then retreated.

While he read the letter, Spriggel jotted down some notes & ideas for her garden plantings, until she heard him push his chair back. She glanced across; he was clearly disturbed.

He looked across at Spriggel. “This will require some thought on my part, Miss Spriggel."

She climbed down from her chair and approached him at his table. He continued: "Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention . There will be no reply just yet. But I will contact you once I have one you can deliver back.”

“Very well, when you're ready, you can contact me at my Ironforge office, or one of our other couriers in any of our other locations. Any of us will be happy to take your reply.

Spriggel smoothed down her tabard, nodded a farewell to the man, and headed out, limping up the stairs and out the door. Taking one last look back at the quiet, thinking man, she shook her head. “Not at all what I had pictured.”
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100 Human Mage
((It's always a pleasure to interact with any member of the AAMS. Thank you for that bit of fun, Spriggel!))
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