Sparking CC back to life.

100 Tauren Death Knight
As most of you have come to witness, especially the ones who have been playing on CC since vanilla, BC and/or WOTLK. Cenarion Circle is gradually dying more and more, due to many of our friends and peers using realm switch to relocate their mains to higher populated servers. Quite frankly, we only see decent peak times of players during patch drops. My primary point in making this article is because I'd like to see CC alive again. This is a community thread so I wanna hear what both horde and alliance have to offer to solve this issue. Just PM me in-game or via this thread and I will take an initiative.
Thank You For Your Time
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100 Draenei Mage
I suppose I don't see it. I see the typical summer malaise and a fairly decent number of interactions where I tend to RP. Tavern night has seen an upswing recently (even if some of those are people from other servers) and I'm spotting more random interactions in the world. Perhaps it is simply a difference of perspectives because of locations and factions? Or it could just be the game is old and the content is not as invigorating in this expansion as in previous ones.

Besides with Virtual Realms coming soon, I'm not entirely sure there is a point to trying to be an individual realm since they are setting it up so that realms bleed together and stabilize the populations more. It's only the next evolution of CRZ, but it'll be here soon enough and tweak many things we are used too again. Hopefully, one of those things will be a more robust populace that you seek.
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100 Human Warlock
I believe that forced CRZ/V-Realms has, and will continue to take away any hope of "server pride". I love CC - it has been my main server since I started playing when BC was introduced, and my characters here will stay here.. However, because of the dwindling random RP, I admit I've a full roster of characters on a different server, where the RP seems more open. I do still hold a hope that CC will become like that again, but don't really see it happening :(
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100 Draenei Mage
I think a lot about this; I made Wellspring to try to provide a place for people new to RP to get adjusted in a low-pressure environment. At the same time I've noticed that there's less and less public RP (I joined the server in very late Wrath). I think virtual realms could change this a lot and we should be prepared to put our best face forward. Opening up the community after so long with the same old personalities on the server getting stale can be a good thing if we let it.
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100 Night Elf Druid
I agree that the server's life has slowed down quite a bit since BC. Virtually all of my friends either quit or left the server. There are names I used to see walking around Stormwind or chatting it up in General and AOOC that I don't see anymore - a lot of names.
... It's not always easy to get a pug going either and the AH can be kinda scary.

But I don't think this server can refresh itself by itself:
I'm hoping that if/when we're hit with virtual realms we get teamed up with other servers that are slowly dwindling as well so we can all reinvigorate each other. For example, Blackwater Raiders.

Opening up the community after so long with the same old personalities on the server getting stale can be a good thing if we let it.

I'd LOVE for an influx of newer/more unique personalities and I think it would make RP here a hell of a lot more exciting < speaking as someone who got bored of it during Wrath.

I noticed two people here mentioned server pride. I think server pride and server culture is going the way of the dinosaur in this game. :o
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100 Draenei Mage
Not necessarily the way of the dinosaurs (since they are currently on the upswing with dinomancers around), but changing. Newer ideas can be expressed. I'd personally love to implement a few ideas like Walk Everywhere Wednesday and the like, but I spend only a few hours online and am incredibly incapable of being consistent with my work. Perhaps another could. Random RP is also harder without hubs. We don't have enough people treating Stormwind as a hub to generate Random RP with exclusively server players.

In Booty Bay, we run into it all the time. Random RP with other servers and our own. But there are more people there. We also run into more crap to ignore as well, which is the glowing negative side of CRZ and eventually VRs. What I think people want is less storyline and more unique circumstances instead of our tried and true events. I think we're setting up an event to coincide with supporting the Darkspears, but other events can be set up as well. The key is whether it is unique enough to generate the interest and the hosts have the energy to follow through on it week after week. I think Meiyo keeps trying to set things up, but finds no one to really support her. If you want it, go support it. It'll go a long way to continuing our server culture of being helpful and friendly to all RPers. As well as pancake wacky.
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100 Human Warlock
That's the thing..RP events are great, but not everyone comes to the forums to check on these things, nor are they in the AOOC channel to hear about it. Walk up, random RP is out there for everyone to see, and gives more of am impression that RPers actually DO exist on this server, rtther than just sticking to certain set places.

Before the add-ons like MRP, TRP & such, the only way I could tell RPers from other folks would be by if - 1:they were talking to each other in character, in /say, or 2: they were walking around. Gave me a little more of an idea as to who was who, so to speak.There are lots of people that are shy to RP, therefore going to a big event would be a little daunting. But small, random RP within a city, or walking along the roads, boosts thier courage to RP more.
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91 Dwarf Death Knight
@Crendor, First off thanks for the lovely YouTube videos. They are awesome. Second, I think I speak for all of us when I state that the CRZ really messed up our (worlds) as it caused some of the overcrowded realms to 'migrate' to a less crowded server such as CC. As an RP'er it is almost embarrassing for me to even go thru Goldshire because of all the stuff that goes on there. Third, I can only imagine what the other realms must think. We do need to restore CC to its former glory. That is all.
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90 Pandaren Hunter
*puts on her flame-retardant robe*

Anyhow, I can give a bit of insight as to why I went to a different server.
I could not find anyone to rp with!

"Oh sure Kat, you play at night when nobody is on. That's why you never find anyone to play with."
"Sure we still have tavern night, just show up! / Oh look we have CRZ, I can bring all my WRA characters to play on here now!"
"I'm sure if you join this channel or that channel for ooc chat you'll find someone to play with."
"Kat, you just rp too much! Not everyone wants to do that."
"I'm sure after the 'new & shiny' wears off this expansion we'll have people wanting to rp again.. Just wait a bit longer!"
"I'm sure once those new dailies get old, people will want to rp again.. Oh wait! I'll be back in a bit, there's pvp somewhere."
"You just need to try the horde side."
"We have guild events, just come to an event and rp then.. When we designate a time for it. "

OOC Channels & Vents (guilds too) - With all the 'tight-knit', we're all friends and family in this group.. Nothing wrong with that, other than when you look to find someone to play with and they are busy with talk/chatting/ooc things.. Maybe there should be a 'Find RP' channel, with a brief message now and then of: By the way, there is rp happening here! Random rp there! Anyone in this area want to rp? I hated when I had to practically beg for someone to rp with me. And yes I really felt this way.

"Its quality over quantity." - Pfft.. yeah quality is nice. But when you want to play, you want to play now! Without having to wake up hours earlier than normal to be on when others might be wanting to rp. People have to start somewhere on learning to rp. Help them.
Events of 'Come learn how to rp' work for some, but not everyone wants to admit to people they see periodically online that they are an idiot when it comes to something they should have a small idea of since they are on an 'rp' server of all things. People can improve by watching, better yet by doing.

Guild events - Come to a guild event and be lost in the wall of rapidly scrolling text! For a few people I know that are introverted, this can be almost frightening.

Do you know there are actually people who play, that believe all rpers do their rp in private whisper?! And I'm not typing specifically of Goldshire either. Silvermoon, Westfall, Hellfire.. And I'm sure there are other areas that I've not discovered yet.

While we're on the subject of that 'Inn'. Yes I've been there. Yep, I've seen the spammers. I also occasionally sit around reading mrps and talking to a few friends between finding things to do. (turning off /yell helps)
One thing I have noticed while there. Since CRZ, lately people no longer even bother with making a toon specifically for trolling anymore. There are a large amount from other servers (Wra, Sisters of Elune, Blackwater Raiders) and a few from Cenarion circle there.
If it were not against ToS, I would throw out the names I do see that go there..

*glances at a player in the thread with raised brow, knowing where they have played*
Really.. No, what will other realms think?
*she laughs, and moves on*

I'd personally love to implement a few ideas like Walk Everywhere Wednesday and the like, but I spend only a few hours online and am incredibly incapable of being consistent with my work. Perhaps another could. Random RP is also harder without hubs. We don't have enough people treating Stormwind as a hub to generate Random RP with exclusively server players.

Just taking a stroll down the street is how I find a bit of random rp. Its sort of a red flag that lets others know that you want to play. Also, I find that through random rp, I might ask to add someone to my character friend list for keeping in contact for another episode so to speak.

Try having a fishing trip with just a few (3-4) players. Pack a picnic lunch, take a swim afterwards, pick flowers.. small talk is a given, but ideas can be interesting. Make it even better by talking about that fishing trip in a tavern later where people can appreciate the fun of it. Its contagious!
Even the cooking daily in Stormwind 'Penny's pumpkin pancakes', I have rp'd out that daily errand. You'd be surprised how selective a character might be when picking a pumpkin. *grins*
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
I find it interesting and disheartening that the only responses thus far in this thread are those concerning role-playing. Yes, this is a role-playing server, however, a lot more than just this has contributed to the ghost town it continues to spiral down towards.

Cenarion Circle has been slowly "dying off" due to the fact that many of the raiding guilds have either quit playing or left the server. These guilds housed both raiders and RP'ers and will more than likely move as a group. What appears to have ended up happening is what's left are the stragglers from said guilds hoping to find a new home, for the better. Some have, others have not.

Recruiting people to raid with on this server has also become challenging. The cliche situation of "I have no experience because I can't get a job; I can't get a job because I have no experience" I feel relates to both raiding and PvPing on this server. I'm sure numerous players want to raid/pvp, yet often can't get the experience because when grouped with other novice players often ends in either a guild/raid/team group break up (Again, often, not always).

The auction house is barren compared to other servers. People hoping to pick up a few raid materials to increase their chances in success in raiding find themselves cornered paying outrageous prices due to the severe lack or non-existent supply.

There are many aspects to this game that need to be taken into consideration. Expecting players to come solely for role-playing purposes is short-sighted.
Edited by Envien on 6/20/2013 10:58 PM PDT
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100 Night Elf Druid
06/20/2013 07:50 PMPosted by Sakì
Guild events - Come to a guild event and be lost in the wall of rapidly scrolling text! For a few people I know that are introverted, this can be almost frightening.
I just wanna say that I have struggled with this same thing on this server. Something I think some people forget is that when an event becomes too large (even just 5 players or more), it becomes kinda scary to an introverted person such as myself, especially if one player in particular steals the show every time.
It's also discouraging.
I've seen this drive at least one new player off the server before. :o

06/20/2013 07:50 PMPosted by Sakì
Maybe there should be a 'Find RP' channel, with a brief message now and then of: By the way, there is rp happening here! Random rp there! Anyone in this area want to rp? I hated when I had to practically beg for someone to rp with me. And yes I really felt this way.
There is HearthstoneIC. Lately I've seen it mostly used just for people involved in a plot to communicate with each other very briefly but it can be used just randomly and it's a nice in-character signal boost alerting everyone else in there that you exist and are available.
It's not exactly what you're wishing existed but it's close.

Anyway. Izby, in regards to hubs, maybe we should have more than one known hub. Most people know about Blue Recluse/general Stormwind but not everyone's character would hang out there. Some wouldn't be caught dead there. And quite frankly, it's pretty hard to catch more than two CCers willing to roleplay anywhere else out of coincidence. I'm kinda disappointed I never see anyone chilling out in the marketplace at Halfhill...
I feel it honestly might boost interest in some if there were a hub that was not located in Stormwind and not in a bar. Obviously I'm speaking for higher level characters here, since not everything can cater to level 1s.
Ya know...? Create some sparks for server veterans, too.

And yes, Envien, those parts of the server are a problem, too.
But how do you think one should go about attempting to mend those areas?
I'm assuming the reason everyone else in here is talking about RP is because that's what they pretty much spend most of their time doing/thinking about doing/etc and so they're naturally concerned with that subject that they not only know about but are passionate about and so they can bounce ideas around casually.
I care about the raiding scene's health despite personally finding raiding boring but I don't know enough to think of anything that could help it. Maybe some of the others here are the same...
You're pretty concerned and experienced with raiding - and economy, I guess. What should we do?! :O
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100 Gnome Priest

Maybe there should be a 'Find RP' channel, with a brief message now and then of: By the way, there is rp happening here! Random rp there! Anyone in this area want to rp? I hated when I had to practically beg for someone to rp with me. And yes I really felt this way.
There is HearthstoneIC. Lately I've seen it mostly used just for people involved in a plot to communicate with each other very briefly but it can be used just randomly and it's a nice in-character signal boost alerting everyone else in there that you exist and are available.
It's not exactly what you're wishing existed but it's close.

Meh. I've had the notion a few times to use HearthstoneIC, but I always run into the wall of
"would my character really use this?"
The answer keeps coming up that No, my characters wouldn't usually pop onto a public channel unless there was a valid reason, like Deathwing is attacking SW again. Cail wouldn't pop on just to say "hey"...but that could also be because (like me) Cail is a horrible conversationalist. :D

However! I will say that it is a good idea to just pop on the OOC channel and make yourself known! I've seen several players do that in the past. I think that I'll try and employ this method next time I'm on and just walking around. *thumbsup*

Anyway. Izby, in regards to hubs, maybe we should have more than one known hub. Most people know about Blue Recluse/general Stormwind but not everyone's character would hang out there. Some wouldn't be caught dead there. And quite frankly, it's pretty hard to catch more than two CCers willing to roleplay anywhere else out of coincidence. I'm kinda disappointed I never see anyone chilling out in the marketplace at Halfhill...
I feel it honestly might boost interest in some if there were a hub that was not located in Stormwind and not in a bar. Obviously I'm speaking for higher level characters here, since not everything can cater to level 1s.
Ya know...? Create some sparks for server veterans, too.

Though I know it wasn't addressed to me...nevertheless I feel ya. Cail wasn't much of a pub hound in the beginning, and neither are any of my other one. Cail is much more at home in the Royal Library up in the Keep, wandering Ironforge, or the wilderness around the mountain. I can't and don't expect anybody to just suddenly go hang out at the Library just so I can RP with them, because frankly sometimes I go there for the literal peace and quiet while I do other things.

But I think your point here works well into the suggestion made that we need to open up more as a community. Literally take our RP out into the streets of Stormwind or into other towns and such throughout Azeroth. It is always nice to find those few out there RPing something simple, even if I choose to just wave and walk by. Little gestures like that help to breath life back into the world, or at least I think it does.
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100 Draenei Mage
I do not mind the second hub idea at all. I was simply thinking where are you most. AH, banks, etc. are primarily in the hub cities like Stormwind. Your character may not be a pub hound but they do have other chores about town so go thorough the motions there. Izby is hardly in SW anymore but I still manage random when I'm there for AH and I run into someone I know. I've sparked things with Alniyat in the Shrine which I think is a good second hub idea as well. I've interacted in the Brawler's Pub. In Ironforge. In Duskwood and Darkshore. In... you get the picture.

Random RP comes down to are you making it obvious you are in RP mode and are you instigating. Things have happened simply because I've said "excuse me, are you finished? I really need to speak with the teller." There is a lot of chance for rejection. I probably get ignored three times as often as I try as a minimum. Especially, in the bar (which now that I think about it, we totally run more as an inn and we totally RP running many times we are there and it isn't tavern night, just tavern night is guaranteed) because people quest there, but by putting myself out there I make the opportunities I want when I want them and get decent results. If you see me at an AH or bank and instigate, I'll respond. But I'm also close to a full-time RPer and most aren't. Only thing to do though is try. Your efforts will be rewarded.
Edited by Izby on 6/21/2013 7:39 AM PDT
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90 Human Paladin
As someone new to role play I find myself agreeing with Kalleesti:

06/20/2013 02:30 PMPosted by Kalleesti
That's the thing..RP events are great, but not everyone comes to the forums to check on these things, nor are they in the AOOC channel to hear about it.

Even if events are advertised here - they can still be missed. I recently saw a post about a class for new role players. It didn't have it's own thread. Instead it was buried in some other thread. It's no wonder I didn't see it until too late.

And Aloom:

I just wanna say that I have struggled with this same thing on this server. Something I think some people forget is that when an event becomes too large (even just 5 players or more), it becomes kinda scary to an introverted person such as myself, especially if one player in particular steals the show every time.It's also discouraging.

This. Aloom is exactly on point.

I also agree with Caileanmor. If an event isn't something your character would do, then you don't do it. I'm trying to do this with some sense of immersion. That means that when there was a couples only dance a few months back, I couldn't attend. None of my characters are part of a "couple". I have decided this character wouldn't go to a sermon, so "The Light and You" is out. I have been to a couple of tavern nights, but Tuesdays are problematic for me so that's not always feasible.

Random RP comes down to are you making it obvious you are in RP mode and are you instigating. Things have happened simply because I've said "excuse me, are you finished? I really need to speak with the teller." There is a lot of chance for rejection. I probably get ignored three times as often as I try as a minimum. Especially, in the bar (which now that I think about it, we totally run more as an inn and we totally RP running many times we are there and it isn't tavern night, just tavern night is guaranteed) because people quest there, but by putting myself out there I make the opportunities I want when I want them and get decent results. If you see me at an AH or bank and instigate, I'll respond. But I'm also close to a full-time RPer and most aren't. Only thing to do though is try. Your efforts will be rewarded.

I've heard this a few times now. The thing I think veteran role players forget is how hard it can be for a new role player to initiate contact. You don't want to do anything that would make a veteran look at you like you're an idiot. You don't want to break lore. You don't want to break someone else's immersion by saying/emoting something in way that your character shouldn't be able to do.

That isn't to say I haven't tried. Unfortunately, it doesn't always work. Several months ago I was sitting in the Blue Recluse. A group of people came in. It was obvious their characters had interacted together before. I observed for a bit and then tried several times to initiate contact. Nothing. None of their characters even acknowledged mine was in the room. Awkward is the word you're looking for. It made me feel like I was intruding on a private conversation so I logged out.

It certainly hasn't stopped me, though. I'm still here and I'm still trying to figure out where my characters fit in here. I have enjoyed the small amount of role play I have been involved in. I just wish there were more of it.

Envien, I'm not sure how to respond to your concerns. I came to this server because even though I like raiding, I wanted to try something new. I wanted to start fresh with new characters and try out this mythical thing called role play. I hope we both find what we are looking for.
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100 Draenei Mage
There are 2 types of random RP. The first is when you are full time and you run into someone and have a mini session. It's typically slice of life and very hard to break lore on. The thing new RPers always do is get afraid of the almighty lore. Relax, most of us are making it up as we go. You can too. Just avoid overt extremes like rabid core hound druid or garrosh's stepson. For instance, I play izby as experiencing the magic she yields in her skin and blood. There is no lore to support that's how magic works, but I do it because it's what I want to do. Does it matter to anyone else? Not usually. They get mesmerized by what I do with the magic more.

As a new RPer, you can't be afraid to make a fool of yourself because it will happen. I've changed Izby's age a handful of times just to fit within lore and said dumb things that prompted those changes. If someone corrects you, apologize tell them what's important to the RP moment and make a note to adjust it so it follows lore.

The second type of random RP are noncanon RP mini sessions that you plan. Like a fishing trip with 2 RPers you like or a shopping trip to Dalaran. They have no real purpose to a story usually and fall outside Blizzard story and tavern stories. We recently had a birthday for one of our members. I also had Khromie do a tailoring and fitting for a friend. Storyline these are insignificant, but they are different and fun. It's part of why My You're a Tall One thread exists. It's completely random fun. A series of blatant romance novels based on real player characters. This type is much easier if you are in a guild or have a partner to RP with.

Besides it is possible to RP something that is not canon to your character. Take dungeons. You can RP through them even if your character isn't there. You can do the same while starting out. Wanna rest something in the safety of learning? Great. Do it. Just mention in private to whoever you interact with upfront. It's no big deal.

Just try it. New and old RPers alike are afraid, but you won't get anywhere if you don't move.
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How to get more action on CC: (no, not that kind of "action" you weirdos..... this aint Goldshire.)

NOTE: This is all from the perspective of a often solo, wishes-he-was-able-to-play-more, wishes-he-had-more-friends-on-server, longtime hoot thing. It may or may not work for you. But you wanted non-rp ideas, and rp ideas, and all I'm seeing is RP complainers and countercomplainers, so here's some non-rp ideas.

1: PUGS. Not LFR/LFG Pugs either. Make a Puggin' channel. Publicise it. With the understandin that if you're in it, you want to group with folks on the server, and you're good to go at a moments notice. (i.e. if you're in channel, and you say "sure I'll join ya") then MEAN IT. LFR/LFG is great, I use it a LOT. But it does kill community dead.

2: Raid the other faction. Reason does not matter. FLatten Goldshire. Attack Stormwind. Nuke the opposite factions Moonin' Shrine. Doesn't matter. Cause trouble. Where do you think stories and character COME from anyway? As a side note, when doing this? The flimsiest of pretext will work, and honor and chivalry and all that stuff doesn't matter for squat. The fun happens when you shout TO THE INTERNETS and complain about it at length here. (incidentally, this is usually the only time I personally ever engage in hey, if you see me, I'm a free kill!)

3: Guilds, invite strangers to do stuff. Any stuff. Go to city, shout "GUILD X IS DOING Y, YOU WANNA COME? CONTACT Z, AND, AS THE GREAT LEEEEEROY SAYS, 'LET'S DO THIS!'" Don't gearcheck, don't vet, just get a few folks, and carry them along, because that's how you meet people.

4: Give stuff away. No, really, get a bunch stuff. Go somewhere, give it away. Loudly.

Finally, and most importantly....

5: Don't be elitist insular jackasses. Stop judging people by their story, or their gear, or their raid completion, or even their DPS. People can learn and change. Judge people by whether or not they're decent folks, the rest can come later.

Flame On!
Edited by Plainswander on 6/24/2013 11:45 AM PDT
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73 Goblin Hunter
Gear score killed this server years ago
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How to get more action on CC: (no, not that kind of "action" you weirdos..... this aint Goldshire.)

NOTE: This is all from the perspective of a often solo, wishes-he-was-able-to-play-more, wishes-he-had-more-friends-on-server, longtime hoot thing. It may or may not work for you. But you wanted non-rp ideas, and rp ideas, and all I'm seeing is RP complainers and countercomplainers, so here's some non-rp ideas.

1: PUGS. Not LFR/LFG Pugs either. Make a Puggin' channel. Publicise it. With the understandin that if you're in it, you want to group with folks on the server, and you're good to go at a moments notice. (i.e. if you're in channel, and you say "sure I'll join ya") then MEAN IT. LFR/LFG is great, I use it a LOT. But it does kill community dead.

2: Raid the other faction. Reason does not matter. FLatten Goldshire. Attack Stormwind. Nuke the opposite factions Moonin' Shrine. Doesn't matter. Cause trouble. Where do you think stories and character COME from anyway? As a side note, when doing this? The flimsiest of pretext will work, and honor and chivalry and all that stuff doesn't matter for squat. The fun happens when you shout TO THE INTERNETS and complain about it at length here. (incidentally, this is usually the only time I personally ever engage in hey, if you see me, I'm a free kill!)

3: Guilds, invite strangers to do stuff. Any stuff. Go to city, shout "GUILD X IS DOING Y, YOU WANNA COME? CONTACT Z, AND, AS THE GREAT LEEEEEROY SAYS, 'LET'S DO THIS!'" Don't gearcheck, don't vet, just get a few folks, and carry them along, because that's how you meet people.

4: Give stuff away. No, really, get a bunch stuff. Go somewhere, give it away. Loudly.

Finally, and most importantly....

5: Don't be elitist insular jackasses. Stop judging people by their story, or their gear, or their raid completion, or even their DPS. People can learn and change. Judge people by whether or not they're decent folks, the rest can come later.

Flame On!

This makes entirely too much sense.
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