Looking for a raid group

90 Draenei Hunter
Our guild has decided to take some time off this summer however I would like to raid more in this content. If you have any interest or spots available please let me know in game or here. In a perfect world it would be a group that has somewhat similar progression (regular mode Dark Animus). Thanks.
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100 Draenei Mage
You might contact Winterstar; I know his 10-man alt run on Saturday evenings just lost a hunter, although they haven't gotten much past Council. The Wild Hunt has also been recruiting, and I think they're slightly farther progressed. They have a thread that should be pretty near the top. And if you don't find a better option, Wellspring runs a 10-man raid on Thursdays and Mondays from 6-9 server, although we've been hitting our heads against Horridon for the past couple of weeks. Good luck!
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90 Human Paladin
If you're online tonight & can do 7pm-10pm server, we could get you a spot. Our 10 man always have someone missing. We do 7-10pm server friday & 6-10pm saturday & 11/12 at the moment with half of the core done 12/12 on alts/mains.

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