Gilnean guild/RP

92 Human Warlock
Hi everyone,

So sorry first if this has already been asked recently but I looked at the current list of RP guilds and did a search on this forum and I didn't see much in the way of Gilnean Rp - even worgen would acceptable (more than likely). Did I miss it? Has it fizzled out on this realm? Any suggestions?

If not then are there any RP guilds that would accept a warlock - we seem to always be excluded! I swear I am just like a hunter! :P
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100 Human Paladin
There is a newly formed Gilnean guild by the name of Order of the Grey Wolf, I would check with them if you are looking for something Gilneas specific. There are many guilds (mine included) that welcome warlocks. Just let me know!
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92 Human Warlock
Oh great! *writing this down*

I've actually checked out your guild site a little while ago Genevra. Good to know you all accept warlocks.
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100 Human Paladin
-Points to her recruitment page-
All classes are wanted for RP ^.^
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100 Human Warlock
Not accepting warlocks?? INCONCEIVABLE! We're some of the most cuddly people out there! ;)
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100 Draenei Mage
Wellspring accepts warlocks too - we have a Department of the Fel Arts, even. >_> I did try to make a Gilneas-focused guild maybe a year and a half ago (Gilnean Liberty Brigade), but I found that without a core of people able to be on at a variety of hours and encourage activity it was hard to recruit. A lot of people want to "help" by putting an alt in a new guild, which is great as far as it goes, but things can get empty without a couple of mains in your roster. Cenarion Circle is a small enough community that finding people with worgen or Gilnean mains that weren't already in a more established guild was tough going. I decided to go with a concept that was friendly to all races and classes because of that, and I wouldn't be surprised if other guild leaders who have formed more recently than Wrath made that same decision consciously.
Edited by Alniyat on 6/19/2013 6:01 PM PDT
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